Wednesday, July 30, 2014

These 3 Days Before Weekend (Day 2)

(Here's Day 1.)

Day 2

Miracle at Dawn 

          It's Day 2.  What-a-starter. I woke up and it's 4: 12 AM (I usually wake up at 3:00 or 3:15AM). I hastily prepared. Waited for the Jeepney going Cubao. Texted my SL  (Section Leader). Prayed "Lord, Cubao please.." but all I could see are San Juan and Pasig. Eventually, it's provided! :)  "Thank You Daddy!"  I'm so nervous and scared and all. I can't afford to be late at work! Pray. Trust. Inhale. Exhale.

         I'm at Cubao going to Eastwood. It's 4:34 (I'm usually there at 4:10-15!) It's not yet full so I really have to wait. I can't explain that feeling. You want to fly but you can't. :( What will I do? Will I shout or somthing? Ay grabe talaga.  Pray. Trust. Inhale. Exhale. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. God can do it. He can stop the time! He can move in my circumstance. Believe. Believe. Believe. But at the same time, I'm accepting that His will be done. Whatever happens God does what is best for me.

         I don't want to check the time. I just ran after getting off the jeepney. I ran like there's no tomorrow (but still careful 'cause it's slippery). Hehe. Elevator oh yeah. Coach Joseph (my co-worker) is still on the lobby and then next to me is my Co-teacher! Whoo. Inhale. Exhale. What time is it? Will I make it at work before 4:55? "Daddy..please.."

        29th Floor. Logged in time:   4:53!!! 53!!!

        God's glory is so evident. It's shining bright. You just know that it's Him! ONLY HIM! #inAwe


"Nakikiuso ka na din ah"

       What a wake up call. This is what my Coach said when he gave me some reminders to finish the Progress Reports of my Students. He means that I'm becoming just like the others. I'm conforming on what is the norm instead of doing what is right. I repent. :(

       Sabi nga di ba:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
                                                                                                                                  - Romans 12:2

      Glad to say na I'm done with my PRs now. Yay!


Unpardonable Sin

I also read Matthew 12: 30-32 and got curious about the what they call Unpardonable Sin: 

30“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

What is it about? What is speaking against the Holy Spirit?

According to Maxie Boren,  sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is actually attributing the miracle done by Jesus to the power of the devil..

                                                                                                         They explained it here:  Source

Medyo mabigat no? Hmm will still medidate on this. 



This is supposedly for Day 1 but I'll just add it here.

I forgot my umbrella last night in the office (29th floor). I'm already on the ground Floor at that time. I only realized that I don't have it because I saw that it's raining. 

It's as if God spoke to my heart na minsan may tendency na maging ganon din ako sa Kanya, gaya ng sa payong, sobrang naaalala lang kapag kailangan na. :( 

These 3 Days Before Weekend (Day 1)

I decided to join Arlene and Jo (two of my VFs) in praying and fasting before Jo's Victory Weekend. I did so because I didn't quite make it during our Church's  3-day midyear praying and fasting (since I need to have some medication). So there. Here are some revelations and note-worthy stuffs for the 3 days before the weekend. :)

Day 1

I read quotes from T.B. LaBerge and they were simply inspiring! I wonder if he's an author of a book or a blogger. Anyway here are some of what I read:

"Nothing awakens a soul like knowing that it is loved. To be loved, appreciated, fought for, and encouraged is something that our hearts thirst for; and ultimately all these things can only be found in Christ."

"Nothing cuts deeper than losing the attention of someone you admire, yet once we have shifted all our adoration to Christ; nothing heals more fully.
Don’t you feel it, beloved? Don’t you hear the song of Heaven singing His grace? Don’t you see the wounds that bought you? Look up and see that you have the full attention of Christ; and be renewed in that glorious revelation."

"God pours Himself out and says “Drink deeply”, yet we look up and complain that we are thirsty. In our prayers we often overlook the answer that God has given us. We must learn to drink fully from the fountain of Christ, to understand what it means to never thirst when we spend time with Jesus.
Let our prayers reflect a life that lives in the reality of the daily blessings of God, and not the daily wants of our own desires."

"If I have given my heart to Christ, then what right do I have to say what He should do with it? If I am to give Him this soul, should I not be blessed if He wills to break it and change it? I should spend no less than all my days praising Him for the pain; for when Christ breaks our hearts, He does it so that we might be holy as He is holy.
So praise Him; even through the pain."

