Sunday, November 10, 2013

Best Teacher

"It’s because of made me like this.."

 "you’re my vitamin.

."you’re not just my’re my morning Friend.."

 "sabi ko kay Mama, ‘Ayoko na pumunta ng service…wala naman dun si Teacher Aica eh’"

 "I love you Teachaaaa!"

 "Ang ganda mo.."

 "We miss you Teacher…"

 Words could really be a treasure. Especially when those words are from your students (grinning ear-to-ear)!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tumblr Reminded (a journey to 14:30 series )

"Sometimes you need to step outside. Get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."

So here I am looking back to those blog posts that I reblogged on Tumblr ( I am just so amazed on how it encouraged me that's why I'm writing at this moment.  One of the posts that strucked me is that one on the introduction of this post:

" Sometimes you need to step outside. Get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. "

This is my means of stepping outside and getting some fresh air. Hehe. Yes,  I got to be reminded of who I am and who I want to be.

Let's be reminded first of who I am...

I am Ycah.

Forgiven. Saved. Loved. Royalty (Daughter of the King of the kings). Chosen. Beautiful. Rich. Holy. Blessed. Provided. Secured.

Jesus is my everything and I adore Him. I live for His glory. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I have a  Father in heaven who just love me so much to give His Son for me and die.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

And then of who I want to be (or my dreams)...

I want to be a Victory Group leader of  SOLID Victory group.
I want to help women in knowing and loving this God who loves them so much.
I want to be a loving and wise Usher, an excellent Kids Teacher and a faithful Intercessor.
I want to have a good relationship with the Lifebox PUP alumni and students.
I want to make an impact in my workplace.
I want to see my family coming  to Jesus.

I want to be successful in my career.
I want to have my masters on UP.
I want to study Abroad!

I want to travel and write and write and meet new people and write and write and eat loads of foods and write and write and do different adventures and write and write and write. (Israel please..South Korea please?)

I want to read loads of books.
I want to be excited everyday!
I want to honor my Leaders.

I still want to be a DJ.
I want to speak in English even if I'm not teaching.
I want to meet my Korean students.

I want to join the Ten Days Mission trip in an Asian Country which starts with letter "T". Let's  go 2015! It's my mission year.

Gusto ko  din naman makapag uwi ng pizza, groceries at donuts sa Family.. plus vacation and outing with them.

I want to indulge in volunteer works just like Dessie's faith goal. ^^

I want have more heart for other people.

I will meet  my Man of God. Have a glorious wedding and marriage . I will have an amazing motherhood and tell my kids and grandchildren about Him.

I want to do everything for Him alone.

I pray that I could always have the way to give Him the credits. :)

So yeah, I'm reminded. As I write all this, and look's impossible! But when I look up..when I look to  Daddy Lord who is the creator of everything...this will happen. This. is. possible and more.  14:30 approaching.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Forever 21!

           One of my Faith Goals this year is to have my very own "Forever 21" Birthday Party. The theme would be the very famous world of "Narnia". I would wear my own crown, Queen Susan's costume and do some Archery tricks. Everyone would be in their own attires too! I would have 21 verses, 21K donations to Real Life Foundation or to the Every Nation Missions, 21 Bibles (I would give to girls who wants to grow more with their relationship with our Heavenly Father), or even  21 Christian Books! :)  My invitation would be in a form of a scroll. I so long to be a princess that day..

         But what happened was.. the beauty of being with the girls that I'm so fond of. My 21st birthday marked our much awaited "Reunion" after months and months of being busy with each other careers. It's like a gathering of Disney Princesses (much better because it's God's Princesses) :) I can never be thankful enough for the company of these royal siblings of mine. (I hope I could post some pics soon. ehem..DYNA! haha) I admit that I'm pretty surprised with the changes. Pretty overwhelmed.

      "From Ate Lan to Giligan's...From messages and letters from our hearts to stuffs from our Pockets (and hearts too of course) ". I don't know but, I honestly miss the old times..I miss being with these girls almost EVERYDAY. Being away with them is somehow indeed a  hard pill to swallow. :(

     I'm reminded again of Regina Spektor's lines in The Call:

     Just because everything's changing  doesn't mean it's never been this way before...

     We will forever  His little daughters. We will always be His Princesses.

     'Til  next Faith Goal VFs.. Let's go Enchanted Kingdom!!!!


I'm not losing hope in having a Narnia Themed Birthday Party!!! Forever 22? :)

Teacher's Prayers

       I was praying and searching for gift for one of my spiritual sisters when I came across to one item. I immediately caught my attention because of it's title, "A Teacher's Prayer". I hastily read the whole prayer and indeed, that's the cry of my heart too I (since I am now an Online English Teacher). I failed to note the author so I just search for "A Teacher's Prayer" over the internet. It's great to discover more! Here are some of them:

and here's the one that I read on the store:

           It is always my prayer to be the teacher that our God wants me to be. In Jesus' name I pray. AMen and Amen. 

           P.S. Here is my status last night regarding my dream, desire and goal as a Teacher:

               Fun training day. One day talaga, I will travel South Korea!!!!!!!!!! I will go to Seoul, Busan and of course, Jejudo! I will eat Kimchi, Bibimbap and Bulgogi!!!! I will meet my students and freely tell them that 2000 years ago,Jesus died for them, that they are loved and worth dying for!That it's possible for everyday to be a great day ( not just another routine )! I will teach them not just English words but the Word of God!!! Yes! In Jesus' name. Amen!

                Exodus 9:16 " But I have raised you up for this very purpos
e, that I might show you My power and that My Name might be proclaimed in all the earth"

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Call

                        I often say that I would know if you're a good writer if you'll inspire me to write as well. I think I'm so fond of inspirations. The kind of feeling that you would just want to fly. To do something else, to have hope, to have faith.

                          It's great to have inspirations right? Where do you get 'em? As for me, one is in movie! I just watch the 2nd movie of The Chronicles of Narnia which is Prince Caspian. I am so close for an answered faith goal this year (to have/ read the books and to watch all the movies)! Getting there..getting there.. Anyway, it was just so amazing! Hooray for C. S. Lewis! I love how I saw my faith there.

                        Life in this world is such a great battle. There are times that you thought it's the end, that all hope is gone. What else could happen? It's losing! I'm losing! But Aslan is just right there, and we gotta BELIEVE just like Lucy. It's somehow awesome to know at the back of your mind the ending of things. You know that the victory is for the Narnians. But, somehow, in a current scene, you wonder, you doubt because everything's not in in their favor - strength, number and all.

Here is another inspiration!  The movie's theme song which is The Call by Regina Spektor :

It started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know

Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When it's over 

You'll come back when  they call you

No need to say good bye
me back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

A journey to 14:30

                   When I was in college, I used to dream of having my own laptop and write and write and write and write and write. Akala ko lagi na akong makakapagsulat kapag ganun, but I was wrong. I'm employed now and I can write everytime there's a break. If only I'm braver...

                       My topic has only been like this for years. It seems that I didn't overcome my fear of writing. I'm so afraid of failing, of rejection, of my subject-verb agreement or to lack of coherence. I'm so afraid, I'm so lazy. I'm simply missing the point and the one that I really love to do became so meaningless. I hate this, I don't know why I'm still like this, though I know by faith that I'm in Christ.

                       I'm in a perfect love.
                      Could it be, perfect love drives out fear? I will just continue to believe and to hold on. My King is at work in me. He's molding me. Sometimes, I would have the tendency to be impatient or to lose hope if I could really write regulary and excellently. I can just feel His comfort now while I'm having these thoughts.

                       Could it be, He can speak while I'm writing? Faith is rising. I will not give up. I pray to write about Him and the words will find it's meaning. 14:30 approaching.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Spiritual Gift

                     My Mentor in the workplace is a Man of God, he gave us this link which somehow would help someone to have an idea about Spiritual Gift

                      And here is my result:

                     Jessica May Padayao    Spiritual Gifts

                     Strength : Evangelism 17 Prophecy 13 Teaching 12 Exhortation 8 Pastor/Shepherd 18 Showing Mercy 13 Serving 13 Giving 12 Administration 6

                       About Your Spiritual Gifts

                      Spiritual gifts are tools God gives Christians to do the work of the ministry -- to fulfill the Great Commission to reach, baptize, and teach and to minister to one another. Every Christian receives at least one gift at the moment of salvation. Spiritual gifts are not rewards, are not natural talents, are not a place of service, are not an age-group ministry, and are not a specialty ministry. They express themselves through various ministries which, in turn, accomplish a variety of results. A spiritual gift is the primary channel by which the Holy Spirit ministers through the believer. It is a supernatural capacity for service to God -- and He gives you a supernatural desire to perform the duties of that gift. Spiritual gifts are tools for building the church. They are a source of joy in your Christian life and influence your motives. A spiritual gift is a divine calling with a divine responsibility, because what God has gifted you to do, He has called you to do, and what He has called you to do, He has gifted you to do.

