Thursday, February 23, 2012

That Midterm which requires alot of Strength from Him

My supposed "Midterm Requirement" . Basically, I didn't make it to class that day and there's really no "second chance" for the one that is not present (that's only me). tumataginting na SINGKO sa midterm.

I need a lot of Strength to face this, na hindi umiyak (masyado) and to forgive myself (still finding it hard).

Feeling useless and worthless and brainless ang lola nyo.

Please pray for my heart to accept everything that will happen. His kingdom come, His will be done right?

Sobrang garteful lang that everytime I would open and read my Bible. Parang Chinichika lang ako ni Lord about this, so... what a way to encounter Him more. :) eto yung mga tumatak:

"but I tell you, I will do what is best for you"

and also

"Be cheerful! I have conquer the world!"

This is an instant blog entry, so hm I'll just edit it maybe for identifying those verses :)

pray.pray.pray :)

really sorry for my misstep :(

ULITHIAN CULTURE fir Intercultural/ International Communication Course


Culture is the total way of life of people and intercultural communication exists for the purpose of exchanging information between individuals who are unalike culturally.

Ulithians, having own culture is not unfamiliar with the concept of intercultural communication. The fact that a Portugese Captain is the first to come in their place (which is Ulithi) so does the many intruders after that is a proof of their practiced intercultural communication.

But first, let’s focus on their own culture- their own way of life. Culture is not a purely indigenous adaptation, though the environment has had at least some say in the way people can live.

Ulithi is a cluster of low islets of carbonate rock near the equator in the western portion of the Pacific. Pacific, meaning it is somehow near our country, the Philippines. It’s stated on my source that our country is familiar to them since Ulithians are often stranded here after being lost in the sea. Thus, the place is also a typhoon circulatory region and a tropical one .People relies on the sea to support their small population.

As for their feature, the average height is 5’4. Their hair is black with moderate degree of dark brownishness. It is coarse and their baldness is seldom seen. Their eyeballs are large. (Cultural marker)

Ulithian is a dialect of Trukese, a subdivision of Micronesian is an agglutinative language using extensive suffixes. Language is spoken rapidly but has a pleasing sound, closely allied to the Polynesians. (Verbal Communication)

Ulithians are remarkably free of infectious disease.

Marriage outside the atoll is stimulated by strict and wide rule of incest, which often makes it necessary for an Ulithian to fetch a wife from elsewhere. (Collectivistic culture / Norm). After becoming widowed or divorced there is a little disposition to remain unmarried. Divorce is common. (Norm)

They are mild people who feel and move emotionally in a low key. They experience the gamut of human emotions, including anger, sadness, and pain and to a lesser extent, loneliness, guilt and excitement.

. Do not give strong impression to their inner feelings. (Attitude)

Basic Social Relations

Ulithian village is always located on the shore of the lagoon is compacted rather than scattered.

. The woods are avoided at night because of a fear of evil spirits lurking. (Cultural belief)

People must go through ritual- one of the passengers must proceed immediately to the house to recite certain words expressing the fact of arrival and prefacing the news that is to follow. To violate is considered to be an outrageous breech of protocol, punishable in drastic ways. (Cultural values,attitude,norm)

Even if there’s no one in the house, one must apostrophize the “spirit” of the house. (Norm)

Canoe is spotted long before it arrives an a group of men will await it, especially so if the canoe is recognized as coming from outside atoll, in this event, the whole village may assemble before the house with the women and children, however, preserving a discrete distance, for this is a solemn occasion.

Emotions must be controlled and hidden. (Attitude)

-no hilarity, even among close friends

-to impress everyone on the seriousness of the arrival

Ulthian village-all houses are built at right angles to the shore (menstrual house) where women retrieve to have their babies or wait out their menses; to warn the male visitor of its nature and to remind him to observe the strict rules against trespass.