"We cry “I’m hopeless!” Jesus cries “It is finished!” We scream “But I’ve fallen too many times!” Jesus whispers “And I hold the scars.” We weep “God, I’m scared.” And Jesus walks towards us, wraps us in His arms and says “So was I, but I am here so that you will never be alone.”

And that is the glory of Emmanuel; He is with us in the storms, He is with us in the sunshine. He is with us when we are low, He is with us when we are filled with joy.He is with us, always."

I almost cry in the last quote, reminding me of Emmanuel. So familiar but just the thought that He is with me is so refreshing. I'm not alone! He's with me. He's with me. He's with you! He's with you! NO MATTER WHAT. JESUS STAYS. YEAH. It's possible pala for you to forget that and got to be reminded time and time again that He is with you and that He's fighting for you.

eto pa isang malupet:

"Jesus was more brokenhearted, scarred and betrayed than anyone in history. Yet, He did not shut Himself off from us; Instead, He calls us unto Him. If you cannot trust anyone, right now, please trust Him. His scars are proof that you are loved more than you know. He will guide you through this pain, He will sit with you when you are weak, and He will carry you until you can walk again. Christ wants to see you run again, He wants to see you live in His glory. You just have to take His hand and walk; it will take all of you, but you will get all of Him.

He is worth it."


Proverbs 31 Woman 

Gets up early
without fear of the future
wise in time and money
Give good advises
instructs kindly
hardworking (NOT LAZY)
helps the poor and needy

all because


After reading the verses again about the woman that I want to be, it was just revealed  that it's impossible for me to be a Proverbs 31 woman apart from Jesus. He is the only reason why I could be one though it seems like it's being perfect. It is not by my own works, but His in my life. :) 


"I want you to show love not offer sacrifices. I want you to know Me more than I want burnt offerings."

                                                        -Hosea 6:6

He wants our love, not our sacrifice. It is His desire for us to know Him more and more and more. Continue to seek and know our ever so loving God. :)


In the end, as I read other verses from Hosea 6. It reminded me of the worship song "You'll Come" by Hillsong United.  My favorite lines were: 

As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit Rain, flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Disciple Ycah

After reading a lot of blogs on Discipleship, I was honestly inspired  to write my own  answer to the question "What do you remember most from the person who discipled you?"

I'll be forever grateful for the  four women whom God used for me to know Him more and to help me in walking in His ways. I love it that I could actually honor them through this post. Here they are:

Too bad I don't have a pic with Ate Cess right now. I'll try to find. :) 
1. Ana 

     She's my closest friend in college and she's the one who invited me in the Youth Service. Eventually, after her Victory Weekend,  she's also the one who did One 2 One with me. I was 18 and she was 17 I think back then. I didn't run away from her when we have to do it (unlike others, haha). We would actually do it in between classes or if we don't have a Professor. It's her first time to minister, and  so I'm privileged to be her First Born :) 

    I love it that I can just say anything to her, she knows me so much. If I don't have enough allowance, if I'm worried because I might never have a boyfriend, if I'm hungry, if I'm worried, if I have family problems and all. She simply understands me and she is so patient with me (tama ba?).  She loves to write letters and I'm still touched when I read them. Especially the one that she gave me during my Victory Weekend. :) She said that I will be a fisher of men! :)

    What I love more in our relationship is that I can just be a  little girl when I talk about my struggles to her. I can be not a Spiritual giant around. It's okay not to be okay and I'm always confident to tell her what's bothering me. I love her too much. I hope my girls (those that I'm discipling) would be like that to me too! :)  

   Discipleship is indeed a relationship. We've 'been through a lot together. :) 

I love you Anabells! :) Thank you!

2. Ate Cess

    She's the leader of my leader (Ana). She's the one who persistently invited  her in Youth Service (and I am the one who persistently stopped Ana to go - Oooops!). I learned a lot from her, in fact here's a list:

1.  Saving up for a Bible, that it is meant to be read and lived, that it is more important than jeans (hehe).

2. It's great to talk about God with others.

3.  To listen more to other Christian songs (she will let us listen to a song and then she will asked us about it)

4. Okay lang kahit sa damuhan mag VG. :)

5. Fasting 

6. Speaking in Tongues

7. Okay lang kahit hindi galing sa College mo yung dini disciple mo

8. Never give up. (She didn't gave up on my Ana right?) 

All in all, I could just remember  her sweet and comforting voice. hahaha. :) 

I miss you Ate Cess! We love you! :) 

3. Ma'am Lanie

      She's our Feature Writing professor and our NSTP director. Not knowing that she will be a Spiritual Mom to most of us. She so precious and she's actually the reason why Ana (my leader) made it to her first Youth Service. Here are some of the things that I learned from her (it became my convictions and I'm always reminded) : 

"Baba sa lupa."