Your dominant gifts are Pastor/Shepherd, Evangelism 

                               The results of your Spiritual Gifts Inventory indicate that your number one dominant gift is PASTORING/SHEPHERDING! The Greek word "poimen" means pastor. In Paul's spiritual gifts listing in Ephesians 4:11, this term is translated "pastor." Although the word "poimen" is translated pastor only one time in Scripture it is used sixteen additional times. The remaining sixteen are all translated "shepherd." Therefore, we are actually discussing the GIFT of shepherding, not the POSITION of pastor. Though a good pastor must have the gift of shepherding, everyone who has the gift of shepherding is not called to be pastor. The gift can be used in many positions in a church. As a gifted shepherd, you have the Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by overseeing, training, and caring for the needs of a group of Christians. You are usually very patient, people-centered, and willing to spend time in prayer for others. You tend to be a "Jack of All and Master of ONE," meaning you are usually dominant in one of the speaking gifts (evangelist, prophet, teacher, exhorter) as well. You are often authoritative, more a leader than a follower, and expressive, composed, and sensitive. Your pleasing personality draws people to you. You have a burden to see others learn and grow and are protective of those under your care. You want to present the whole Word of God and do not like to present the same materials more than once. You are willing to study what is necessary to feed your group and are more relationship oriented than task oriented. You are a peace-maker and diplomat - very tolerant of people's weaknesses. You tend to remember people's names and faces. You are more concerned with doing for others than others doing for you. You are faithful and devoted and may become a workaholic.

                                You can become an all-purpose person in order to meet needs. People with the gift of shepherding make the best Sunday school teachers and group leaders because their desire is to go beyond just teaching or leading, to shepherd and minister to the daily needs of their students. The position of Sunday school teacher or group leader is an extension of the pastoral ministry in the church. These groups should be shepherded on a small scale the same as the pastor shepherds the whole congregation on a large scale. Be careful to involve other people; don't try to do it all yourself. Work on making people accountable. Do not be overly protective of your "flock." Because of these potentially weak areas, other people may think it is your job to do all the work; they rely too heavily on you. You may be expected to be available at all times, know all the answers, and be at every function.

                                Learn when to say no. Beware of Satan's attack on your gift. He will cause discouragement when the load gets heavy, and pride because your "sheep" look up to you. You may develop family problems because of too little time and attention. You may become selfish when "sheep" feed in other pastures.

                                HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR GIFT?

                           This gift is a great help in many areas. You may serve as a Sunday school teacher, small group leader, pastor or assistant pastor, bus captain, special ministry leader (such as youth, children, men, etc.), nursery worker or as a half-way house or other type shelter volunteer. You may consider serving as a dormitory leader in a college, orphanage, children's home, etc. Scout troops would appreciate your assistance as a den leader.

                         The results of your Spiritual Gifts Inventory indicate that your second dominant gift is EVANGELISM! That does not necessarily mean you are supposed to travel the world, preaching the Gospel. The Greek word "Euangelistes" means to proclaim glad tidings, a messenger of good. It denotes a proclaimer of the Gospel. The evangelist can either be a preacher who stands before a crowd, imploring them to be saved, or perhaps an individual sitting in a living room or on a plane, trying to persuade someone to accept Christ. As an evangelist you have the Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by leading people who are beyond your natural sphere of influence to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You are sometimes classified as the aggressive soulwinner who seeks the lost. As an evangelist you are likely very outgoing and personable. You compliment even strangers and are not afraid to ask them questions about their lifestyle - such as where they work, what hobbies they have, what's their favorite sports team, where they were born, and do they attend church. This opens the door to talk about their relationship with Jesus Christ - something you're just itching to do. Be careful not to be too overbearing or you may push some people farther away from Christ. You have great joy in seeing people come to Christ and are often consumed with the desire to confront sinners with the Gospel. You urge other Christians to do the same by directly telling them they must win souls or by encouraging them by telling about your most recent experience. However, you must be careful not to belittle them or make them feel unspiritual because they do not have the burden for lost souls like you do.

                             You probably have memorized Scripture so you are not caught "empty-handed" while witnessing. Rather than waiting for opportunities to present the Gospel, the evangelist often makes opportunities. Since you will influence so many people, you must be careful to live in such a manner that you do not bring reproach upon your message. For instance, if you influence 30 people and only one of them accepts Christ immediately, the other 29 are left to be harvested later (by you or someone else). If you were to fall spiritually, your life's witness may negatively influence those 29 onlookers against Christianity. If you are a new Christian, you may want to begin using your gift by providing prospects to seasoned evangelists and giving testimonies to those you knew before you were saved. Perhaps you could pair up with an experienced evangelist to follow up on prospects and visit strangers for the purpose of reaching them for Christ. If you are a more mature Christian, with experience in evangelizing, take a new Christian "evangelist" under your wing. Share your experiences with him or her and provide encouragement. Continue to look for opportunities to share the Gospel and lead souls to Christ. Other people may tend to think you are pushy, that you are more interested in numbers than people, and that you judge their spirituality by the number of souls thay have won.

                          Beware that Satan can attack your gift by causing pride in your number of converts, causing failure to grow and learn, causing you to see people as numbers rather than people with needs, causing discouragement when converts are few or infrequent, and causing a lack of concern for Bible passages that cannot be used as "soulwinning texts."

                           HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR DOMINANT GIFT?
                          There are many avenues in which you can carry out the gift of evangelism. Visitation programs are the most obvious. You may enjoy visiting juvenile detention centers or jails, going door-to-door, going to orphanages and shelters for women or the homeless, and of course, following up on visitors in their homes. Your gift is a plus for leading people to Christ during an invitation or altar call. You could participate in special evangelistic efforts, such as fairs and other events. Your gift also fits well in church planting, on Gospel teams, in migrant ministry, men's or women's conferences, and many public speaking ministries.

I do love to share Jesus!!! I do hope that I could really make the most out of my Spiritual gift! :) It's by His grace of course. :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

My thoughts are....

flying towards the sky and back to this world. His love, the thought of His love. It will just never fail to bring me to tears..I can never ever fathom..I can never ever outgrow...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Youth Service

I can still remember very well my first time. I was a Sophomore College student back then with my friends. We were riding a jeepney to somewhere I'm not sure of, with Arlene paying for my fare ;)

I can still remember very well why I said "yes" to the invitation. It's pretty humorous to say that it is because of a high school crush. A high school crush? yes. He is  a Christian. He is a crush/friend who let me listen to Hillsong United albums among many others. I admit that I liked their songs - the lyrics, the melodies, the message and  of course, di ba kapag gusto ng crush mo, parang gusto mo na rin?

 Again, humorous.

Moving on, I said yes despite knowing that I don't really like it. Within me, I'm really persecuting my friend because of atttending a "Christian, christian, born again, born again thingy (kailangan inuulit)". I can never comprehend why on earth she has to "convert". Truly lost, right? I don't know back the true meaning convertion. I thought it's all about religion.

I don't know back then that convertion actually happens the moment you acccepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life. The convertion from being LOST to being  FOUND. The convertion from being a SINNER to being the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. The convertion from being a SLAVE to being GOD'S PRINCESS.

So I attended. It was Shout Out series with Pastor Gilbert Foliente. Honestly, here's the only thing I remember on my first Youth Service: "Shout it! Shout it! Shout it out loud!" (a lyrics of the song during the intermission number). I remember sitting on the left front row..hearing names of Pastor Ryan, Kuya Xave and all. (Hindi ka nag iisa, akala ko din ka age ko lang sila nun ;))

It was fun! I just hate that there's a sharing part after which they called "VG". I guess every lost would think so #lostalert. But when we started that's when I actually humbled myself and cry and share..It's so weird for me  since for 18 years, my relationship with God is between the two of us alone. Nver really thought that it's possible and it's so great to share about Him with others.

Akala ko hindi na ako babalik. Eh walang tinugtog na Christian song na alam ko. Yun, nung tinanong ako, "Babalik ka next week?" edi napatango ako.

Again, humorous.

And from that week until today, I'm still going to Youth Services. Almost 3 years now.

I just feel like writing about Youth Service because THIS IS THE DAY! This is the day of the first Youth Service inside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

A lot of first timers. Some, after 3 years or less, would write and share and post and status about it just like me. We'll all have our first time on this. We'll all have our reasons. We'll all have that soeone who invited us.

But there's only one Author and Perfector of our faith.

 The first time that could lead us to the beginning and the end of everything, the LOGOS of everything, the Alpha and the Omega.

Our Father.

Our Savior.

Our Counselor.

This is the day!!!!

God bless PUP!!!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Ignite 2013 Top 10

Yes, I was challenged and inspired to have my own "My Ignite Top 10" after reading Ptr. Paolo Punzalan's in his blog entry.  ( )

Ignite 2013 was definitely a blast!!! Thus, all can't help but  talk about it, tweet about it, post about it, blog about it, pray for it, daydream about it and somehow wistful thought - sana everyday Ignite.

Hands raised, yes, I'm one of them.

Alright, so peeps , here's my IGNITE 2013 TOP 10:

10. Ignite/ Every Nation Every Campus Notebook and Shirt

           I reaallly love notebooks and writing, kaya naman, I can't afford to miss the opportunity of having this super limited edition one. I don't know yet if what I would write there, but  it's  simply a very useful aide in praying for different campuses in the nation since their logos were imprinted. :")

          And the shirt? somehow heartbreaking. The one that I reaalllyyy like (the blue one), was sold out already on the third day.

