Wednesday, January 31, 2018


A great woman of God 

It was the last day in the office of this woman who's faithful
I never thought this could be this painful
Our eyes still hurt and it was so wonderful
Oh! At the same time, I'm sad and grateful

Sad that I'll cease to be with her everyday
Grateful that our friendship happened anyway
I'll try to be happy in my classes today
Knowing that hugging her's just a prayer away

I'll miss her hands on my hair and face
Her make up skill, my waterfall and all other braids
I'll certainly miss all her encouragements
and of how confident she is that our needs will be met

What a privilege to witness her servant heart 
I can declare that she's really set apart
I can't help but ask "Why is it Dad that we have to part?" 
He answered with a comfort that in Him,
we'll never be apart


I'll always admire how you listen to our God
I know you'll continue to shine for our Dad
Your strength will still be found on the One who shed His blood
May you just always be secured in His great love


Thank you for helping my dream come true
You made it possible for me to be Fuu!
Thank you for believing for my next season too!
Please don't forget to be in my pre-nup uy!


 I love you to bits and for me, you're so BTS!!!!



When we shared the Gospel together (sya sa Words, sa powerpoint ako, este taga drawing ng bridge haha)!!! 

Ilahui (We love Cubao? haha) 



when we walked in the rain!!!

before a holiday

Oh come let us adore Him!

and Ilahui ulit

BTS girls. hahaha

What a privilege to look at God in your life :") 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lovin' these 7 Christian Songs [January 2018]!!!!

Here's a list of some songs that are  on repeat these days in my ear, mind and heart (they are not necessarily new songs but they're new to me, so..) Plus my reasons why I currently love them!  Maybe you can add them to your playlist too! :")

7. Known - Tauren Wells

January. Ah, New year. New. It's a fresh start and I wanted me to be a better version of myself. I'm excited! But what happened was.. I sinned. I made wrong choices. I failed to fulfill a commitment. My "Yes" didn't become a "Yes". It was so terrible and I hurt people that God blessed me with.  Here I am again - such a sinner and it was hard again to forgive myself even after apologizing to Him and to the person I hurt. Eventually, He revealed His forgiveness and His love for me. I was so amazed again at how He could still love someone like me. HUHUHUHU. Thus,  I loved this song my Tauren Wells!

It's so like You to keep pursuing
It's so like me to go astray
But You guard my heart with Your truth
A kind of love that's bullet proof
And I surrender to Your kindness

I'm fully known and loved by You

6. Soar - Meredith Andrews

I just love declaring this song! It's from the verse Isaiah 40:31 which says

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

I’m gonna run and not grow weary
I’m gonna walk and not grow faint
Rise up on wings like eagles 
To soar

I know with everything You’re with me
I know you’re working as I wait
Lift me up on wings like eagles
To soar

5. For Your Purpose - Victory Worship

This year will be  a purposeful year and I want nothing less than His purposes for me! I really love this song from Victory Worship!

You shape me, inside and out
You made me to be all about
About You
What can I do without (You) ?

So tell me who I am
Remind me of Your plans
Lord, You know me more
You know it all

So, tell me who I am
Remind me of Your plans
I wanna know You more
Know You more!

4. Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin

We sang this during a worship service in Victory Baliwag and I love the song anew! I heard this before pero ngayon lang tumama ng soooobra.  :")

Oh, it's love so undeniable
I, I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I, I can hardly think
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
Into love, love, love

3. Always Enough - Kari Jobe

I'm in the season wherein the cliche's are being real.  I'm currently in the pursuit of really living for Him. It's being real that  He is  enough. More than enough for me.
This song is the cry and the declaration of my heart these days. Haaaay.. NKKKLG!!!!!

I will find my life in You
You're always enough
Always enough
Let the fullness of Your love
Be all I need
All I need

Consume me, come like a fire, oh God
Reign in me
For You alone will satisfy
There is no other

2. What love is this - Kari Jobe

Will always be amazed of His great love!

What love is this, that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me You're all I need

I look to You, I see the scars upon Your hands.
And hold the truth, that when I can't You always can.
And standing here beneath the shadow of the cross.
I'm overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms.