"Don't give your heart to pigs."

"Don't forget campus ministry."

"We're on a battle."

"Hindi tayo palaging malakas."

To be beautiful inside and out. Mag ayos. :)

For more, here's my blog regarding of what I've learned in one Tuesday with her (isang Tuesday pa lang to ah) :  This Tuesday with Mom Lanie . Aside from that, there's so much more to learn  because of her book, "Seasons of the heart". 

I'm excited to learn more from her especially in the area of  Discipleship! :)

Thank you for everything Ma'am! :)

4. Ate Jovie

 She's my Victory Group Leader. She's a pretty Chinita. :)  She's such an inspiration to me too! Her heart for student is just so evident! She's the one who really inspired me to love praying! As in! She would always tell us how important  and how powerful it is. If not for her, I wouldn't fall in love with interceding for other people. Aside from that,  I'm also learning to have wisdom as I disciple and just like Ma'am Lanie (her leader) , na Mag ayos din. (hehe).  Thank you Ate Jovie! :) 

Please take one more look in the picture above. Notice those women that I'm with aside from Ma'am Lanie, Ate Jovie and Ana. They are Gabby, Reu, Bianca, Myra, Ate gladys, Dyna and Arlene. They are such a favor and blessings from Above too! I can never thank them enough for running the race with me. :)

I was honestly inspired not just to write my answer to the question "What do you remember most from the person who discipled you?" , but also to really go out there, text my girls and say "I love you" to them, to be a better leader and to just never give up on the ladies that I know Jesus died for and dearly loves. 

Thanks for reading! 

Meanwhile, check out these other awesome blogs about Discipleship :

On Discipleship by Carla Bonifacio
Discipleship Works by Perci Paras
#DFF by Jekoy Valle
unfading by Sofia Paderes
My Discipleship Notes by Emmanuel Gomez
Spiritual Heroes, Part 1 by Joseph Bonifacio
I strip for Discipleship by Ganns Deen
More Caught than Taught by Paolo Punzalan
You Are Never Meant To Do It Alone by Fiona Alvero
The Defining Minute of my Manhood by Dennis Sy
All because of Love by Elle Cabiling

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Day I Don't want to Stop Crying (thoughts on Miracle in Cell No. 7)

Yes, I did it. Yes it's me.
Can't you just arrest me too?
Thank you for being born as a daughter of Dad.
Don't forget Today and Dad. 

                  Those were the lines I noted while and after watching my dream-to-watch "Miracle in Cell No. 7". "Dream-to-watch-movie" because I've 'been wanting to watch this film since I was in the University (more than a year ago). People say that it'll definitely make me cry (I love to cry while watching anything, so..I really looked forward). Just recently, it became pretty popular  in my Facebook News feed. People will post how it made them cry, how it made them better than "Nora Aunor" (ehem, Dyna) when it comes to shedding tears, how it surprised them or simply how adorable the little girl is. Enough said. I need to watch this!

                 And today (June 16, 2014), I did! How,when I don't have time, I won't watch online and I don't have a copy!

                 Because of Typhoon Glenda, our management decided to send us home early (11 AM). Yay! I finally have time! Next, my little sister in Christ, Jimna lend me her tablet so I could watch it. (Take note: She even gave me her Tissue!)

                 I'm so happy and excited!Come on! Let's do this!

                 Let me explain now why those lines in the beginning of this post touched and got me.

"Yes, I did it. Yes it's me."

This. This. This. This made me cry a bunch. I mean, honestly, those words?!!! This is the very reason Miracle in Cell No. 7 is a tearrrrrr- to me.

It reminded me of the Gospel. It reminded me of what God did for me, for us. Sacrificing an innocent's life just to make sure her little daughter would live? Waaahhh!!

