Monday, September 9, 2019

God's princess, are you ready to be in a relationship?

I was asked this question last weekend and upon pondering about it, I remembered what I've been taught through the years and how God is actually "readying" me .

Here are some of the things that I've been taught that I'll be doing if ever I'll enter a relationship and how God is allowing me to start doing it even in my current season (hopefully, this could help you somehow in your journey):

1. I will be a suitable helper.

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

How am I being one now? Through my absence.

Maybe my absence is helping him find all the significance and love that he needs in God alone. Maybe it's helping him develop his character, being the best that he can be in his career or having a deeper relationship with his family and friends. It could also help him save or invest his money, di ba (hahahaha)?

If my absence in his life right now is helping him, then I'm already being one.

2. I will support him.

Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a

How am I doing it now? Through my prayers.

For sure, he's going through battles and struggles in this season too. I could only support him through covering different areas of his life in prayer.

3. I will submit to him.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.Ephesians 5:22

How am I doing it now?  Through trusting his leadership.

I never want to rob him of the privilege of leading our relationship.
I trust how our God would lead him into the right time and circumstances.
It's me being careful not to indirectly lead our relationship by trying to manipulate things etc.
It's really a matter of  full submission to our God first and then to him.

*whispering: I really believe he's a great leader.

4. I will be faithful to him. 

Her husband can trust her,
    and she will greatly enrich his life. Proverbs 31:11

How am I doing it now?  Through being careful with how I treat my brothers in Christ and guy friends.

I'm always being reminded: "If ever your future husband is with you right now, would he be honored with what you're doing/thinking or would he be hurt?"

I don't want to hurt him. Thus, I'm constantly praying  for emotional and mental purity for his future wife. :D

5. I will die to myself.

Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine.” Mark 14:36b 

How am I doing it now?  Through surrendering my desire time and time again.

Marriage hopes and dreams can come really strong to a woman. As for me, I think I've been wanting to meet the right one since I was 14 (well, I'm almost 27 now)!!

 I've got to learn to constantly offer my deepest desires at Jesus' feet.
To trust in Him and His perfect and beautiful plan for my life.

Kung ako lang ang masusunod, dapat ganito, ganyan... but no, I'm learning to die to myself.
I believe that He knows better. Way way better than me. 

6. I will share my life/inner thoughts/emotions to him.

 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

How am I doing it now?  Through communication (What??)

I write to him etc.

Expressing myself to him reminds me that I am reserved for him. A reminder for myself that someone in the altar is waiting for me. It  honestly makes this season sweeter and it's a great practice for me to not hold anything back and just be true to him.

7. I will bring God glory with him.

to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:21

How am I doing it now?  By being faithful in the mission that God called me to.
Sabi nga ni Ms. Acel, "Maging tapat kung ano man ang nasa iyong kamay".

Parang nasa kanya kanyang mission trips lang kami in this season.
He has his own and I have mine.

As we bring him glory today (individually) I believe we'll bring Him greater glory together in the future.

And that's the sole reason why we'll enter the relationship in the first place!  His glory and honor (never my "clingyness" nor loneliness)!!!

So, am I ready?

Am I ready for the whole new and different level of  helping, supporting, submitting, being faithful, dying to self, sharing my life and bringing God glory?

I don't know.
Only my Creator and Molder knows that.

But isn't it exciting that you can start doing what you're supposed to do in the future?Teehee!

All of this boils down to loving him even if I'm not with him yet. 

She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12 

Just a reminder God's princess:

Whether we have an earthly prince or none, whether we'll be an earthly bride or not;
We already have the Heavenly Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) whose love will never be taken away from us.
We are His bride and in Him, we'll certainly experience the most glorious wedding of all. Teehee!


Pursue Jesus.

For more on this topic you can also read:

Book recommendations:

Emotional Purity  -  Heather Arnel Paulsen
When God writes your love story - Eric & Leslie Ludy

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Monday, September 9, 2019

God's princess, are you ready to be in a relationship?