1. Beautiful - Kari Jobe

and, I will always be amazed of who He is! His beauty makes me utterly speechless. Nothing else to say but... BEAUTIFUL!!!! :")  This is a great song to listen to or to sing to Him before reading the Bible/ having your date with Him/ spending time with Jesus. It's for those times that  you just want to surrender yourself fully to Him and be in awe of Him.

Here before Your altar
I am letting go of all I've held
Of every motive, every burden
Everything that's of myself
And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are

Beautiful, beautiful
Oh, I am lost for more to say
Beautiful, beautiful
Oh Lord You're beautiful to me

Here in Your presence
I am not afraid of brokenness
To wash Your feet with humble tears
I would be poured out till nothing's left

That's it for the list folks! Remember that worship is more than a song. It's a lifestyle to live.

Enjoy worshiping the ONE who is ultimately WORTHY!!!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another  in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritiual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fort Santiago

It was my first time in Fort Santiago! And  it was super fun because of these ladies!
We had a quiet alone with Daddy too! Seeking Him personally and corporately!!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Answered 2017 Faith Goals!!!

It's that time of the year again wherein I'm excited  to make Daddy smile through my faith (by having my Faith Goals!!!). Every year, my church (Victory / Every Nation) usually have  Prayer and Fasting week. It is " to dedicate the year to the Lord and seek His will."   I've been participating since 2012, saw a lot of breakthroughs and grew in my relationship with Him.  It simply became one of the highlights of my year!

Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” JOSHUA 3:5 (ESV)

If you want to do it with us this year, you check this site:

 Anyway, before I write my 2018 faith goals, let's look back on how God heard and miraculously made a way for my Faith Goals last year.

 Let's get started (opening the booklet) !

Last 2017 I believed God for.... and He answered!

Personal Faith Goals: 

  • Leadership 113 graduation! 

          - yay! My Mom even came for that! And so does my One 2 one Leader, Ana!

  • Better than Jewels (book) by Ms. Rica Peralejo - Bonifacio
          - gamit na gamit for my VG last year!
  • Strengths Finder (book)

- WAAAAHHH! My dear friend blessed me with this on my birthday!!!!!

  • Awesome special offer
          - Yes! I got 5K from the company! (Nabunot kasi ako ulit for Trip to Korea, kaya lang, hindi na daw pwede yung mga nakapunta na.. so.. they gave special offer instead.)
  • Braces
  • To cook more food again
- I cooked  Penne Pasta etc. on my birthday!!!! plus pag volunteer na magluto sa bahay ;") 
  • Beach 
          -  I went to Zambales with VFs! Teehee!

  • Increased tithe
  • Increased ability to love 
  • Deeper and more intimate relationship with God 
  • Security in Him 

My Family 
  • Family business !!!!
- Yes! We started to have a store in front of our house and my uncle bought a new Tricycle (pangpasada) 

  • Great relationship with relatives

- I bond with my cousins this year like never before. It was amazing!

  • Smartphone for my brother
-oh yeah. He just bought one! 

  • Boldness to share the Gospel 
- I somehow got to share the Gospel during the Eulogy! Continuously declaring SALVATION! 

  • For Nanay Lydia to be comforted and healed
- I believe she is comfortable now and completely healed.

My school / career
  • High grades in UP!!! 

- awesome! awesome! I got 1.00 and 1.25 in my subjects!!!!! Yes,  even on my subject last sem (undergrad subject with Math!!!! oh my!!!! Si Lord talaga ito!!! This is worthy of another post!!!) 
I'm in awe!!!!

  • Best Teacher 
- I was awarded twice last year (I guess)  and for the 9th time in history. ALL BY HIS GRACE!!!!!

  • For TOR to be released before Feb. 15!
-I needed this for my admission and the Lord granted it! Nakapagpasa before the deadline! 

  • Tuition Fee
  • Favored Leave and Schedule
- I super needed these and He made a way! Most especially for enrollments!!!!

  • Highly favored enrollment
-Grabe. It's indeed divine na nakakuha ako ng subjects and profs pag enrollment. Hunger games po ng subjects sa UP. 

  • Favor sa  Professors
- super answered! I love and I admire my Profs!!!!

  • Great relationship with classmates and co-workers 
- I love and I miss my classmates in different subjects. I love and I miss (those who resigned) my co-workers too!!!