21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
                                                                                                                      2 Corinthians 5:21(NIV) 

                     Taking a punishment for something you never did? Willingly  doing it for love? Oh, don't forget, he's even saying "Kamsahamnida (thank you)" upon hearing the verdict. Though it's undeniably unfair, undeniably painful, wala eh. He loves. He loves! Actually, I fought the tears from falling again while writing this, haha!) He loves us. Period. 

           16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
                                                                                                        John 3:16

"Can't you just arrest me too?"

                    This is what I want to have: A child-like faith. A little daughter who just wants to be with her Father. A pure desire to follow Him, wherever that might be. This is what I cry out. :'( This is where my first teardrop fell I think.


"Thank you for being My Daughter."

                   I was so reminded that He is proud of me. That He loves me, that He delights in me, that I'm more important than the things I did, doing and will do for Him. Nakakaiyak isipin hindi ba? Pero TOTOO! He's rejoicing over us with singing. He's hugging us when we go to Him.

Just like in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) right? No matter what he did, He loves him. He's just waiting for him to turn away from the wrong direction and run towards Him.

20 So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

                     He's happy that we're back. :)

"Don't forget Today and Dad."


                           Don't forget the day I whispered in your heart, "I love you", don't forget the day I showed you that on the Cross. Don't forget Dad who loves you so much, Dad who thinks that your love is better that His life, Dad who's desire is nothing but what's best for you...

                          Please don't forget Today that I reminded you of my unconditional love.


                       Dearest Daddy in Heaven,

                            I don't want to stop crying. I don't want to stop being grateful. I don't want to stop being overwhelmed by Your love. Again and again and again and again.

                            Kumamoyo Appa (Thank You Dad!)
                            Sarang Hae (I love You)!


Father-daughter relationship melts my heart

I want to enjoy His presence forever!

The Sailor moon bag that's the reason of it all. It's just revealed to me that it's like "Salvation" that Dad wants to give us all. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Kwentong Lordship at Evangelism in One Friendship

If some have their elementary or high school friends as their best, well, I have my University friends (not that I'm neglecting my elem or high school  friends ah!haha). Why? Read on.

 Actually, we're just surprised na one day magkakasama na kami eh. We are from different groups sa block section namin  na unit-unting na mold. We are so different from each other and we never really thought of being close friends. Until one day, some of us failed to comply in a requirement sa NSTP subject namin, thus, they (meaning hindi ako kasama) have no choice but to do what our Professor would ask them to do.

One is to attend a Youth Service in Victory U-belt. (Oooops! haha!)

I don't know what happened in their first youth service but one thing is certain, something changed sa close friend ko (Ana). Persecutor pa ang peg ko at that time( lalo na nung nag Victory Weekend sya) so whatever change that is, I don't like it. Peace.

But then one Friday afternoon, they (Ana and Arlene) invited me to join them. Hmm...bakit nga ulit ako napa apapayag?  Libre pamasahe, makakarinig ako ng song ng  Hillsong, kaya, why not? Yun na!

That's one of the great parts of my salvation story . :)

The next week, they invited Dess, Gabby and others naman. :)

And the rest, as they say is HIStory. Nagkasama sama together (whut?) na sa pagtakbo sa Recto para lang maabutan ang Youth Service. Takbong snatcher pa kami noon. Hahaha. Umulan, umaraw, ma you-youth service kami (tama ba? hahaha). Yun na pala ang simula ng pag buo ni Daddy sa amin hindi lamang bilang magkaka grupo or magkakibigan  but...MAGKAKAPATID. :)

In our section nakikilala na kami bilang  as Victory Friends or minsan if  jejemon, Victory Friendz, in short,  VFs.

"United by Friendship. Strengthened by Fellowship." ang motto (?) namin. (nawaglit na sa isip ko 'to (tiannong ko pa si Dyna, hahaha). Parang gusto ko na syang palitan ngayon ng United by Faith. Strengthened by Fellowship. (What do you think girls?hehehe. Pag-usapan na next VG.)

Anyway it's a fruit of evangelism sa mga friends namin na nag overflow. :)

After ma One 2 One ni Ate Cess (from College of Accountancy, PUP)  sila Ana and Arl, kami-kami na ang na One 2 One  sa isa't-isa. One chapter ahead. Go na. #radicalsince1984 ? :)

Thanks Anabells sa pag One 2 One sa akin (teary eyes) and pag share ng Gospel. I don't know any better back then. I'll be forever grateful. 

