Thursday, March 27, 2014

24 ways to be a Christ-glorifying woman

Be gentle in words and actions. Let your beauty come from a gentle and quiet spirit (I Pet. 3:4).

Determine to be strong. As a woman, you’ll face many situations where you’ll need to be steady and of a sound mind. Strength and honor are her clothing (Prov. 31:25).

Live purely. There’s goodness and power in purity.

Choose joy. You will bless everyone around you with your joyful countenance. Besides, it’s a lovely way to live.

Seek wisdom. And as wisdom comes from above, look up (James 3).

Laugh freely. It will lighten your spirit and everyone else around you too.

Care for your health. Be sure and eat good foods, exercise, and get enough rest. If you care for yourself, then you’ll be better able to care for others too.

Speak sweetly. People will be able – and more open – to listen to you if you do.

Be willing to work hard. Learn to enjoy your tasks and take on what must be tackled (Prov. 31:13).

Sing loudly. A song can both change a mood and give glory to God. So make a loud noise! (Ps. 98:4).

Study many different things. Decide you’re going to be a life-long student. Learn about gardening, ancient history, bread-baking, new languages, natural medicine, geography, or anything else that fascinates you.

Look after those in need. Have compassion on others and use your gifts to bless them.

Bring beauty into your life. And into the life of others. Whether it be flowers, art, poetry, handwork, or bright colors.

Walk through trials in faith. Don’t walk in your own strength, but trust Him who will carry you through.
Dress with modesty. Truly lovely. I Tim. 2:9

Invest in a few good friends. Make time for and pursue relationships with those who can encourage you, inspire you and challenge you.

Prepare delicious foods. Bless those around you with your simple culinary gifts.

Spend time alone in the Word. Don’t ever get too busy for time with your God.

Be kind to others. Kindness isn’t all that hard to offer and yet has such a significant impact on those around you. And on her tongue is the law of kindness (Prov. 31:26b).

Serve cheerfully. Look to Christ as your example, not what the world says about service. Nothing begrudging or stingy there (Phil. 2).

Pray about all things. Don’t try to solve everything by yourself, but go to your Heavenly Father with your joys, cares and concerns (Eph. 6:18).

Watch what you say. Your words have power to build up or tear down. So use them carefully.

Love others deeply. I Corinthians 13.

Draw near to God. And He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

                                                                                                     source:  Club 31 Women

I'm so thrilled when I read this. I pray that I could glorify Christ  more and more in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 

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Thursday, March 27, 2014

24 ways to be a Christ-glorifying woman

Be gentle in words and actions. Let your beauty come from a gentle and quiet spirit (I Pet. 3:4).

Determine to be strong. As a woman, you’ll face many situations where you’ll need to be steady and of a sound mind. Strength and honor are her clothing (Prov. 31:25).

Live purely. There’s goodness and power in purity.

Choose joy. You will bless everyone around you with your joyful countenance. Besides, it’s a lovely way to live.

Seek wisdom. And as wisdom comes from above, look up (James 3).

Laugh freely. It will lighten your spirit and everyone else around you too.

Care for your health. Be sure and eat good foods, exercise, and get enough rest. If you care for yourself, then you’ll be better able to care for others too.

Speak sweetly. People will be able – and more open – to listen to you if you do.

Be willing to work hard. Learn to enjoy your tasks and take on what must be tackled (Prov. 31:13).

Sing loudly. A song can both change a mood and give glory to God. So make a loud noise! (Ps. 98:4).

Study many different things. Decide you’re going to be a life-long student. Learn about gardening, ancient history, bread-baking, new languages, natural medicine, geography, or anything else that fascinates you.

Look after those in need. Have compassion on others and use your gifts to bless them.

Bring beauty into your life. And into the life of others. Whether it be flowers, art, poetry, handwork, or bright colors.

Walk through trials in faith. Don’t walk in your own strength, but trust Him who will carry you through.
Dress with modesty. Truly lovely. I Tim. 2:9

Invest in a few good friends. Make time for and pursue relationships with those who can encourage you, inspire you and challenge you.

Prepare delicious foods. Bless those around you with your simple culinary gifts.

Spend time alone in the Word. Don’t ever get too busy for time with your God.

Be kind to others. Kindness isn’t all that hard to offer and yet has such a significant impact on those around you. And on her tongue is the law of kindness (Prov. 31:26b).

Serve cheerfully. Look to Christ as your example, not what the world says about service. Nothing begrudging or stingy there (Phil. 2).

Pray about all things. Don’t try to solve everything by yourself, but go to your Heavenly Father with your joys, cares and concerns (Eph. 6:18).

Watch what you say. Your words have power to build up or tear down. So use them carefully.

Love others deeply. I Corinthians 13.

Draw near to God. And He will draw near to you. (James 4:8)

                                                                                                     source:  Club 31 Women

I'm so thrilled when I read this. I pray that I could glorify Christ  more and more in my life. In Jesus' Name. Amen. 

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