  • Cash Special offer
- like what I said earlier, I got 5K for this. So it's cash! Yay! 

  • Wisdom, Intelligence, Knowledge 

My Ministry 

  • Cha's Victory Weekend

Last 2016, I was crying in Mcdo kasi hindi natuloy weekend nya. But God made it happen this year. I declare she's been established in the faith! Hug Cha! I miss you so much! 

  • Spiritual growth and fruitfulness for my Spiritual daughters
I'm amazed. How one became a leader. How others served God in the ministry or simply, when they lead a prayer,  started reading the Bible or Tithing. Their growth brings so much joy in my heart. You're always in my prayers girls! Huggggggg!!!! (So this is how it is to be a  mom noh?) 

  • Invite and have more teachers in our group sa Office
- yay!!! Some left, some came. I'll be forever grateful and privilege to share His love to the teachers!

  • Singles Ministry VG
- started to have one! Sundays at 1pm! And our family is growing! Vibrant gals it is!!! I'm excited for this 2018 with them! 

  • Share the Gospel to more co-teachers and classmates
- whoohhoooo!!! Thank You Daddy for the boldness and opportunity! I was even more elated when I got the chance to share the gospel to a classmate last year!!!! I'm in awe!!!!

"...2017. To say it's been a roller-coaster would be a huge understatement. I had my lowest and my highest points in the same year and there were times I felt like I was just floating-- unable to feel because there were too much happening all at once. But at the end of it all, whether I'm grateful, grieving or trying to heal/feel again, I find myself with  no questions at all... just an abundance of peace. Because when nothing else is sure, I know His love for me is. Always. And this year made sure that was enough confidence for my heart to make it through anything. 2017, you were one crazy ride but I'm grateful you happened. Thank you for making me braver."

Very well said,  Moira dela Torre.

It was a great year because of the GREAT GOD alone. :") 

I'm super expectant for 2018 only because of our GREAT GOD and  DAD.

Always remember though that JESUS is our GREATEST BREAKTHROUGH. 

*closing the booklet and will open another one! :") 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


A great woman of God 

It was the last day in the office of this woman who's faithful
I never thought this could be this painful
Our eyes still hurt and it was so wonderful
Oh! At the same time, I'm sad and grateful

Sad that I'll cease to be with her everyday
Grateful that our friendship happened anyway
I'll try to be happy in my classes today
Knowing that hugging her's just a prayer away

I'll miss her hands on my hair and face
Her make up skill, my waterfall and all other braids
I'll certainly miss all her encouragements
and of how confident she is that our needs will be met

What a privilege to witness her servant heart 
I can declare that she's really set apart
I can't help but ask "Why is it Dad that we have to part?" 
He answered with a comfort that in Him,
we'll never be apart


I'll always admire how you listen to our God
I know you'll continue to shine for our Dad
Your strength will still be found on the One who shed His blood
May you just always be secured in His great love


Thank you for helping my dream come true
You made it possible for me to be Fuu!
Thank you for believing for my next season too!
Please don't forget to be in my pre-nup uy!


 I love you to bits and for me, you're so BTS!!!!



When we shared the Gospel together (sya sa Words, sa powerpoint ako, este taga drawing ng bridge haha)!!! 

Ilahui (We love Cubao? haha) 



when we walked in the rain!!!

before a holiday

Oh come let us adore Him!

and Ilahui ulit

BTS girls. hahaha

What a privilege to look at God in your life :") 

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Lovin' these 7 Christian Songs [January 2018]!!!!

Here's a list of some songs that are  on repeat these days in my ear, mind and heart (they are not necessarily new songs but they're new to me, so..) Plus my reasons why I currently love them!  Maybe you can add them to your playlist too! :")

7. Known - Tauren Wells

January. Ah, New year. New. It's a fresh start and I wanted me to be a better version of myself. I'm excited! But what happened was.. I sinned. I made wrong choices. I failed to fulfill a commitment. My "Yes" didn't become a "Yes". It was so terrible and I hurt people that God blessed me with.  Here I am again - such a sinner and it was hard again to forgive myself even after apologizing to Him and to the person I hurt. Eventually, He revealed His forgiveness and His love for me. I was so amazed again at how He could still love someone like me. HUHUHUHU. Thus,  I loved this song my Tauren Wells!