9. Wave

          Different sections did a crowd wave at Day 1. It amused very very much hahaha. Go F1!

8. Praise and Worship

          Like what Ate Tina said on her status, 9,600 students worshiping God in one place is truly like a "Taste of Heaven".

          Praise - Actually I enjoyed every praise song but some simply stand out. What's my standard? LSS. :)

  •  This is the Day
  •  Good To Me
  •  Running                     


               Meron naman SOBRANG SPECIAL, why? because it made my heart melt when everyone sings " Rise and Sing" and "Go". Another "why?" JUST BECAUSE, feeling ko, buong Asia, nag you-youth service at that very moment!!!!! Day 3 was Friday right? Youth Services are usually Fridays so, you know what I mean. :) I really hope so.

              This one is our cry of obedience: "I'll go" while the epic last song " One Way" declares what we want the world to know and believe:  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

       Worship - whoa. Intense moment with the Lord!!!!

             In love and super LSS with these lines:

"Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain that I can't control..I want more of You God.. I want more of You God..."

"Now all I am I lay at Your feet... I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty..One thing I know..I find all I need... in Your unending Your unending love.." (I really cried alot here, I realized that I shouldn't be afraid and simply be excited for my future because, He is in my future, he is there. He would neve EVER leave me. He stays!!!! and He is everything)

" Your love never fails..It's never give never runs out on me" (oh my...amma lover of God's Love!!!)

"I will rise..I will Christ was raised to in in Him..I live..." (yes I will :))

7. Meeting friends from different Victory Centers and other Nation

Every Nation Cambodia, Victory Cabanatuan, Victory Urdaneta, Victory Fort peeps :))) Ignite is a one big blessed family union (not reunion, since first time ko, haha). 'nuff said.

6. Day 1 Opening


5. IG-Showtime and Campus Kinect Wars

You know what's another awesome thing? It's what God did and doing in the Local Showbiz and Music Industry. Mrs. Rica Perallejo-Bonifacio hosted (together with Kuya Jekoy Valle) 2 hrs. break out Session of Day 2 (tama ba yung tawag ko?:)) entitled "IG-showtime!)

 Rachelle Ann Go, Quest, Yeng Constantino and Christian (200% Christian haha) Bautista shared their God-given gifts to us and their testimonies!!!!  (praying for Yael :))

On Day 3, it's Campus Kinect wars!!! It's my campus, PUP versus UP!!!! Go P. U. P.!!!! Go Kuya Xave, Go Jhoven!!!!! Sila pa din ang panalo for me. :)

 Epic din yung final showdown ng mga nanalo! Pic up lines!!! wait up, kunin ko lang sa @igniteph yung mga entry nila..................................................

The Runner ups:

Ignite ka ba? Kasi sinilaban mo ang aking malamig na puso. -

Sa D1 ka ba nakaupo sa ? Kasi sa tingin ko, you're D1 for me! -

 Sana hindi ka sa A1 nakaupo. Sana D2 na lang . . . D2 sa puso ko. -

The Winner:

Ayoko maging ka! Kasi 2 taon kitang hinintay, pinilahan kita, pero tatlong araw kita makakasama! -Lester Correa

Surprises, surprises...Boy Pick UP in the House yow!!!!!

1,2,3!!!! #BOOM!!!!!!


4. The Preaching of the Word

The Bible characters Joshua, Daniel, Jonah,  Esther, Samson, Ananias and Paul  became so personal, so real, so "relatable"  for the delegates. It all fanned the flame in each of us!!!!!!

Thanks for ALL the speakers!!! Esp. to Ate Lianne Silla, who inspired me in a very special way. I hastily got this desire of being like her one day - a woman of God so passionate for students. Preach His Word clearly and effectively :)

I actually tweeted:

I want to be like ate after listening to her last of !!! Inspired much :)) Thank you ate :)

and she replied:

go and be a modern-day Esther to your generation, Jessica May! :) im excited for you!


3.Shout of Praise

SHOUTING FOR JESUS with 9,600 peeps? 'nuff said.

2. Declaration

Declaring this while holding our SOLD tags?....the moment was just...hayyyy graaaabe.

1. Jesus

Just like for Ptr. Paolo Punzalan and for all of us....

               Jesus, the very reason for everything. The One who made it all possible - forgiveness, mercy, grace, reconciliation, salvation, eternal life, favor, healing, fellowship, faith, hope, love...Ignite 2013...and everything else in between...

               Jesus Christ, our precious Lord and Savior.
                THE ONE! THE ONE! THE ONE!!!!!!!

See y'all again at Ignite 2015? Araneta? Come on now!!!! :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ycah's Pre-grad Drama :)

ang eksena:

3pm. si ycah hindi mapakali sa higaan. Palipat-lipat ng pwesto.

Ycah: Daddy (that's how she callsand sees God) , wala pa akong pambayad grad fee...

Ycah (change position):Daddy...wala pa akongpambayad...bukas na po yun...:"(

Ycah (after 5 mins): Daddy....., kahit1,300...

Ycah (naalala at masaya para sabreakthrough ni friend):Daddy,thank You po mapambayad na si Gabby!!:) Daddy,

ako po? Hehehe!

Napatingin si ycah sa may taas ng TV, nakalagay:


"and my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19"

napangiti si ycah! Ang galing!

Ycah: Amen Daddy! Ikr!

Biglang naalala ang verse na nakita nila ni Gabby sa isang libro! John 16:22!

Na excite si ycah, binuklat ang Bible (gagamitin kasi nya ang bago nyang jet pen (pang highlight ng

verse) excited mag highlight? Haha.

Sabi ni Daddy sa John 16:22:

"so with you: now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."

astig di ba? Hindi lang si ycah ang nagsasalita dito, si Lord din! whoo!

Balik lang sa pagpalingpaling sa higaan...init ih. Hehe.

Now is her time of grief daw, pero she will rejoice din.

umakyat si Tita (ate joal's mom): Nandito ka na pala! Kumain ka na?

Y: hehe. Hindi pa po...

Tita: kumain ka na sa baba..may pagkain...

Y: cge po,thank you po! (bigtime! Ang sakit na kc ng ulo ni ycah dahil wala pa syang kain ng kanin the

whole day)

napa "thanks Dad sya"!

Before eating, kinausap pa din nya si Daddy: Thank You talaga Daddy!

Sobrang provider Kaaa! Alam Mo talaga kung kailan sweet...Ikaw napo bahala sa pambayad ko nggrad fee... Ikaw naman po nagpapaaral sa akin eh.."

at may sobrang peace lang si ycah after.

After few minutes pagkakain, may nag txt!

Her brother!

" Ate May e2 na ang hinihintay mo! 2500 sa Cebuana!" (nag endorse pa,haha)

ycah (napapikit) : DADDY!!!! Sorry... natakot ako..sorry I kinda (kindaaa ?!) lose heart..WAAAH!!!

Thank You po sa padalaaaa!!!

At naiyak sya.

Me: Wow. Big need? wag ka nang gumaya sa akin na natakot or kinda lose heart. We have a Bigger

God! You have a Dad right there beside you. Talk to Him. He responds.

He will always be a Provider. He loves to lavish you with His love.

He could talk to you through this post!

Saying that He too will provide for you. He will deliver you.

He will save you.

Ang drama ng graduation fee ni ycah, umeeksena! Hahaha!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NO OTHER GRADUATION: School of Campus Ministry 's 9th Commencement Exercise


My heart was indeed more touched by Campus Ministry ( to think that it's the reason why I'm enjoying my salvation today) last night. Iba eh.

30 graduates. 30 different testimonies. 

One God.

              I'm just so blessed to learn and appreciate a lot of things from different highlights of this commencement exercise.

             I got this verse from the opening remarks which I think  is not just for the graduates, but for all of us:          

1 Peter 2:9

Amplified Bible (AMP)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own [a]purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
         We all work in order to meet a certain need but  Pastor Steve Murrell mentioned the most important need of all:  The Spiritual Need. He said that the Spiritual Need of this nation does not change whether back in 1984 (time of revolution) or this present time (time of prosperity). The Spiritual Need is SCREAMING and what a privilege it is for the Campus Ministers to be used by God to meet the Spiritual Need of young people.
             It is not their choice. It is a calling. Dedicating their lives in reaching the next generation and sharing the Love of Christ in Universities and Campuses. What an ADVENTURE. What a EXPERIENCE. What a JOB.
             Wildfire plays their song " The Story of Your Love" and it's lyrics is really our battle cry:
               "So we'll go.. so we'll run..we will sing to the world the Story of Your Love...
                  We will rise..we will fly...and shout to the earth the story of Your Love!!!!" 
There's so much to do in every campus.
           Special Awards were also given to some of the graduates. And I learn things which indeed deserves honor and should be practiced not just inside the classroom but in life.
1. Courageous Learner Award - Ask Questions!!! Do not be afraid to look dumb as long as you will gain wisdom after that. Go for further learning, it's like humbly admitting the things that you still don't know. 
2. Servant Leadership Award - Be willing to serve!!! It's just one of the ways of being Christ-like, it's about laying your life down for others. Again it's being GENTLE (considering others more important that ourselves).
3. Excellence Award - Never be Late!!! but what caught me in awe is the "No Revision Strategic Planning (equivalent to a Thesis)" fact. I reflect my own thesis experience and it's nearly impossible for us! (naka ilang revisions kami?!!!) Wow. Ang galing. I bet for God and with God, Excellence is just so inevitable. Do your best.
4. Overcomer Award - Be an inspiration!!! Jesus promised at John 16:33 that in this world, we will have trouble ( yes, that's even a promise) but He said right after, "take heart! I have overcome the world." He already overcome those for us! Ms. Joice (the awardee) inspired me indeed that when God called you to do something, no limitation can ever stop that.
5. Most Improved Preacher Award - Be accurate and  Communicate well His Love!!!! We may not be  a born preacher but because of the Holy Spirit and perseverance, improvement is also inevitable.
6. Best Preacher Award - Na sa'yo na ang lahat in Christ!!! (let the Word of God be easy to digest by this generation)This is an equivalent to the Summa Cum Laude. The Best Preacher is the one who speak in behalf of the graduates and inspire everyone.
             He indeed deserves the award!!! As I'm listening to his speech, I just can't help but feel good, I mean, feel great! I envisioned him as the next Pastor Ryan! One who really knows how to connect with young people. Pero habang nakikinig, feeling ko, in every age, pwede syang kumonnect. smart. funny. accurate. man of God.:)
7. Outstanding Alumnus Award - Be faithful in everything you do. Run the race unceasingly towards the goal. We will not stop.