When an island is structured into two divisions, a good-natured rivalry exists and finds expression in competitive dancer and sports. (Cultural artifacts)

The Family

Ulithian family is based on monogamous marriage (economic limitations than moral stringency) (Norm)

They do not always eat together even when domiciled under one roof. (Attitude)

Father has more rights than the mother with respect to the child. (Norm)

Those relative in your own lineage are known as your father and mother. If they belong in any generation above your own, as your sibling if they are in your generation, and your child if in any generation below that. As long as a man refers to a woman as his sister, he may not be in her company alone, use sexual language in her presence, sleep under the same roof with her, have intercourse with her or marry her (Cultural values);Females of the man’s lineage and generation, father’s brother’s daughter, daughter of any man of the father’s lineage.

In short, when it’s just really distant relation that they can be together.

Each functioning lineage has it pool of ancestral ghosts and a shrine for the sacrifices made to these spirits. (Norm)

Political Organization

The coronation of chieftainship must be solemn and religious.

They have the Village council, the district and the chief of them all.

Aspects of law

In a society that value conformity and deprecates controversy, there is little opportunity for law to be formed for law requires the processes of litigation for its development. (Cultural Values)

Abortion and infanticide are not practiced so any reaction to the term can only be stated in hypothetical terms. Homicide never occurred, so does sodomy, bestiality and prostitution.

When woman wishes to end her husband’s philandering with other women, she will secretly arrange with some women friends to make up a song to accompany the hamath dance. (Cultural Artifacts)

In this song reference may be made to the inadequacy of the man’s sexual organ, to his clumsiness is his relations with women, or to his preference for eating chicken instead of catching fish is mark of laziness.

The Transcendental World

Some spirit beings have an originally human origin rather than the impersonal one of the spirits of nature. (Cultural belief)

Ancestors are people and consequently possessed of souls.

Frontal portion of the cranium is the spot where the soul enters the baby at birth.

The soul is not a prisoner, it may especially in dreams and illness, leave the body.

Ghosts are in a sense are active members of the society, for they are never very far from the dreamy intercourse of daily life.

Demons Who Menace

Demons have one-large eye, other say two or four. (Belief) They were sitting, standing, walking, swimming or suspended in air a few inches off the ground. They believe that a tree spirit cause blindness and also a spirit who uses his penis as a light to attract the sea fauna in the dark. While a female spirit taking care of a garden.

There are people who are not permitted to enter: people who have eaten during the day; people who are in mourning for a close relative, or have washed a corpse, or dug a grave in the past five months; women who are barren. persons with sexual relations in the past six days

Rituals that Tap Supernatural Power

Ulithian magic

Magic has less effect in supporting the moral order than in satisfying an immediate specific objective on the part of the magician himself, his client, or the society he may be called upon to serve. Magic is not elaborate, requiring ordinarily the activity of but a single person. The magic never involves interaction with the responding audience.

The practice is in a matter of minutes or a portion of hour.

One of the magic activity is using a young coconut leaf is tied into formulistic knots and loops, and worn on the head, neck, shoulders, waist, biceps, wrists and ankles which is impressive.

The magicians are usually men not young boys. It is for a personal use rather than a profession. There are times that the magician performs a ritual to cause a girl to love him. Here are there reasons for doing the magician: First, the sincere desire to be of service to one’s relatives and neighbors. Second is the more self-centered and revolves around the great opportunity offered by magic.

Magicians are considered to be a man of prestige.

They believe that religion is dependent on “whom” you know, for them it is “what” you know. The knowledge of the ritual is the source of any magician’s power, for to know what to do is the key which unlocks supernatural forces for men.

There are four types of primary magicians:

  • Typhoon magicians-effects of giant winds on canoes at sea
  • Navigator
  • Specialist-community fish magician
  • Palm-left-kind diviner-discovering hidden events in the past, present and future

“Anxieties are revealed though magicians.”

Specialist in spirits such as those who reside in the larger trees, Client: men who are about to cut down a tree because disease is often due to the action of tree spirits.