It's so like You to keep pursuing
It's so like me to go astray
But You guard my heart with Your truth
A kind of love that's bullet proof
And I surrender to Your kindness

I'm fully known and loved by You

6. Soar - Meredith Andrews

I just love declaring this song! It's from the verse Isaiah 40:31 which says

"But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."

I’m gonna run and not grow weary
I’m gonna walk and not grow faint
Rise up on wings like eagles 
To soar

I know with everything You’re with me
I know you’re working as I wait
Lift me up on wings like eagles
To soar

5. For Your Purpose - Victory Worship

This year will be  a purposeful year and I want nothing less than His purposes for me! I really love this song from Victory Worship!

You shape me, inside and out
You made me to be all about
About You
What can I do without (You) ?

So tell me who I am
Remind me of Your plans
Lord, You know me more
You know it all

So, tell me who I am
Remind me of Your plans
I wanna know You more
Know You more!

4. Good Good Father - Chris Tomlin

We sang this during a worship service in Victory Baliwag and I love the song anew! I heard this before pero ngayon lang tumama ng soooobra.  :")

Oh, it's love so undeniable
I, I can hardly speak
Peace so unexplainable
I, I can hardly think
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
As you call me deeper still
Into love, love, love

3. Always Enough - Kari Jobe

I'm in the season wherein the cliche's are being real.  I'm currently in the pursuit of really living for Him. It's being real that  He is  enough. More than enough for me.
This song is the cry and the declaration of my heart these days. Haaaay.. NKKKLG!!!!!

I will find my life in You
You're always enough
Always enough
Let the fullness of Your love
Be all I need
All I need

Consume me, come like a fire, oh God
Reign in me
For You alone will satisfy
There is no other

2. What love is this - Kari Jobe

Will always be amazed of His great love!

What love is this, that You gave Your life for me
And made a way for me to know You
And I confess You're always enough for me You're all I need

I look to You, I see the scars upon Your hands.
And hold the truth, that when I can't You always can.
And standing here beneath the shadow of the cross.
I'm overwhelmed that I keep finding open arms.

1. Beautiful - Kari Jobe

and, I will always be amazed of who He is! His beauty makes me utterly speechless. Nothing else to say but... BEAUTIFUL!!!! :")  This is a great song to listen to or to sing to Him before reading the Bible/ having your date with Him/ spending time with Jesus. It's for those times that  you just want to surrender yourself fully to Him and be in awe of Him.

Here before Your altar
I am letting go of all I've held
Of every motive, every burden
Everything that's of myself
And I just wanna wait on You, my God
I just wanna dwell on who You are

Beautiful, beautiful
Oh, I am lost for more to say
Beautiful, beautiful
Oh Lord You're beautiful to me

Here in Your presence
I am not afraid of brokenness
To wash Your feet with humble tears
I would be poured out till nothing's left

That's it for the list folks! Remember that worship is more than a song. It's a lifestyle to live.

Enjoy worshiping the ONE who is ultimately WORTHY!!!

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another  in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritiual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Colossians 3:16

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fort Santiago

It was my first time in Fort Santiago! And  it was super fun because of these ladies!
We had a quiet alone with Daddy too! Seeking Him personally and corporately!!!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Answered 2017 Faith Goals!!!

It's that time of the year again wherein I'm excited  to make Daddy smile through my faith (by having my Faith Goals!!!). Every year, my church (Victory / Every Nation) usually have  Prayer and Fasting week. It is " to dedicate the year to the Lord and seek His will."   I've been participating since 2012, saw a lot of breakthroughs and grew in my relationship with Him.  It simply became one of the highlights of my year!

Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.” JOSHUA 3:5 (ESV)

If you want to do it with us this year, you check this site:

 Anyway, before I write my 2018 faith goals, let's look back on how God heard and miraculously made a way for my Faith Goals last year.

 Let's get started (opening the booklet) !

Last 2017 I believed God for.... and He answered!

Personal Faith Goals: 

  • Leadership 113 graduation! 

          - yay! My Mom even came for that! And so does my One 2 one Leader, Ana!

  • Better than Jewels (book) by Ms. Rica Peralejo - Bonifacio
          - gamit na gamit for my VG last year!
  • Strengths Finder (book)

- WAAAAHHH! My dear friend blessed me with this on my birthday!!!!!