Right after the awarding, the new campus missionaries performed their very own worship song ( lyrics and musicality, sa kanila talaga!!!!) 

The Faithful Promise-Giver
I love the words : "You will be forever true..."
As I end this post, I just want to agree with what the best preacher awardee mentioned,
                                " Jesus is the hope, of us, of our families and of the next Generation"
And to what Pastor Joseph Bonifacio said to end the event,
"Hanggang may isang estudyante pa ang hindi nakakakilala ng love ni God para sa kanila, we will not stop."





otw to NO OTHER GRADUATION: School of Campus Ministry 's 9th Commencement Exercise

            Right after my Memorabilia/TOR shoot, I headed to the NSTP office to be with Marlo (one of my LIFEBOX PUP brother). We're going to the Commencement Exercise of the new Campus Missionaries over at the Every Nation Building (Victory Fort Bonifacio). Still in full make-up, it seems like I'm one of the graduates. :)

            Naiwan kami ng train ni Marlo, but what a great thing to meet Ara ( from Victory Baliuag) at the University's gate (it's been months since I last saw her). Not just that, we even met her classmate who happens to be a part of Victory The Fort. His name is Robert. Wow right? from two, to four. Aha,Yes, we convinced them to be with us.

             I believe that our God is not a God of accidents but a God of purpose.

             It's indeed more fun riding the ordinary train in a ultra-hot afternoon (nakaka ngawit nga lang), looking for free water (wala namang baso), breaking bread (umuulan na gravy) and  meeting an alumni together ( Ate Josielyn...fries....?!).

             But the event that is the reason why we're there is more fun!



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wrong Battle Field

This is my First Holy Week as a Christian and so far, not so good in terms of dealing with the unbelievers :( 

A future priest friend ( praying for him) just called what I'm attending something like a Mormons. He indeed saw the influence. 

Compassion. Compassion. Sobrang nalulungkot ako. He was trying to reach me back, proclaiming "Roman Catholic ka ah..Roman Catholic ka.." while I am praying for Him to be saved.

Yes, I am a Roman Catholic and I never had a plan to change that. It doesn't matter what is written. What matters is what happened inside. 

So here is my speech, LT..(life Testimony, but it'll be edited in a while. wah.. biglang gusto ko nang mag back-out na ewan. 

again, it's important to choose the battle field well, nanghihina lang ako, but we are more than conquerors in Christ. kaya to!!!!!

2nd Word
“ Hesus, alalahanin Mo ako kapag naghahari Ka na. Ngayon din isasama kita sa Paraiso.”

            Good Afternoon po sa inyong lahat. Ako po si Jessica May Padayao, isang graduating Communication Student from PUP Manila.
            Four years ago, katulad din po ng mga bagong graduates natin ngayon ng High School, lalo na po yung mga hindi sigurado kung makakapag College pa sila, yung sinasabihan na “mag-aasawa lang yan”, dapat manahi na lang o di kaya, mamasukan. Relate na relate po ako sa ganyan.Feeling ko po nun, it’s College and me agaisnst the worls ang drama.
            At that time po, sobrang gustong gusto ko po talaga mag-aral, but the people around me keep on saying na “hindi kaya…malayo..walang titirahan..anong kakainin mo?” Ang daming doubts kung possible ba talaga..There is this sense of hopelessness, pain, rejection na parang napaka walang kwenta ko (Maaga po kasi nawala si Tatay so, yung edukasyon po parang naging pribilehiyo sya, rather than a right for me) .
            Sa tingin ko po ganun din yung Criminal na nagsabi kay Jesus na “ alalahanin Mo ako kapag naghahari Ka na”. Bago nya po sabihin yun, nandun sya,in hopelessness, in pain and full of rejection from the people around him din. Before nya makikilala personally si Jesus, nandun po sya sa ganoong sitwasyon.
            But sabi ko nga po, kahit na I feel like walang kwenta,and far from Him, I ended up calling unto God for a miracle. Sya na lang po talaga yung malalapitan ko since I feel that nobody really believes and really cares sa kaya kong gawin or sa mga pangarap ko.
            As Jesus responded to the request of the Criminal , nag respond din po Sya sa aking panalangin by touching my Mom’s heart, then eventually, yung puso naman po ng aking Lola sa Tuhod na nagpa-aral sa akin and then yung sa Tita ko naman po.
            Wow. Sino naman nga po ang mag-aakala na makakapag College ako? At ngayon taon, makakapgtapos na po?
            What I’m so grateful about College is dito ko po talaga nakita how God worked in my life, kung paanong Sya ang naging Father to me by being my provider, protector, counselor, company…many to mention na po yung mga pinagdaan namin during College days J But certainly…

            College built more and more my relationship with Him.
            Yung simula po talaga is meeting Him in a so personal way.
            Then as you meet Him, you will believe Him, you will trust in Him alone. Sya lang po talaga ang magdadala sa atin no matter what.
            Eternal life is possible po right here. Right now. Meeting and living with Christ within is us is parang heaven na po talaga J Sabi nga po ni Jesus, “Ngaun din…”
            I encourage all of you po to read  and obey His word, the Bible, hindi po dahil someone will check us or someone will watch, but because, gusto nyo pa pong makilala itong Diyos na sobra sobra tayong mahal para ibigay ang kanyang anak para lamang sa atin…
            Huwag po tayong matakot mag pray for the seemingly  impossible things, for with our God, nothing is impossible.:) Have Faith po. He can and He will do it J
-         Jessica May Padayao

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

That "About Me'

'Been consuming Php 32 and it's already 10:57 in the evening. Still am doing this Curriculum Vitae which is needed for our Thesis' final Manuscripts.

I have to answer the question " Who is She?" for it is got to be from someone else's perception. But really, iot boils down to the question Who Am I?sine I'm writing for myself. 

As a Christian, almost all I could think of is the 'Who Am I"  in Christ. Which would go like this (just like what's on the "About Me' of this Blog:

"I am a daughter of a King. I am loved, saved and forgiven. He made me realize that I am rich and Beautiful in Him. I am altered by God. My heart always sings for Him. I just want to write because of gratefulness on His grace. I never thought that this beautiful life is ever possible. But it CERTAINLY is through Him. I am a girl who wants to live for God's purpose.For He is my life. My compassion is burning - the hope for everyone to know Him as well. My ultimate dream is to LOVE, SERVE and to OBEY Him 'til my last breath. Amen and Amen. #smileforJesus"

It's pretty tough for me to think of something else or someone else from the me that is there. But i have to be 'professional' here, got to go down from Heaven as my mentor would say 'baba sa lupa'. 

So ended up with this:

Jessica May Padayao is a
20 year-old Broadcast  Communication Student at the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sta. Mesa Manila.

She desires to be an Executive Producer of an
Inspirational Television program and/or a
Missionary. She longs to visit the Sea of Clouds at
Mt. Putlag and learn to play the piano.

She likes doing Voice-Overs, running, blogging,
tweeting (@victorYcah) ,encouraging, eating and
being with kids. A lover of God’s love, skies and
The Chronicles of Narnia.   

She believes in the role of Education as one of
God’s means to end Poverty and that anything is possible for those who believe. 

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
                                                                                                                               -Galatians 5:20 (NIV)

Still too Heavenly? I guess that's really me because of Him :) This will be for my lifetime and beyond. 

Now it's Php 42 already and it's 11:38PM. Oh my. what happened to my self-control. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Best Teacher

"It’s because of made me like this.."

 "you’re my vitamin.

."you’re not just my’re my morning Friend.."

 "sabi ko kay Mama, ‘Ayoko na pumunta ng service…wala naman dun si Teacher Aica eh’"

 "I love you Teachaaaa!"

 "Ang ganda mo.."

 "We miss you Teacher…"

 Words could really be a treasure. Especially when those words are from your students (grinning ear-to-ear)!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Tumblr Reminded (a journey to 14:30 series )

"Sometimes you need to step outside. Get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be."

