Monday, January 10, 2011

The Missing Writer

I love to write.I love to blog.And I hate how I'm doing this.

Yet I miss the pen,how it go smoothly across the paper carrying my thoughts.I miss the paper,how it accepts everything that's putted to it,whether there's some mistakes or none,I can tell the paper is not worried, for the pen will surely replace the mistakes with corrections afterwards.
I miss the letters,how they're combined together to form a word.Be it the past,be it the present and be it the future,in just one addition or subtraction,time will change,time,would be immortal and time would be alive.

I'm going through some physical challenge yet a spiritual fulfillment.I'm still your natural worried girl for anything that I look as a big thing yet a small one beyond (I hope...,see?,I'm worried AGAIN!).

Development Paradigms hand-out is calling me.My pillow is winking at me and this blog is smiling,hopes up that this could be the start of something.Something what?Let's find out together as....

Blank Air Dampens.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

The Missing Writer

I love to write.I love to blog.And I hate how I'm doing this.

Yet I miss the pen,how it go smoothly across the paper carrying my thoughts.I miss the paper,how it accepts everything that's putted to it,whether there's some mistakes or none,I can tell the paper is not worried, for the pen will surely replace the mistakes with corrections afterwards.
I miss the letters,how they're combined together to form a word.Be it the past,be it the present and be it the future,in just one addition or subtraction,time will change,time,would be immortal and time would be alive.

I'm going through some physical challenge yet a spiritual fulfillment.I'm still your natural worried girl for anything that I look as a big thing yet a small one beyond (I hope...,see?,I'm worried AGAIN!).

Development Paradigms hand-out is calling me.My pillow is winking at me and this blog is smiling,hopes up that this could be the start of something.Something what?Let's find out together as....

Blank Air Dampens.

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