For Canoe is a canoe carpenter magic, they spare from damage and cause no one to so admire it as to want to use or even acquire it. House magician is for house blessing

And grave magician is to free the burial plot from spirit.

Sexual Behavior

Sexual abstinence is not a virtue to be idealized by young people, never experience guilt or shame or guilt when they do it outside marriage. Sex is not clearly idealized. (Cultural attitude / norm)

But they did not have a consistent concept as to what the ideal sex partner ought to be like it’s a personal taste. (Individualistic in a way)

Ulithian men wonder why foreigners make such a to-do over breasts; they claim not to find them stimulating.

Decency and Decorum

Men always wear loincloth and upper garments is considered improper. For women, to attempt to wear something covering the breasts is an act of immodesty or a breach of convention. They have no underwear. (Norm) Nudity among children is the rule up to 6 years old. It is Improper to see opposite sex together especially real brother and sister relationship. (Values)

Women bathe to the sea still with skirt. (Attitude) While when they were at land, they bathe at either daybreak or after sunset. Women: whether they are the intruders or the intruded upon, feel the grater embarrassment watch out for modesty. (Norm)

On a canoe, women should not urinate but if she really can’t hinder it, she must pretend to take a bath. While the men dives into the water.

They do not mention bat because there that is the figure on women’s leg) they use rat instead. Also they do not say dark red (color of vagina) but red. Urinating is not called as urinating but going to the beach / lightening one self.

If you do violate these, you will be given a disapproving silence (non- verbal communication) then next is be scolded by the elderly.

Women must always act shy and modest in public because forward women are (stereotyped) bad women. (Norm)

Love song is sung by a group- all male/all female only (attitude)

Adultery is so common. (Norm)

If a man avoids marriage, it was that he is both selfish and lazy (cultural values)

Usually they are married three times (norm)

From Birth to Death

Old age does not fear to die or to get sick and their last breath is exhaled rather than inhaled. When someone died they cut off a portion of the hair as souvenir. Ulithians are indeed sentimentalists. They also believe that ghosts do return to earth for visits and even guide their lives.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

That Midterm which requires alot of Strength from Him

My supposed "Midterm Requirement" . Basically, I didn't make it to class that day and there's really no "second chance" for the one that is not present (that's only me). tumataginting na SINGKO sa midterm.

I need a lot of Strength to face this, na hindi umiyak (masyado) and to forgive myself (still finding it hard).

Feeling useless and worthless and brainless ang lola nyo.

Please pray for my heart to accept everything that will happen. His kingdom come, His will be done right?

Sobrang garteful lang that everytime I would open and read my Bible. Parang Chinichika lang ako ni Lord about this, so... what a way to encounter Him more. :) eto yung mga tumatak:

"but I tell you, I will do what is best for you"

and also

"Be cheerful! I have conquer the world!"

This is an instant blog entry, so hm I'll just edit it maybe for identifying those verses :)

pray.pray.pray :)

really sorry for my misstep :(

ULITHIAN CULTURE fir Intercultural/ International Communication Course


Culture is the total way of life of people and intercultural communication exists for the purpose of exchanging information between individuals who are unalike culturally.

Ulithians, having own culture is not unfamiliar with the concept of intercultural communication. The fact that a Portugese Captain is the first to come in their place (which is Ulithi) so does the many intruders after that is a proof of their practiced intercultural communication.

But first, let’s focus on their own culture- their own way of life. Culture is not a purely indigenous adaptation, though the environment has had at least some say in the way people can live.

Ulithi is a cluster of low islets of carbonate rock near the equator in the western portion of the Pacific. Pacific, meaning it is somehow near our country, the Philippines. It’s stated on my source that our country is familiar to them since Ulithians are often stranded here after being lost in the sea. Thus, the place is also a typhoon circulatory region and a tropical one .People relies on the sea to support their small population.