So here I am looking back to those blog posts that I reblogged on Tumblr ( I am just so amazed on how it encouraged me that's why I'm writing at this moment.  One of the posts that strucked me is that one on the introduction of this post:

" Sometimes you need to step outside. Get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be. "

This is my means of stepping outside and getting some fresh air. Hehe. Yes,  I got to be reminded of who I am and who I want to be.

Let's be reminded first of who I am...

I am Ycah.

Forgiven. Saved. Loved. Royalty (Daughter of the King of the kings). Chosen. Beautiful. Rich. Holy. Blessed. Provided. Secured.

Jesus is my everything and I adore Him. I live for His glory. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I have a  Father in heaven who just love me so much to give His Son for me and die.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

And then of who I want to be (or my dreams)...

I want to be a Victory Group leader of  SOLID Victory group.
I want to help women in knowing and loving this God who loves them so much.
I want to be a loving and wise Usher, an excellent Kids Teacher and a faithful Intercessor.
I want to have a good relationship with the Lifebox PUP alumni and students.
I want to make an impact in my workplace.
I want to see my family coming  to Jesus.

I want to be successful in my career.
I want to have my masters on UP.
I want to study Abroad!

I want to travel and write and write and meet new people and write and write and eat loads of foods and write and write and do different adventures and write and write and write. (Israel please..South Korea please?)

I want to read loads of books.
I want to be excited everyday!
I want to honor my Leaders.

I still want to be a DJ.
I want to speak in English even if I'm not teaching.
I want to meet my Korean students.

I want to join the Ten Days Mission trip in an Asian Country which starts with letter "T". Let's  go 2015! It's my mission year.

Gusto ko  din naman makapag uwi ng pizza, groceries at donuts sa Family.. plus vacation and outing with them.

I want to indulge in volunteer works just like Dessie's faith goal. ^^

I want have more heart for other people.

I will meet  my Man of God. Have a glorious wedding and marriage . I will have an amazing motherhood and tell my kids and grandchildren about Him.

I want to do everything for Him alone.

I pray that I could always have the way to give Him the credits. :)

So yeah, I'm reminded. As I write all this, and look's impossible! But when I look up..when I look to  Daddy Lord who is the creator of everything...this will happen. This. is. possible and more.  14:30 approaching.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Forever 21!

           One of my Faith Goals this year is to have my very own "Forever 21" Birthday Party. The theme would be the very famous world of "Narnia". I would wear my own crown, Queen Susan's costume and do some Archery tricks. Everyone would be in their own attires too! I would have 21 verses, 21K donations to Real Life Foundation or to the Every Nation Missions, 21 Bibles (I would give to girls who wants to grow more with their relationship with our Heavenly Father), or even  21 Christian Books! :)  My invitation would be in a form of a scroll. I so long to be a princess that day..

         But what happened was.. the beauty of being with the girls that I'm so fond of. My 21st birthday marked our much awaited "Reunion" after months and months of being busy with each other careers. It's like a gathering of Disney Princesses (much better because it's God's Princesses) :) I can never be thankful enough for the company of these royal siblings of mine. (I hope I could post some pics soon. ehem..DYNA! haha) I admit that I'm pretty surprised with the changes. Pretty overwhelmed.

      "From Ate Lan to Giligan's...From messages and letters from our hearts to stuffs from our Pockets (and hearts too of course) ". I don't know but, I honestly miss the old times..I miss being with these girls almost EVERYDAY. Being away with them is somehow indeed a  hard pill to swallow. :(

     I'm reminded again of Regina Spektor's lines in The Call:

     Just because everything's changing  doesn't mean it's never been this way before...

     We will forever  His little daughters. We will always be His Princesses.

     'Til  next Faith Goal VFs.. Let's go Enchanted Kingdom!!!!


I'm not losing hope in having a Narnia Themed Birthday Party!!! Forever 22? :)

Teacher's Prayers

       I was praying and searching for gift for one of my spiritual sisters when I came across to one item. I immediately caught my attention because of it's title, "A Teacher's Prayer". I hastily read the whole prayer and indeed, that's the cry of my heart too I (since I am now an Online English Teacher). I failed to note the author so I just search for "A Teacher's Prayer" over the internet. It's great to discover more! Here are some of them:

and here's the one that I read on the store:

           It is always my prayer to be the teacher that our God wants me to be. In Jesus' name I pray. AMen and Amen. 

           P.S. Here is my status last night regarding my dream, desire and goal as a Teacher:

               Fun training day. One day talaga, I will travel South Korea!!!!!!!!!! I will go to Seoul, Busan and of course, Jejudo! I will eat Kimchi, Bibimbap and Bulgogi!!!! I will meet my students and freely tell them that 2000 years ago,Jesus died for them, that they are loved and worth dying for!That it's possible for everyday to be a great day ( not just another routine )! I will teach them not just English words but the Word of God!!! Yes! In Jesus' name. Amen!

                Exodus 9:16 " But I have raised you up for this very purpos
e, that I might show you My power and that My Name might be proclaimed in all the earth"

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Call

                        I often say that I would know if you're a good writer if you'll inspire me to write as well. I think I'm so fond of inspirations. The kind of feeling that you would just want to fly. To do something else, to have hope, to have faith.

                          It's great to have inspirations right? Where do you get 'em? As for me, one is in movie! I just watch the 2nd movie of The Chronicles of Narnia which is Prince Caspian. I am so close for an answered faith goal this year (to have/ read the books and to watch all the movies)! Getting there..getting there.. Anyway, it was just so amazing! Hooray for C. S. Lewis! I love how I saw my faith there.

                        Life in this world is such a great battle. There are times that you thought it's the end, that all hope is gone. What else could happen? It's losing! I'm losing! But Aslan is just right there, and we gotta BELIEVE just like Lucy. It's somehow awesome to know at the back of your mind the ending of things. You know that the victory is for the Narnians. But, somehow, in a current scene, you wonder, you doubt because everything's not in in their favor - strength, number and all.

Here is another inspiration!  The movie's theme song which is The Call by Regina Spektor :

It started out as a feeling

Which then grew into a hope
Which then turned into a quiet thought
Which then turned into a quiet word

And then that word grew louder and louder
Til it was a battle cry

I'll come back
When you call me
No need to say goodbye

Just because everything's changing
Doesn't mean it's never
Been this way before

All you can do is try to know

Who your friends are
As you head off to the war

Pick a star on the dark horizon
And follow the light

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

You'll come back
When it's over
No need to say good bye

Now we're back to the beginning
It's just a feeling and no one knows yet
But just because they can't feel it too
Doesn't mean that you have to forget

Let your memories grow stronger and stronger
Til they're before your eyes

You'll come back
When it's over 

You'll come back when  they call you

No need to say good bye
me back
When they call you
No need to say good bye

A journey to 14:30

                   When I was in college, I used to dream of having my own laptop and write and write and write and write and write. Akala ko lagi na akong makakapagsulat kapag ganun, but I was wrong. I'm employed now and I can write everytime there's a break. If only I'm braver...

                       My topic has only been like this for years. It seems that I didn't overcome my fear of writing. I'm so afraid of failing, of rejection, of my subject-verb agreement or to lack of coherence. I'm so afraid, I'm so lazy. I'm simply missing the point and the one that I really love to do became so meaningless. I hate this, I don't know why I'm still like this, though I know by faith that I'm in Christ.

                       I'm in a perfect love.
                      Could it be, perfect love drives out fear? I will just continue to believe and to hold on. My King is at work in me. He's molding me. Sometimes, I would have the tendency to be impatient or to lose hope if I could really write regulary and excellently. I can just feel His comfort now while I'm having these thoughts.

                       Could it be, He can speak while I'm writing? Faith is rising. I will not give up. I pray to write about Him and the words will find it's meaning. 14:30 approaching.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Spiritual Gift

                     My Mentor in the workplace is a Man of God, he gave us this link which somehow would help someone to have an idea about Spiritual Gift

                      And here is my result:

                     Jessica May Padayao    Spiritual Gifts

                     Strength : Evangelism 17 Prophecy 13 Teaching 12 Exhortation 8 Pastor/Shepherd 18 Showing Mercy 13 Serving 13 Giving 12 Administration 6

                       About Your Spiritual Gifts

                      Spiritual gifts are tools God gives Christians to do the work of the ministry -- to fulfill the Great Commission to reach, baptize, and teach and to minister to one another. Every Christian receives at least one gift at the moment of salvation. Spiritual gifts are not rewards, are not natural talents, are not a place of service, are not an age-group ministry, and are not a specialty ministry. They express themselves through various ministries which, in turn, accomplish a variety of results. A spiritual gift is the primary channel by which the Holy Spirit ministers through the believer. It is a supernatural capacity for service to God -- and He gives you a supernatural desire to perform the duties of that gift. Spiritual gifts are tools for building the church. They are a source of joy in your Christian life and influence your motives. A spiritual gift is a divine calling with a divine responsibility, because what God has gifted you to do, He has called you to do, and what He has called you to do, He has gifted you to do.

