Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Writing for Him

For the past months, I've been doing things that I've never done before or things that I've never even imagined of doing. One of them is writing a newsletter for an outreach event. When it was first brought up, I was too hesitant (because I only write blogs and I almost forgot that comm was my major!). I was reminded though that I declared in my heart that I will not put any boundaries on how He'll gonna use my hands, feet and life. 

I am blessed to be part of the Core team of Hike For Christ Movement now and this was my first task. I resolved to rely on His grace.

Days after, I was so happy to actually come up with this (though this is still for approval!). I was like, "Whoa, this really looks like a newsletter!" I can't believe this! I thank Daddy God for His Word for me last night..
Generation after generation stands in awe of Your work;
each one tells stories of Your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4 MSG)

Your marvelous doings are headline news;
I could write a book full of the details of Your greatness. (Psalm 145:6 MSG)

I'm amazed when the author of Psalm said "I could write a book full of the details of Your greatness." I realized it's a great privilege to write about Him and what He is doing! 

So here's the newsletter I tried to do for Hike For Christ Movement's Balik-Eskwela missions (this is not the official newsletter) : 

The text isn't  that clear so if you want, you can read it here:

Balik-Eskwela Missions 2018 

We are very much grateful for your partnership in blessing our Aeta students in Sitio Cawag and Sitio Banawen, Zambales through our Balik -Eskwela missions last May 19, 26-27,2018. We are privileged and humbled that God is continually using us to bring hope and faith in the said communities.

At Sitio Cawag

It’s great to go back to this community. It’s been 5 months since we last visited and it’s heartwarming to see familiar smiles all over again. Our team (which was composed of 54 volunteers) was expectant of what God will do in and through us this time.

In this one day missional outreach, we’re able to give 115 school bags with school supplies. Initially, we thought that we will only be able to give school kits, but because of God’s provision through your generosity, we’re amazed that we’re also able to bless them with new school bags.

In addition, we also gave toys to the preschool children, prizes for the games and fed them physically by cooking and distributing snacks (“sopas” and juice).

Most importantly, we’re able to feed them spiritually.

We praise God together, conducted Bible story telling and had a discipleship time with the youth. Specifically, we taught the children to love others as Jesus Christ loves us. We’re grateful that we’re able to share the Gospel to the parents as well. We believe that they could and should be our partner in leading the next generation to Jesus. We must always go back to our mission. We exist to reach out different tribes around the Philippines to share His hope and His love.

It wasn’t only a wonderful time for the community but for the volunteers as well. We had a chance to meet new brothers and sisters in Christ, had a deeper revelation of why we were doing these things through our time of devotion and we were able to use our different skills and gifts so that we can serve more. Some had fun cooking, ministering, preparing the place, teaching, singing, dancing and even acting! Yes, some tasks were challenging, but we declare that we’re unstoppable in doing what God wants us to do. We’re grateful for the spirit of fun, faith and family in our midst. The outreach shaped our faith and we’re forever grateful that we’re there to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.

At Sitio Banawen

It’s the second time that we blessed this community and it’s great to be back. The 2-3 hours trek just to reach them was really worth it. Our team was relatively smaller (we only had 33 volunteers) this time but God still worked mightily through us.

In this two-day missional outreach, we’re able to reconnect with the children and bless them with snacks, 85 school bags with school supplies and toys. It’s our prayer that they will be able dream big and believe that nothing is impossible with our God.

Just like in Sitio Cawag, we were intentional in sharing what they ultimately need - the saving knowledge Jesus Christ. We shared the story of Joseph the Dreamer to the young ones and presented John 3:16 to the youth. We were also able to reach the parents with the Gospel.

It was also a great privilege to lead the children as they sing and dance for Jesus. To celebrate His great love with them is a sight to behold.

The volunteers had a great time of fellowship on the second day. We reminded each other that Jesus is a compassionate God who can relate to us. We also ponder on what He did on the cross for each of us. We can only love the community that we’re in because He first loved us.

Again, we thank God for you. We truly appreciate your prayers and support to our Balik- Eskwela Missions.