As for their feature, the average height is 5’4. Their hair is black with moderate degree of dark brownishness. It is coarse and their baldness is seldom seen. Their eyeballs are large. (Cultural marker)

Ulithian is a dialect of Trukese, a subdivision of Micronesian is an agglutinative language using extensive suffixes. Language is spoken rapidly but has a pleasing sound, closely allied to the Polynesians. (Verbal Communication)

Ulithians are remarkably free of infectious disease.

Marriage outside the atoll is stimulated by strict and wide rule of incest, which often makes it necessary for an Ulithian to fetch a wife from elsewhere. (Collectivistic culture / Norm). After becoming widowed or divorced there is a little disposition to remain unmarried. Divorce is common. (Norm)

They are mild people who feel and move emotionally in a low key. They experience the gamut of human emotions, including anger, sadness, and pain and to a lesser extent, loneliness, guilt and excitement.

. Do not give strong impression to their inner feelings. (Attitude)

Basic Social Relations

Ulithian village is always located on the shore of the lagoon is compacted rather than scattered.

. The woods are avoided at night because of a fear of evil spirits lurking. (Cultural belief)

People must go through ritual- one of the passengers must proceed immediately to the house to recite certain words expressing the fact of arrival and prefacing the news that is to follow. To violate is considered to be an outrageous breech of protocol, punishable in drastic ways. (Cultural values,attitude,norm)

Even if there’s no one in the house, one must apostrophize the “spirit” of the house. (Norm)

Canoe is spotted long before it arrives an a group of men will await it, especially so if the canoe is recognized as coming from outside atoll, in this event, the whole village may assemble before the house with the women and children, however, preserving a discrete distance, for this is a solemn occasion.

Emotions must be controlled and hidden. (Attitude)

-no hilarity, even among close friends

-to impress everyone on the seriousness of the arrival

Ulthian village-all houses are built at right angles to the shore (menstrual house) where women retrieve to have their babies or wait out their menses; to warn the male visitor of its nature and to remind him to observe the strict rules against trespass.

When an island is structured into two divisions, a good-natured rivalry exists and finds expression in competitive dancer and sports. (Cultural artifacts)

The Family

Ulithian family is based on monogamous marriage (economic limitations than moral stringency) (Norm)

They do not always eat together even when domiciled under one roof. (Attitude)

Father has more rights than the mother with respect to the child. (Norm)

Those relative in your own lineage are known as your father and mother. If they belong in any generation above your own, as your sibling if they are in your generation, and your child if in any generation below that. As long as a man refers to a woman as his sister, he may not be in her company alone, use sexual language in her presence, sleep under the same roof with her, have intercourse with her or marry her (Cultural values);Females of the man’s lineage and generation, father’s brother’s daughter, daughter of any man of the father’s lineage.

In short, when it’s just really distant relation that they can be together.

Each functioning lineage has it pool of ancestral ghosts and a shrine for the sacrifices made to these spirits. (Norm)

Political Organization

The coronation of chieftainship must be solemn and religious.

They have the Village council, the district and the chief of them all.

Aspects of law

In a society that value conformity and deprecates controversy, there is little opportunity for law to be formed for law requires the processes of litigation for its development. (Cultural Values)

Abortion and infanticide are not practiced so any reaction to the term can only be stated in hypothetical terms. Homicide never occurred, so does sodomy, bestiality and prostitution.

When woman wishes to end her husband’s philandering with other women, she will secretly arrange with some women friends to make up a song to accompany the hamath dance. (Cultural Artifacts)

In this song reference may be made to the inadequacy of the man’s sexual organ, to his clumsiness is his relations with women, or to his preference for eating chicken instead of catching fish is mark of laziness.

The Transcendental World

Some spirit beings have an originally human origin rather than the impersonal one of the spirits of nature. (Cultural belief)

Ancestors are people and consequently possessed of souls.

Frontal portion of the cranium is the spot where the soul enters the baby at birth.

The soul is not a prisoner, it may especially in dreams and illness, leave the body.

Ghosts are in a sense are active members of the society, for they are never very far from the dreamy intercourse of daily life.