Your dominant gifts are Pastor/Shepherd, Evangelism 

                               The results of your Spiritual Gifts Inventory indicate that your number one dominant gift is PASTORING/SHEPHERDING! The Greek word "poimen" means pastor. In Paul's spiritual gifts listing in Ephesians 4:11, this term is translated "pastor." Although the word "poimen" is translated pastor only one time in Scripture it is used sixteen additional times. The remaining sixteen are all translated "shepherd." Therefore, we are actually discussing the GIFT of shepherding, not the POSITION of pastor. Though a good pastor must have the gift of shepherding, everyone who has the gift of shepherding is not called to be pastor. The gift can be used in many positions in a church. As a gifted shepherd, you have the Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by overseeing, training, and caring for the needs of a group of Christians. You are usually very patient, people-centered, and willing to spend time in prayer for others. You tend to be a "Jack of All and Master of ONE," meaning you are usually dominant in one of the speaking gifts (evangelist, prophet, teacher, exhorter) as well. You are often authoritative, more a leader than a follower, and expressive, composed, and sensitive. Your pleasing personality draws people to you. You have a burden to see others learn and grow and are protective of those under your care. You want to present the whole Word of God and do not like to present the same materials more than once. You are willing to study what is necessary to feed your group and are more relationship oriented than task oriented. You are a peace-maker and diplomat - very tolerant of people's weaknesses. You tend to remember people's names and faces. You are more concerned with doing for others than others doing for you. You are faithful and devoted and may become a workaholic.

                                You can become an all-purpose person in order to meet needs. People with the gift of shepherding make the best Sunday school teachers and group leaders because their desire is to go beyond just teaching or leading, to shepherd and minister to the daily needs of their students. The position of Sunday school teacher or group leader is an extension of the pastoral ministry in the church. These groups should be shepherded on a small scale the same as the pastor shepherds the whole congregation on a large scale. Be careful to involve other people; don't try to do it all yourself. Work on making people accountable. Do not be overly protective of your "flock." Because of these potentially weak areas, other people may think it is your job to do all the work; they rely too heavily on you. You may be expected to be available at all times, know all the answers, and be at every function.

                                Learn when to say no. Beware of Satan's attack on your gift. He will cause discouragement when the load gets heavy, and pride because your "sheep" look up to you. You may develop family problems because of too little time and attention. You may become selfish when "sheep" feed in other pastures.

                                HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR GIFT?

                           This gift is a great help in many areas. You may serve as a Sunday school teacher, small group leader, pastor or assistant pastor, bus captain, special ministry leader (such as youth, children, men, etc.), nursery worker or as a half-way house or other type shelter volunteer. You may consider serving as a dormitory leader in a college, orphanage, children's home, etc. Scout troops would appreciate your assistance as a den leader.

                         The results of your Spiritual Gifts Inventory indicate that your second dominant gift is EVANGELISM! That does not necessarily mean you are supposed to travel the world, preaching the Gospel. The Greek word "Euangelistes" means to proclaim glad tidings, a messenger of good. It denotes a proclaimer of the Gospel. The evangelist can either be a preacher who stands before a crowd, imploring them to be saved, or perhaps an individual sitting in a living room or on a plane, trying to persuade someone to accept Christ. As an evangelist you have the Spirit-given capacity and desire to serve God by leading people who are beyond your natural sphere of influence to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. You are sometimes classified as the aggressive soulwinner who seeks the lost. As an evangelist you are likely very outgoing and personable. You compliment even strangers and are not afraid to ask them questions about their lifestyle - such as where they work, what hobbies they have, what's their favorite sports team, where they were born, and do they attend church. This opens the door to talk about their relationship with Jesus Christ - something you're just itching to do. Be careful not to be too overbearing or you may push some people farther away from Christ. You have great joy in seeing people come to Christ and are often consumed with the desire to confront sinners with the Gospel. You urge other Christians to do the same by directly telling them they must win souls or by encouraging them by telling about your most recent experience. However, you must be careful not to belittle them or make them feel unspiritual because they do not have the burden for lost souls like you do.

                             You probably have memorized Scripture so you are not caught "empty-handed" while witnessing. Rather than waiting for opportunities to present the Gospel, the evangelist often makes opportunities. Since you will influence so many people, you must be careful to live in such a manner that you do not bring reproach upon your message. For instance, if you influence 30 people and only one of them accepts Christ immediately, the other 29 are left to be harvested later (by you or someone else). If you were to fall spiritually, your life's witness may negatively influence those 29 onlookers against Christianity. If you are a new Christian, you may want to begin using your gift by providing prospects to seasoned evangelists and giving testimonies to those you knew before you were saved. Perhaps you could pair up with an experienced evangelist to follow up on prospects and visit strangers for the purpose of reaching them for Christ. If you are a more mature Christian, with experience in evangelizing, take a new Christian "evangelist" under your wing. Share your experiences with him or her and provide encouragement. Continue to look for opportunities to share the Gospel and lead souls to Christ. Other people may tend to think you are pushy, that you are more interested in numbers than people, and that you judge their spirituality by the number of souls thay have won.

                          Beware that Satan can attack your gift by causing pride in your number of converts, causing failure to grow and learn, causing you to see people as numbers rather than people with needs, causing discouragement when converts are few or infrequent, and causing a lack of concern for Bible passages that cannot be used as "soulwinning texts."

                           HOW CAN YOU USE YOUR DOMINANT GIFT?
                          There are many avenues in which you can carry out the gift of evangelism. Visitation programs are the most obvious. You may enjoy visiting juvenile detention centers or jails, going door-to-door, going to orphanages and shelters for women or the homeless, and of course, following up on visitors in their homes. Your gift is a plus for leading people to Christ during an invitation or altar call. You could participate in special evangelistic efforts, such as fairs and other events. Your gift also fits well in church planting, on Gospel teams, in migrant ministry, men's or women's conferences, and many public speaking ministries.

I do love to share Jesus!!! I do hope that I could really make the most out of my Spiritual gift! :) It's by His grace of course. :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

My thoughts are....

flying towards the sky and back to this world. His love, the thought of His love. It will just never fail to bring me to tears..I can never ever fathom..I can never ever outgrow...

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Youth Service

I can still remember very well my first time. I was a Sophomore College student back then with my friends. We were riding a jeepney to somewhere I'm not sure of, with Arlene paying for my fare ;)

I can still remember very well why I said "yes" to the invitation. It's pretty humorous to say that it is because of a high school crush. A high school crush? yes. He is  a Christian. He is a crush/friend who let me listen to Hillsong United albums among many others. I admit that I liked their songs - the lyrics, the melodies, the message and  of course, di ba kapag gusto ng crush mo, parang gusto mo na rin?

 Again, humorous.

Moving on, I said yes despite knowing that I don't really like it. Within me, I'm really persecuting my friend because of atttending a "Christian, christian, born again, born again thingy (kailangan inuulit)". I can never comprehend why on earth she has to "convert". Truly lost, right? I don't know back the true meaning convertion. I thought it's all about religion.

I don't know back then that convertion actually happens the moment you acccepted Jesus as the Lord and Savior of your life. The convertion from being LOST to being  FOUND. The convertion from being a SINNER to being the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. The convertion from being a SLAVE to being GOD'S PRINCESS.

So I attended. It was Shout Out series with Pastor Gilbert Foliente. Honestly, here's the only thing I remember on my first Youth Service: "Shout it! Shout it! Shout it out loud!" (a lyrics of the song during the intermission number). I remember sitting on the left front row..hearing names of Pastor Ryan, Kuya Xave and all. (Hindi ka nag iisa, akala ko din ka age ko lang sila nun ;))

It was fun! I just hate that there's a sharing part after which they called "VG". I guess every lost would think so #lostalert. But when we started that's when I actually humbled myself and cry and share..It's so weird for me  since for 18 years, my relationship with God is between the two of us alone. Nver really thought that it's possible and it's so great to share about Him with others.

Akala ko hindi na ako babalik. Eh walang tinugtog na Christian song na alam ko. Yun, nung tinanong ako, "Babalik ka next week?" edi napatango ako.

Again, humorous.

And from that week until today, I'm still going to Youth Services. Almost 3 years now.

I just feel like writing about Youth Service because THIS IS THE DAY! This is the day of the first Youth Service inside the Polytechnic University of the Philippines.

A lot of first timers. Some, after 3 years or less, would write and share and post and status about it just like me. We'll all have our first time on this. We'll all have our reasons. We'll all have that soeone who invited us.

But there's only one Author and Perfector of our faith.

 The first time that could lead us to the beginning and the end of everything, the LOGOS of everything, the Alpha and the Omega.

Our Father.

Our Savior.

Our Counselor.

This is the day!!!!

God bless PUP!!!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Ignite 2013 Top 10

Yes, I was challenged and inspired to have my own "My Ignite Top 10" after reading Ptr. Paolo Punzalan's in his blog entry.  ( )

Ignite 2013 was definitely a blast!!! Thus, all can't help but  talk about it, tweet about it, post about it, blog about it, pray for it, daydream about it and somehow wistful thought - sana everyday Ignite.

Hands raised, yes, I'm one of them.