God bless you always!
Hike For Christ Movement

After a series of meetings and heeding suggestions, here's the final look of our Balik- Eskwela missions newsletter: 

This might be not as long as a book but this is from my heart to our God and our partners. 
LORD, have Your way as I write for You

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Writing for Him

For the past months, I've been doing things that I've never done before or things that I've never even imagined of doing. One of them is writing a newsletter for an outreach event. When it was first brought up, I was too hesitant (because I only write blogs and I almost forgot that comm was my major!). I was reminded though that I declared in my heart that I will not put any boundaries on how He'll gonna use my hands, feet and life. 

I am blessed to be part of the Core team of Hike For Christ Movement now and this was my first task. I resolved to rely on His grace.

Days after, I was so happy to actually come up with this (though this is still for approval!). I was like, "Whoa, this really looks like a newsletter!" I can't believe this! I thank Daddy God for His Word for me last night..
Generation after generation stands in awe of Your work;
each one tells stories of Your mighty acts. (Psalm 145:4 MSG)

Your marvelous doings are headline news;
I could write a book full of the details of Your greatness. (Psalm 145:6 MSG)

I'm amazed when the author of Psalm said "I could write a book full of the details of Your greatness." I realized it's a great privilege to write about Him and what He is doing! 

So here's the newsletter I tried to do for Hike For Christ Movement's Balik-Eskwela missions (this is not the official newsletter) : 

The text isn't  that clear so if you want, you can read it here:

Balik-Eskwela Missions 2018 

We are very much grateful for your partnership in blessing our Aeta students in Sitio Cawag and Sitio Banawen, Zambales through our Balik -Eskwela missions last May 19, 26-27,2018. We are privileged and humbled that God is continually using us to bring hope and faith in the said communities.

At Sitio Cawag

It’s great to go back to this community. It’s been 5 months since we last visited and it’s heartwarming to see familiar smiles all over again. Our team (which was composed of 54 volunteers) was expectant of what God will do in and through us this time.

In this one day missional outreach, we’re able to give 115 school bags with school supplies. Initially, we thought that we will only be able to give school kits, but because of God’s provision through your generosity, we’re amazed that we’re also able to bless them with new school bags.

In addition, we also gave toys to the preschool children, prizes for the games and fed them physically by cooking and distributing snacks (“sopas” and juice).

Most importantly, we’re able to feed them spiritually.

We praise God together, conducted Bible story telling and had a discipleship time with the youth. Specifically, we taught the children to love others as Jesus Christ loves us. We’re grateful that we’re able to share the Gospel to the parents as well. We believe that they could and should be our partner in leading the next generation to Jesus. We must always go back to our mission. We exist to reach out different tribes around the Philippines to share His hope and His love.

It wasn’t only a wonderful time for the community but for the volunteers as well. We had a chance to meet new brothers and sisters in Christ, had a deeper revelation of why we were doing these things through our time of devotion and we were able to use our different skills and gifts so that we can serve more. Some had fun cooking, ministering, preparing the place, teaching, singing, dancing and even acting! Yes, some tasks were challenging, but we declare that we’re unstoppable in doing what God wants us to do. We’re grateful for the spirit of fun, faith and family in our midst. The outreach shaped our faith and we’re forever grateful that we’re there to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus.

At Sitio Banawen

It’s the second time that we blessed this community and it’s great to be back. The 2-3 hours trek just to reach them was really worth it. Our team was relatively smaller (we only had 33 volunteers) this time but God still worked mightily through us.

In this two-day missional outreach, we’re able to reconnect with the children and bless them with snacks, 85 school bags with school supplies and toys. It’s our prayer that they will be able dream big and believe that nothing is impossible with our God.

Just like in Sitio Cawag, we were intentional in sharing what they ultimately need - the saving knowledge Jesus Christ. We shared the story of Joseph the Dreamer to the young ones and presented John 3:16 to the youth. We were also able to reach the parents with the Gospel.

It was also a great privilege to lead the children as they sing and dance for Jesus. To celebrate His great love with them is a sight to behold.

The volunteers had a great time of fellowship on the second day. We reminded each other that Jesus is a compassionate God who can relate to us. We also ponder on what He did on the cross for each of us. We can only love the community that we’re in because He first loved us.

Again, we thank God for you. We truly appreciate your prayers and support to our Balik- Eskwela Missions.

God bless you always!
Hike For Christ Movement

After a series of meetings and heeding suggestions, here's the final look of our Balik- Eskwela missions newsletter: 

This might be not as long as a book but this is from my heart to our God and our partners. 
LORD, have Your way as I write for You