  • Awesome special offer
          - Yes! I got 5K from the company! (Nabunot kasi ako ulit for Trip to Korea, kaya lang, hindi na daw pwede yung mga nakapunta na.. so.. they gave special offer instead.)
  • Braces
  • To cook more food again
- I cooked  Penne Pasta etc. on my birthday!!!! plus pag volunteer na magluto sa bahay ;") 
  • Beach 
          -  I went to Zambales with VFs! Teehee!

  • Increased tithe
  • Increased ability to love 
  • Deeper and more intimate relationship with God 
  • Security in Him 

My Family 
  • Family business !!!!
- Yes! We started to have a store in front of our house and my uncle bought a new Tricycle (pangpasada) 

  • Great relationship with relatives

- I bond with my cousins this year like never before. It was amazing!

  • Smartphone for my brother
-oh yeah. He just bought one! 

  • Boldness to share the Gospel 
- I somehow got to share the Gospel during the Eulogy! Continuously declaring SALVATION! 

  • For Nanay Lydia to be comforted and healed
- I believe she is comfortable now and completely healed.

My school / career
  • High grades in UP!!! 

- awesome! awesome! I got 1.00 and 1.25 in my subjects!!!!! Yes,  even on my subject last sem (undergrad subject with Math!!!! oh my!!!! Si Lord talaga ito!!! This is worthy of another post!!!) 
I'm in awe!!!!

  • Best Teacher 
- I was awarded twice last year (I guess)  and for the 9th time in history. ALL BY HIS GRACE!!!!!

  • For TOR to be released before Feb. 15!
-I needed this for my admission and the Lord granted it! Nakapagpasa before the deadline! 

  • Tuition Fee
  • Favored Leave and Schedule
- I super needed these and He made a way! Most especially for enrollments!!!!

  • Highly favored enrollment
-Grabe. It's indeed divine na nakakuha ako ng subjects and profs pag enrollment. Hunger games po ng subjects sa UP. 

  • Favor sa  Professors
- super answered! I love and I admire my Profs!!!!

  • Great relationship with classmates and co-workers 
- I love and I miss my classmates in different subjects. I love and I miss (those who resigned) my co-workers too!!!

  • Cash Special offer
- like what I said earlier, I got 5K for this. So it's cash! Yay! 

  • Wisdom, Intelligence, Knowledge 

My Ministry 

  • Cha's Victory Weekend

Last 2016, I was crying in Mcdo kasi hindi natuloy weekend nya. But God made it happen this year. I declare she's been established in the faith! Hug Cha! I miss you so much! 

  • Spiritual growth and fruitfulness for my Spiritual daughters
I'm amazed. How one became a leader. How others served God in the ministry or simply, when they lead a prayer,  started reading the Bible or Tithing. Their growth brings so much joy in my heart. You're always in my prayers girls! Huggggggg!!!! (So this is how it is to be a  mom noh?) 

  • Invite and have more teachers in our group sa Office
- yay!!! Some left, some came. I'll be forever grateful and privilege to share His love to the teachers!

  • Singles Ministry VG
- started to have one! Sundays at 1pm! And our family is growing! Vibrant gals it is!!! I'm excited for this 2018 with them! 

  • Share the Gospel to more co-teachers and classmates
- whoohhoooo!!! Thank You Daddy for the boldness and opportunity! I was even more elated when I got the chance to share the gospel to a classmate last year!!!! I'm in awe!!!!

"...2017. To say it's been a roller-coaster would be a huge understatement. I had my lowest and my highest points in the same year and there were times I felt like I was just floating-- unable to feel because there were too much happening all at once. But at the end of it all, whether I'm grateful, grieving or trying to heal/feel again, I find myself with  no questions at all... just an abundance of peace. Because when nothing else is sure, I know His love for me is. Always. And this year made sure that was enough confidence for my heart to make it through anything. 2017, you were one crazy ride but I'm grateful you happened. Thank you for making me braver."

Very well said,  Moira dela Torre.

It was a great year because of the GREAT GOD alone. :") 

I'm super expectant for 2018 only because of our GREAT GOD and  DAD.

Always remember though that JESUS is our GREATEST BREAKTHROUGH. 

*closing the booklet and will open another one! :")