Alright, so peeps , here's my IGNITE 2013 TOP 10:

10. Ignite/ Every Nation Every Campus Notebook and Shirt

           I reaallly love notebooks and writing, kaya naman, I can't afford to miss the opportunity of having this super limited edition one. I don't know yet if what I would write there, but  it's  simply a very useful aide in praying for different campuses in the nation since their logos were imprinted. :")

          And the shirt? somehow heartbreaking. The one that I reaalllyyy like (the blue one), was sold out already on the third day.

9. Wave

          Different sections did a crowd wave at Day 1. It amused very very much hahaha. Go F1!

8. Praise and Worship

          Like what Ate Tina said on her status, 9,600 students worshiping God in one place is truly like a "Taste of Heaven".

          Praise - Actually I enjoyed every praise song but some simply stand out. What's my standard? LSS. :)

  •  This is the Day
  •  Good To Me
  •  Running                     


               Meron naman SOBRANG SPECIAL, why? because it made my heart melt when everyone sings " Rise and Sing" and "Go". Another "why?" JUST BECAUSE, feeling ko, buong Asia, nag you-youth service at that very moment!!!!! Day 3 was Friday right? Youth Services are usually Fridays so, you know what I mean. :) I really hope so.

              This one is our cry of obedience: "I'll go" while the epic last song " One Way" declares what we want the world to know and believe:  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

       Worship - whoa. Intense moment with the Lord!!!!

             In love and super LSS with these lines:

"Set a fire down in my soul, that I can't contain that I can't control..I want more of You God.. I want more of You God..."

"Now all I am I lay at Your feet... I'm humbled by the wonder of Your majesty..One thing I know..I find all I need... in Your unending Your unending love.." (I really cried alot here, I realized that I shouldn't be afraid and simply be excited for my future because, He is in my future, he is there. He would neve EVER leave me. He stays!!!! and He is everything)

" Your love never fails..It's never give never runs out on me" (oh my...amma lover of God's Love!!!)

"I will rise..I will Christ was raised to in in Him..I live..." (yes I will :))

7. Meeting friends from different Victory Centers and other Nation

Every Nation Cambodia, Victory Cabanatuan, Victory Urdaneta, Victory Fort peeps :))) Ignite is a one big blessed family union (not reunion, since first time ko, haha). 'nuff said.

6. Day 1 Opening


5. IG-Showtime and Campus Kinect Wars

You know what's another awesome thing? It's what God did and doing in the Local Showbiz and Music Industry. Mrs. Rica Perallejo-Bonifacio hosted (together with Kuya Jekoy Valle) 2 hrs. break out Session of Day 2 (tama ba yung tawag ko?:)) entitled "IG-showtime!)

 Rachelle Ann Go, Quest, Yeng Constantino and Christian (200% Christian haha) Bautista shared their God-given gifts to us and their testimonies!!!!  (praying for Yael :))

On Day 3, it's Campus Kinect wars!!! It's my campus, PUP versus UP!!!! Go P. U. P.!!!! Go Kuya Xave, Go Jhoven!!!!! Sila pa din ang panalo for me. :)

 Epic din yung final showdown ng mga nanalo! Pic up lines!!! wait up, kunin ko lang sa @igniteph yung mga entry nila..................................................

The Runner ups:

Ignite ka ba? Kasi sinilaban mo ang aking malamig na puso. -

Sa D1 ka ba nakaupo sa ? Kasi sa tingin ko, you're D1 for me! -

 Sana hindi ka sa A1 nakaupo. Sana D2 na lang . . . D2 sa puso ko. -

The Winner:

Ayoko maging ka! Kasi 2 taon kitang hinintay, pinilahan kita, pero tatlong araw kita makakasama! -Lester Correa

Surprises, surprises...Boy Pick UP in the House yow!!!!!

1,2,3!!!! #BOOM!!!!!!


4. The Preaching of the Word

The Bible characters Joshua, Daniel, Jonah,  Esther, Samson, Ananias and Paul  became so personal, so real, so "relatable"  for the delegates. It all fanned the flame in each of us!!!!!!

Thanks for ALL the speakers!!! Esp. to Ate Lianne Silla, who inspired me in a very special way. I hastily got this desire of being like her one day - a woman of God so passionate for students. Preach His Word clearly and effectively :)

I actually tweeted:

I want to be like ate after listening to her last of !!! Inspired much :)) Thank you ate :)

and she replied:

go and be a modern-day Esther to your generation, Jessica May! :) im excited for you!


3.Shout of Praise

SHOUTING FOR JESUS with 9,600 peeps? 'nuff said.

2. Declaration

Declaring this while holding our SOLD tags?....the moment was just...hayyyy graaaabe.

1. Jesus

Just like for Ptr. Paolo Punzalan and for all of us....

               Jesus, the very reason for everything. The One who made it all possible - forgiveness, mercy, grace, reconciliation, salvation, eternal life, favor, healing, fellowship, faith, hope, love...Ignite 2013...and everything else in between...

               Jesus Christ, our precious Lord and Savior.
                THE ONE! THE ONE! THE ONE!!!!!!!

See y'all again at Ignite 2015? Araneta? Come on now!!!! :)

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ycah's Pre-grad Drama :)

ang eksena:

3pm. si ycah hindi mapakali sa higaan. Palipat-lipat ng pwesto.

Ycah: Daddy (that's how she callsand sees God) , wala pa akong pambayad grad fee...

Ycah (change position):Daddy...wala pa akongpambayad...bukas na po yun...:"(

Ycah (after 5 mins): Daddy....., kahit1,300...

Ycah (naalala at masaya para sabreakthrough ni friend):Daddy,thank You po mapambayad na si Gabby!!:) Daddy,

ako po? Hehehe!

Napatingin si ycah sa may taas ng TV, nakalagay:


"and my God will meet all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19"

napangiti si ycah! Ang galing!

Ycah: Amen Daddy! Ikr!

Biglang naalala ang verse na nakita nila ni Gabby sa isang libro! John 16:22!

Na excite si ycah, binuklat ang Bible (gagamitin kasi nya ang bago nyang jet pen (pang highlight ng

verse) excited mag highlight? Haha.

Sabi ni Daddy sa John 16:22:

"so with you: now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy."

astig di ba? Hindi lang si ycah ang nagsasalita dito, si Lord din! whoo!

Balik lang sa pagpalingpaling sa higaan...init ih. Hehe.

Now is her time of grief daw, pero she will rejoice din.

umakyat si Tita (ate joal's mom): Nandito ka na pala! Kumain ka na?

Y: hehe. Hindi pa po...

Tita: kumain ka na sa baba..may pagkain...

Y: cge po,thank you po! (bigtime! Ang sakit na kc ng ulo ni ycah dahil wala pa syang kain ng kanin the

whole day)

napa "thanks Dad sya"!

Before eating, kinausap pa din nya si Daddy: Thank You talaga Daddy!

Sobrang provider Kaaa! Alam Mo talaga kung kailan sweet...Ikaw napo bahala sa pambayad ko nggrad fee... Ikaw naman po nagpapaaral sa akin eh.."

at may sobrang peace lang si ycah after.

After few minutes pagkakain, may nag txt!

Her brother!

" Ate May e2 na ang hinihintay mo! 2500 sa Cebuana!" (nag endorse pa,haha)

ycah (napapikit) : DADDY!!!! Sorry... natakot ako..sorry I kinda (kindaaa ?!) lose heart..WAAAH!!!

Thank You po sa padalaaaa!!!

At naiyak sya.

Me: Wow. Big need? wag ka nang gumaya sa akin na natakot or kinda lose heart. We have a Bigger

God! You have a Dad right there beside you. Talk to Him. He responds.

He will always be a Provider. He loves to lavish you with His love.

He could talk to you through this post!

Saying that He too will provide for you. He will deliver you.

He will save you.

Ang drama ng graduation fee ni ycah, umeeksena! Hahaha!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

NO OTHER GRADUATION: School of Campus Ministry 's 9th Commencement Exercise


My heart was indeed more touched by Campus Ministry ( to think that it's the reason why I'm enjoying my salvation today) last night. Iba eh.

30 graduates. 30 different testimonies. 

One God.

              I'm just so blessed to learn and appreciate a lot of things from different highlights of this commencement exercise.

