Sunday, June 18, 2017

Why do I love sunflowers?

They're not that beautiful.

Honestly, it wasn't natural for me to love sunflowers. I didn't find it appealing at first. Most especially their big brown/black center part called seed head (I hope I'm right).  Some years ago, I think  roses and tulips are way better. But then, though the sunflowers are not that beautiful, there's something about them that's so charming and I fell for them over time. I can't resist the facts that  they stand tall and confident no matter how they look. They remind me of being  secured of who you are and that you don't need to compare yourself to the other beautiful flowers/people around you. You have your own kind of beauty.  Yes, they're not that beautiful, but they are secured and that makes them beautiful.

They're yellow.

Some sunflowers could have a touch of red or orange but they're mostly yellow right?  And I love yellow. The color is so optimistic. You just always want to look at the brighter side of things. There would always be hope.

They even grow in a challenging season.

In the University of the Philippines, it's been a  tradition to have sunflowers every graduation season. It gives hope to the graduating students and it's as iconic as the UP's Sablay.  The tradition was threatened though because of the calendar shift in the university. The graduation season now falls in a rainy season. But then, we're grateful that the sunflowers managed to stay and we're still enjoying them!

Despite some challenges, the sunflowers teach us to just continue blooming and growing. We were not promised a storm-free life but a storm-proof life in Christ.

They're a source of nourishment for others.

Last Saturday was the fourth time that I saw the sunflowers in UP and I noticed the bees that stay in the disk/ seed head. According to an article, "Sunflowers grow with everything they have only to give away what they spent so much time growing. They are selfless." Embrace that it is always better to give than to receive.  Let's live to love and to be a blessing to the people around us.

They look towards the sun.

This is actually my favorite reason why I love sunflowers. They encourages me as they look to the sun. As for me, I will look to the Son. I will just look to Jesus and by His grace turn my back on the dark. I will live, love, bloom, grow and stand looking  to Jesus.  It reminds me of the verse Hebrews 12:2 which says ".. fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

They have a lot of seeds.

When I think of seeds, the Word of God came to mind. In one of Jesus' parable which is The parable of the sower, He said "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God's word." Luke 8:11

Over the years, they are a lot of seeds that has been planted in my heart through my quiet time or through my leaders. My prayer is that for the seeds in me to just grow. And as I plant the seeds/ Word to the people around me, the desire is still the same .. for it to grow, stand, shine and continue to multiply. I'm grateful though that growth is God's work.

"It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow. " 1 Corinthians 3:7

"When the sunflower is done blooming, the seeds fall to the ground to wait til next spring, when they'll be new sunflowers."

PS. It was really awesome to stare and enjoy the sunflowers with friends/sisters last Saturday. It was really wonderful  to pray with them while walking along the flowers!!  Hi Gabby and Arl! 

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Sunday, June 18, 2017

Why do I love sunflowers?

They're not that beautiful.

Honestly, it wasn't natural for me to love sunflowers. I didn't find it appealing at first. Most especially their big brown/black center part called seed head (I hope I'm right).  Some years ago, I think  roses and tulips are way better. But then, though the sunflowers are not that beautiful, there's something about them that's so charming and I fell for them over time. I can't resist the facts that  they stand tall and confident no matter how they look. They remind me of being  secured of who you are and that you don't need to compare yourself to the other beautiful flowers/people around you. You have your own kind of beauty.  Yes, they're not that beautiful, but they are secured and that makes them beautiful.

They're yellow.

Some sunflowers could have a touch of red or orange but they're mostly yellow right?  And I love yellow. The color is so optimistic. You just always want to look at the brighter side of things. There would always be hope.

They even grow in a challenging season.

In the University of the Philippines, it's been a  tradition to have sunflowers every graduation season. It gives hope to the graduating students and it's as iconic as the UP's Sablay.  The tradition was threatened though because of the calendar shift in the university. The graduation season now falls in a rainy season. But then, we're grateful that the sunflowers managed to stay and we're still enjoying them!

Despite some challenges, the sunflowers teach us to just continue blooming and growing. We were not promised a storm-free life but a storm-proof life in Christ.

They're a source of nourishment for others.

Last Saturday was the fourth time that I saw the sunflowers in UP and I noticed the bees that stay in the disk/ seed head. According to an article, "Sunflowers grow with everything they have only to give away what they spent so much time growing. They are selfless." Embrace that it is always better to give than to receive.  Let's live to love and to be a blessing to the people around us.

They look towards the sun.

This is actually my favorite reason why I love sunflowers. They encourages me as they look to the sun. As for me, I will look to the Son. I will just look to Jesus and by His grace turn my back on the dark. I will live, love, bloom, grow and stand looking  to Jesus.  It reminds me of the verse Hebrews 12:2 which says ".. fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

They have a lot of seeds.

When I think of seeds, the Word of God came to mind. In one of Jesus' parable which is The parable of the sower, He said "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is God's word." Luke 8:11

Over the years, they are a lot of seeds that has been planted in my heart through my quiet time or through my leaders. My prayer is that for the seeds in me to just grow. And as I plant the seeds/ Word to the people around me, the desire is still the same .. for it to grow, stand, shine and continue to multiply. I'm grateful though that growth is God's work.

"It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed grow. " 1 Corinthians 3:7

"When the sunflower is done blooming, the seeds fall to the ground to wait til next spring, when they'll be new sunflowers."

PS. It was really awesome to stare and enjoy the sunflowers with friends/sisters last Saturday. It was really wonderful  to pray with them while walking along the flowers!!  Hi Gabby and Arl! 

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