Tuesday, April 24, 2018

To you who have a boyfriend

This is a letter I wrote for a young woman I love a few years ago when I heard that she already has a boyfriend. The draft resurfaced and I read it again. I realized,  it's the same message that's burning in my heart. I just also want to share it to you  girl. This is from my heart to yours...

To you who have a boyfriend ,


This message is coming from a friend/ Ate who only wants what's best for you ok?

Since you decided  to have a boyfriend  in this season, I'm just concern because  I know the temptation will be there and will be stronger.

So this is just to encourage you, to beg you..

if ever...

if ever....

he or someone in the future  will ask you to do something that supposedly only married people could do...

Please say NO.


NO!!!  (With conviction. With all that you are.)

Please be brave enough to protect yourself and your future.

Been counseling women who gave themselves away to their exes and saw how regret, guilt and shame consumed them.  And those are NOT COOL. NOT COOL  AT ALL. (though the world makes it appear like pre-marital sex is cool) .

Know that you are valuable. So valuable.You're bought with a price.

You're just too precious.

 And sex too. Sex is God's  idea  (who else right? ) and it is to be enjoyed at the right time.  It's so precious that God had to protect it in the boundaries of marriage. Kung saan walang shame and guilt!

If a man really loves you, he will respect you. He will wait for you because you are worth waiting for.

Sounds so old-fashioned ba? so KJ (Kill Joy) ? Well,  can you just  call it PJ (Protecting Joy)? Because a glorious joy ( not just a temporary one) awaits you once you decide to embrace His perfect time for this and that is His will for you.

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God."  (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 )

You'll tend to think that boundaries limits but actually, it  protects my dear.

Payakap ako! Be strong and very courageous! May you always consider Jesus, your first love in every decision.May He be the one to complete you. You are loved. So loved.  And at times, when you feel like you've been so far and you can't go back,  know that you can, you can. Pagtalikod mo, He's just there waiting for you.

"Christ has loved you and gave Himself for you. Everything you need as a woman is found in Christ." - Thammie Sy .  May this reality sink deep in your heart just like how it did to mine when I was 18.

I love you but Christ loves you more than most.

from a friend who prays for you and  only wants what's best for you,

 Ycah / Ate Ycah

Photo by Tord Sollie on Unsplash 

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Tuesday, April 24, 2018

To you who have a boyfriend

This is a letter I wrote for a young woman I love a few years ago when I heard that she already has a boyfriend. The draft resurfaced and I read it again. I realized,  it's the same message that's burning in my heart. I just also want to share it to you  girl. This is from my heart to yours...

To you who have a boyfriend ,


This message is coming from a friend/ Ate who only wants what's best for you ok?

Since you decided  to have a boyfriend  in this season, I'm just concern because  I know the temptation will be there and will be stronger.

So this is just to encourage you, to beg you..

if ever...

if ever....

he or someone in the future  will ask you to do something that supposedly only married people could do...

Please say NO.


NO!!!  (With conviction. With all that you are.)

Please be brave enough to protect yourself and your future.

Been counseling women who gave themselves away to their exes and saw how regret, guilt and shame consumed them.  And those are NOT COOL. NOT COOL  AT ALL. (though the world makes it appear like pre-marital sex is cool) .

Know that you are valuable. So valuable.You're bought with a price.

You're just too precious.

 And sex too. Sex is God's  idea  (who else right? ) and it is to be enjoyed at the right time.  It's so precious that God had to protect it in the boundaries of marriage. Kung saan walang shame and guilt!

If a man really loves you, he will respect you. He will wait for you because you are worth waiting for.

Sounds so old-fashioned ba? so KJ (Kill Joy) ? Well,  can you just  call it PJ (Protecting Joy)? Because a glorious joy ( not just a temporary one) awaits you once you decide to embrace His perfect time for this and that is His will for you.

"For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality; that each one of you know how to control his own body in holiness and honor, not in the passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God."  (1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 )

You'll tend to think that boundaries limits but actually, it  protects my dear.

Payakap ako! Be strong and very courageous! May you always consider Jesus, your first love in every decision.May He be the one to complete you. You are loved. So loved.  And at times, when you feel like you've been so far and you can't go back,  know that you can, you can. Pagtalikod mo, He's just there waiting for you.

"Christ has loved you and gave Himself for you. Everything you need as a woman is found in Christ." - Thammie Sy .  May this reality sink deep in your heart just like how it did to mine when I was 18.

I love you but Christ loves you more than most.

from a friend who prays for you and  only wants what's best for you,

 Ycah / Ate Ycah

Photo by Tord Sollie on Unsplash 

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