             I got this verse from the opening remarks which I think  is not just for the graduates, but for all of us:          

1 Peter 2:9

Amplified Bible (AMP)
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God’s] own [a]purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
         We all work in order to meet a certain need but  Pastor Steve Murrell mentioned the most important need of all:  The Spiritual Need. He said that the Spiritual Need of this nation does not change whether back in 1984 (time of revolution) or this present time (time of prosperity). The Spiritual Need is SCREAMING and what a privilege it is for the Campus Ministers to be used by God to meet the Spiritual Need of young people.
             It is not their choice. It is a calling. Dedicating their lives in reaching the next generation and sharing the Love of Christ in Universities and Campuses. What an ADVENTURE. What a EXPERIENCE. What a JOB.
             Wildfire plays their song " The Story of Your Love" and it's lyrics is really our battle cry:
               "So we'll go.. so we'll run..we will sing to the world the Story of Your Love...
                  We will rise..we will fly...and shout to the earth the story of Your Love!!!!" 
There's so much to do in every campus.
           Special Awards were also given to some of the graduates. And I learn things which indeed deserves honor and should be practiced not just inside the classroom but in life.
1. Courageous Learner Award - Ask Questions!!! Do not be afraid to look dumb as long as you will gain wisdom after that. Go for further learning, it's like humbly admitting the things that you still don't know. 
2. Servant Leadership Award - Be willing to serve!!! It's just one of the ways of being Christ-like, it's about laying your life down for others. Again it's being GENTLE (considering others more important that ourselves).
3. Excellence Award - Never be Late!!! but what caught me in awe is the "No Revision Strategic Planning (equivalent to a Thesis)" fact. I reflect my own thesis experience and it's nearly impossible for us! (naka ilang revisions kami?!!!) Wow. Ang galing. I bet for God and with God, Excellence is just so inevitable. Do your best.
4. Overcomer Award - Be an inspiration!!! Jesus promised at John 16:33 that in this world, we will have trouble ( yes, that's even a promise) but He said right after, "take heart! I have overcome the world." He already overcome those for us! Ms. Joice (the awardee) inspired me indeed that when God called you to do something, no limitation can ever stop that.
5. Most Improved Preacher Award - Be accurate and  Communicate well His Love!!!! We may not be  a born preacher but because of the Holy Spirit and perseverance, improvement is also inevitable.
6. Best Preacher Award - Na sa'yo na ang lahat in Christ!!! (let the Word of God be easy to digest by this generation)This is an equivalent to the Summa Cum Laude. The Best Preacher is the one who speak in behalf of the graduates and inspire everyone.
             He indeed deserves the award!!! As I'm listening to his speech, I just can't help but feel good, I mean, feel great! I envisioned him as the next Pastor Ryan! One who really knows how to connect with young people. Pero habang nakikinig, feeling ko, in every age, pwede syang kumonnect. smart. funny. accurate. man of God.:)
7. Outstanding Alumnus Award - Be faithful in everything you do. Run the race unceasingly towards the goal. We will not stop.

Right after the awarding, the new campus missionaries performed their very own worship song ( lyrics and musicality, sa kanila talaga!!!!) 

The Faithful Promise-Giver
I love the words : "You will be forever true..."
As I end this post, I just want to agree with what the best preacher awardee mentioned,
                                " Jesus is the hope, of us, of our families and of the next Generation"
And to what Pastor Joseph Bonifacio said to end the event,
"Hanggang may isang estudyante pa ang hindi nakakakilala ng love ni God para sa kanila, we will not stop."





otw to NO OTHER GRADUATION: School of Campus Ministry 's 9th Commencement Exercise

            Right after my Memorabilia/TOR shoot, I headed to the NSTP office to be with Marlo (one of my LIFEBOX PUP brother). We're going to the Commencement Exercise of the new Campus Missionaries over at the Every Nation Building (Victory Fort Bonifacio). Still in full make-up, it seems like I'm one of the graduates. :)

            Naiwan kami ng train ni Marlo, but what a great thing to meet Ara ( from Victory Baliuag) at the University's gate (it's been months since I last saw her). Not just that, we even met her classmate who happens to be a part of Victory The Fort. His name is Robert. Wow right? from two, to four. Aha,Yes, we convinced them to be with us.

             I believe that our God is not a God of accidents but a God of purpose.

             It's indeed more fun riding the ordinary train in a ultra-hot afternoon (nakaka ngawit nga lang), looking for free water (wala namang baso), breaking bread (umuulan na gravy) and  meeting an alumni together ( Ate Josielyn...fries....?!).

             But the event that is the reason why we're there is more fun!



Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wrong Battle Field

This is my First Holy Week as a Christian and so far, not so good in terms of dealing with the unbelievers :( 

A future priest friend ( praying for him) just called what I'm attending something like a Mormons. He indeed saw the influence. 

Compassion. Compassion. Sobrang nalulungkot ako. He was trying to reach me back, proclaiming "Roman Catholic ka ah..Roman Catholic ka.." while I am praying for Him to be saved.

Yes, I am a Roman Catholic and I never had a plan to change that. It doesn't matter what is written. What matters is what happened inside. 

So here is my speech, LT..(life Testimony, but it'll be edited in a while. wah.. biglang gusto ko nang mag back-out na ewan. 

again, it's important to choose the battle field well, nanghihina lang ako, but we are more than conquerors in Christ. kaya to!!!!!

2nd Word
“ Hesus, alalahanin Mo ako kapag naghahari Ka na. Ngayon din isasama kita sa Paraiso.”

            Good Afternoon po sa inyong lahat. Ako po si Jessica May Padayao, isang graduating Communication Student from PUP Manila.
            Four years ago, katulad din po ng mga bagong graduates natin ngayon ng High School, lalo na po yung mga hindi sigurado kung makakapag College pa sila, yung sinasabihan na “mag-aasawa lang yan”, dapat manahi na lang o di kaya, mamasukan. Relate na relate po ako sa ganyan.Feeling ko po nun, it’s College and me agaisnst the worls ang drama.
            At that time po, sobrang gustong gusto ko po talaga mag-aral, but the people around me keep on saying na “hindi kaya…malayo..walang titirahan..anong kakainin mo?” Ang daming doubts kung possible ba talaga..There is this sense of hopelessness, pain, rejection na parang napaka walang kwenta ko (Maaga po kasi nawala si Tatay so, yung edukasyon po parang naging pribilehiyo sya, rather than a right for me) .
            Sa tingin ko po ganun din yung Criminal na nagsabi kay Jesus na “ alalahanin Mo ako kapag naghahari Ka na”. Bago nya po sabihin yun, nandun sya,in hopelessness, in pain and full of rejection from the people around him din. Before nya makikilala personally si Jesus, nandun po sya sa ganoong sitwasyon.
            But sabi ko nga po, kahit na I feel like walang kwenta,and far from Him, I ended up calling unto God for a miracle. Sya na lang po talaga yung malalapitan ko since I feel that nobody really believes and really cares sa kaya kong gawin or sa mga pangarap ko.
            As Jesus responded to the request of the Criminal , nag respond din po Sya sa aking panalangin by touching my Mom’s heart, then eventually, yung puso naman po ng aking Lola sa Tuhod na nagpa-aral sa akin and then yung sa Tita ko naman po.
            Wow. Sino naman nga po ang mag-aakala na makakapag College ako? At ngayon taon, makakapgtapos na po?
            What I’m so grateful about College is dito ko po talaga nakita how God worked in my life, kung paanong Sya ang naging Father to me by being my provider, protector, counselor, company…many to mention na po yung mga pinagdaan namin during College days J But certainly…

            College built more and more my relationship with Him.
            Yung simula po talaga is meeting Him in a so personal way.
            Then as you meet Him, you will believe Him, you will trust in Him alone. Sya lang po talaga ang magdadala sa atin no matter what.
            Eternal life is possible po right here. Right now. Meeting and living with Christ within is us is parang heaven na po talaga J Sabi nga po ni Jesus, “Ngaun din…”
            I encourage all of you po to read  and obey His word, the Bible, hindi po dahil someone will check us or someone will watch, but because, gusto nyo pa pong makilala itong Diyos na sobra sobra tayong mahal para ibigay ang kanyang anak para lamang sa atin…
            Huwag po tayong matakot mag pray for the seemingly  impossible things, for with our God, nothing is impossible.:) Have Faith po. He can and He will do it J
-         Jessica May Padayao

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

That "About Me'

'Been consuming Php 32 and it's already 10:57 in the evening. Still am doing this Curriculum Vitae which is needed for our Thesis' final Manuscripts.

I have to answer the question " Who is She?" for it is got to be from someone else's perception. But really, iot boils down to the question Who Am I?sine I'm writing for myself. 

As a Christian, almost all I could think of is the 'Who Am I"  in Christ. Which would go like this (just like what's on the "About Me' of this Blog:

"I am a daughter of a King. I am loved, saved and forgiven. He made me realize that I am rich and Beautiful in Him. I am altered by God. My heart always sings for Him. I just want to write because of gratefulness on His grace. I never thought that this beautiful life is ever possible. But it CERTAINLY is through Him. I am a girl who wants to live for God's purpose.For He is my life. My compassion is burning - the hope for everyone to know Him as well. My ultimate dream is to LOVE, SERVE and to OBEY Him 'til my last breath. Amen and Amen. #smileforJesus"

It's pretty tough for me to think of something else or someone else from the me that is there. But i have to be 'professional' here, got to go down from Heaven as my mentor would say 'baba sa lupa'. 

So ended up with this:

Jessica May Padayao is a
20 year-old Broadcast  Communication Student at the

Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sta. Mesa Manila.

She desires to be an Executive Producer of an
Inspirational Television program and/or a
Missionary. She longs to visit the Sea of Clouds at
Mt. Putlag and learn to play the piano.

She likes doing Voice-Overs, running, blogging,
tweeting (@victorYcah) ,encouraging, eating and
being with kids. A lover of God’s love, skies and
The Chronicles of Narnia.   

She believes in the role of Education as one of
God’s means to end Poverty and that anything is possible for those who believe. 

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
                                                                                                                               -Galatians 5:20 (NIV)

Still too Heavenly? I guess that's really me because of Him :) This will be for my lifetime and beyond. 

Now it's Php 42 already and it's 11:38PM. Oh my. what happened to my self-control.