Demons Who Menace

Demons have one-large eye, other say two or four. (Belief) They were sitting, standing, walking, swimming or suspended in air a few inches off the ground. They believe that a tree spirit cause blindness and also a spirit who uses his penis as a light to attract the sea fauna in the dark. While a female spirit taking care of a garden.

There are people who are not permitted to enter: people who have eaten during the day; people who are in mourning for a close relative, or have washed a corpse, or dug a grave in the past five months; women who are barren. persons with sexual relations in the past six days

Rituals that Tap Supernatural Power

Ulithian magic

Magic has less effect in supporting the moral order than in satisfying an immediate specific objective on the part of the magician himself, his client, or the society he may be called upon to serve. Magic is not elaborate, requiring ordinarily the activity of but a single person. The magic never involves interaction with the responding audience.

The practice is in a matter of minutes or a portion of hour.

One of the magic activity is using a young coconut leaf is tied into formulistic knots and loops, and worn on the head, neck, shoulders, waist, biceps, wrists and ankles which is impressive.

The magicians are usually men not young boys. It is for a personal use rather than a profession. There are times that the magician performs a ritual to cause a girl to love him. Here are there reasons for doing the magician: First, the sincere desire to be of service to one’s relatives and neighbors. Second is the more self-centered and revolves around the great opportunity offered by magic.

Magicians are considered to be a man of prestige.

They believe that religion is dependent on “whom” you know, for them it is “what” you know. The knowledge of the ritual is the source of any magician’s power, for to know what to do is the key which unlocks supernatural forces for men.

There are four types of primary magicians:

  • Typhoon magicians-effects of giant winds on canoes at sea
  • Navigator
  • Specialist-community fish magician
  • Palm-left-kind diviner-discovering hidden events in the past, present and future

“Anxieties are revealed though magicians.”

Specialist in spirits such as those who reside in the larger trees, Client: men who are about to cut down a tree because disease is often due to the action of tree spirits.

For Canoe is a canoe carpenter magic, they spare from damage and cause no one to so admire it as to want to use or even acquire it. House magician is for house blessing

And grave magician is to free the burial plot from spirit.

Sexual Behavior

Sexual abstinence is not a virtue to be idealized by young people, never experience guilt or shame or guilt when they do it outside marriage. Sex is not clearly idealized. (Cultural attitude / norm)

But they did not have a consistent concept as to what the ideal sex partner ought to be like it’s a personal taste. (Individualistic in a way)

Ulithian men wonder why foreigners make such a to-do over breasts; they claim not to find them stimulating.

Decency and Decorum

Men always wear loincloth and upper garments is considered improper. For women, to attempt to wear something covering the breasts is an act of immodesty or a breach of convention. They have no underwear. (Norm) Nudity among children is the rule up to 6 years old. It is Improper to see opposite sex together especially real brother and sister relationship. (Values)

Women bathe to the sea still with skirt. (Attitude) While when they were at land, they bathe at either daybreak or after sunset. Women: whether they are the intruders or the intruded upon, feel the grater embarrassment watch out for modesty. (Norm)

On a canoe, women should not urinate but if she really can’t hinder it, she must pretend to take a bath. While the men dives into the water.

They do not mention bat because there that is the figure on women’s leg) they use rat instead. Also they do not say dark red (color of vagina) but red. Urinating is not called as urinating but going to the beach / lightening one self.

If you do violate these, you will be given a disapproving silence (non- verbal communication) then next is be scolded by the elderly.

Women must always act shy and modest in public because forward women are (stereotyped) bad women. (Norm)

Love song is sung by a group- all male/all female only (attitude)

Adultery is so common. (Norm)

If a man avoids marriage, it was that he is both selfish and lazy (cultural values)

Usually they are married three times (norm)

From Birth to Death

Old age does not fear to die or to get sick and their last breath is exhaled rather than inhaled. When someone died they cut off a portion of the hair as souvenir. Ulithians are indeed sentimentalists. They also believe that ghosts do return to earth for visits and even guide their lives.