I was asked this question last weekend and upon pondering about it, I remembered what I've been taught through the years and how God is actually "readying" me .

Here are some of the things that I've been taught that I'll be doing if ever I'll enter a relationship and how God is allowing me to start doing it even in my current season (hopefully, this could help you somehow in your journey):

1. I will be a suitable helper.

The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18

How am I being one now? Through my absence.

Maybe my absence is helping him find all the significance and love that he needs in God alone. Maybe it's helping him develop his character, being the best that he can be in his career or having a deeper relationship with his family and friends. It could also help him save or invest his money, di ba (hahahaha)?

If my absence in his life right now is helping him, then I'm already being one.

2. I will support him.

Two are better than one,
    because they have a good return for their labor:
 If either of them falls down,
    one can help the other up.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a

How am I doing it now? Through my prayers.

For sure, he's going through battles and struggles in this season too. I could only support him through covering different areas of his life in prayer.

3. I will submit to him.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.Ephesians 5:22

How am I doing it now?  Through trusting his leadership.

I never want to rob him of the privilege of leading our relationship.
I trust how our God would lead him into the right time and circumstances.
It's me being careful not to indirectly lead our relationship by trying to manipulate things etc.
It's really a matter of  full submission to our God first and then to him.

*whispering: I really believe he's a great leader.

4. I will be faithful to him. 

Her husband can trust her,
    and she will greatly enrich his life. Proverbs 31:11

How am I doing it now?  Through being careful with how I treat my brothers in Christ and guy friends.

I'm always being reminded: "If ever your future husband is with you right now, would he be honored with what you're doing/thinking or would he be hurt?"

I don't want to hurt him. Thus, I'm constantly praying  for emotional and mental purity for his future wife. :D

5. I will die to myself.

Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine.” Mark 14:36b 

How am I doing it now?  Through surrendering my desire time and time again.

Marriage hopes and dreams can come really strong to a woman. As for me, I think I've been wanting to meet the right one since I was 14 (well, I'm almost 27 now)!!

 I've got to learn to constantly offer my deepest desires at Jesus' feet.
To trust in Him and His perfect and beautiful plan for my life.

Kung ako lang ang masusunod, dapat ganito, ganyan... but no, I'm learning to die to myself.
I believe that He knows better. Way way better than me. 

6. I will share my life/inner thoughts/emotions to him.

 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." Genesis 2:24

How am I doing it now?  Through communication (What??)

I write to him etc.

Expressing myself to him reminds me that I am reserved for him. A reminder for myself that someone in the altar is waiting for me. It  honestly makes this season sweeter and it's a great practice for me to not hold anything back and just be true to him.

7. I will bring God glory with him.

to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:21

How am I doing it now?  By being faithful in the mission that God called me to.
Sabi nga ni Ms. Acel, "Maging tapat kung ano man ang nasa iyong kamay".

Parang nasa kanya kanyang mission trips lang kami in this season.
He has his own and I have mine.

As we bring him glory today (individually) I believe we'll bring Him greater glory together in the future.

And that's the sole reason why we'll enter the relationship in the first place!  His glory and honor (never my "clingyness" nor loneliness)!!!

So, am I ready?

Am I ready for the whole new and different level of  helping, supporting, submitting, being faithful, dying to self, sharing my life and bringing God glory?

I don't know.
Only my Creator and Molder knows that.

But isn't it exciting that you can start doing what you're supposed to do in the future?Teehee!

All of this boils down to loving him even if I'm not with him yet. 

She brings him good, not harm,
    all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:12 

Just a reminder God's princess:

Whether we have an earthly prince or none, whether we'll be an earthly bride or not;
We already have the Heavenly Bridegroom (Jesus Christ) whose love will never be taken away from us.
We are His bride and in Him, we'll certainly experience the most glorious wedding of all. Teehee!


Pursue Jesus.

For more on this topic you can also read:

Book recommendations:

Emotional Purity  -  Heather Arnel Paulsen
When God writes your love story - Eric & Leslie Ludy

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