During the early days of me being a Christian ( and so does my VFs), we all realized and started to  live out one thing in respond to the Lordship of Christ: Walang Kopyahan. 

I'm still in awe  on how God sustained us in our 3 years in the University. It's possible not to rely on other's answers or works pala but to Daddy alone. It's always a great feeling back then na lagi kaming nasa harap at walang takot na malayo sa isa't-isa sa exam kahit pa..Statistics pa yan. Personally, numbers don't like me and so do I. Pero dahil sa walang Kopyahan sa magkakaibigan, aba, na enjoy ko talaga ang mga formula. Kaya ko pala. Kaya pala namin. Only by our Daddy's grace.

Oh well, during our graduation day, 4 of us are Cum Laudes. :)

And right now may iba pang Lordship story at Evangelism story sa bawat isa sa amin.  :)

So there, if you have friends (I'm sure you do have) share the Gospel na, invite na sa youth service, One 2 One na. :)

Sabi nga ni Ms. Rica Peralejo - Bonifacio  sa blog (please click the link for her story, nakaka bless talaga) nya:

 "So to the evangelists, I have two things I want to tell you today.

One, do not be afraid to evangelize. Share the good news, whatever it takes. While timing is valuable and the manner by which we share it matters, share if God wants you to do so and do not be afraid of rejection or persecution. Please believe when I tell you it will all be well worth it within the grand plan of God for that person’s life.

Two, know that evangelism doesn’t only mean eternal life for that person, but also heaven on earth. Every time I think of how blessed my life is today, I cannot help but go back to those moments when someone boldly professed the love of God over my life even when I refused it."

From the blog  naman ni Kuya Ganns, I got this:


If you’re a believer who doesn’t know where to start sharing the gospel, you can start by mastering the message of the GOSPEL:

God created us to be with him.
Our sins separate us from God.
Sin cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

This blog post is in response to the Week 2 question, “Share the story of when you accepted Christ. How was the gospel shared to you, and what was so compelling about it?” from #myVictoryStory, a testimony activity of Victory Philippines. For more information on #myVictoryStory, click here, and to read other responses, please click here.

Read other Evangelism blogs!

1. Joseph Bonifacio, How Will They Hear
2. Emmanuelle Gomez, When Bad Things Happen to Good People
3. Paolo Punzalan, Radical Love That Demands a Radical Response
4. Jenn Punzalan, Bad News, Good News
5. Dennis Sy, Jesus is More Than a Ticket to Heaven
6. Sofia Paderes, Open Door, Closed Heart
7. Ganns Deen, The Miracle at Kenny Rogers Roasters
8. Ernie Aragon, The Great Passion
9. Karess Rubrico, Walk This Way
10. Jek Valle, The British Singer
11. Carla Peralejo-Bonifacio, Dare to Share

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lordship Blogs

The Non-negotiables

"Which of you if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your  Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!" - Matthew 7: 9-11

This is what Dad told me today, after crying out my fears to Him. There are some happenings that made me fearful these days. Natatakot ako na hindi ma meet yung mga non-negotiables ko when it comes kay Man of God. I felt insecure again. There are lies in my head saying na it's impossible to have a man like him (with my non- negotiables) , na hindi kagaya nya ang ibibigay ni Lord, kaya dapat tanggapin ko na lang kung sino man ang darating, kahit pa ayaw ko sa tao na yun.

Obviously a lie right? Pero napaniwala ako. And it's 'been so hard. Feeling ko kasi kapag may inayawan ako na guy or someone, I'm being judgmental. I'm praying na hindi maging ganon. Na tama pa din ang heart ko in case mam babasted ako (naks). No bitterness just pure conviction lang na I'm believing for God's best for me.

I'm amazed on how He lift me up in times na nagiging OA na ako talaga. Kapag nawawala ako sa focus ko (which is Sya) and all. :)

So ladies and gentlemen, here are my so far Non-negotiables:

Loves Jesus more than me or anyone else
From Victory / Same Church
Almost the same age as mine
Loves to pray 
Pleasing to my eyes 

Loves to pray or an Intercessor.

Recent lang to sa list since, when I was travelling to my hometown, I read a verse na parang na impress lang na regarding my Man of God sya hehehe. It's 1 Kings 13:6

Then the king said to the man of God, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.” So the man of God interceded with the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored and became as it was before. Intercessor and has a gift of Healing? :) 

Not "WEEEHhHH?" but "WOOOOAAAHH" is the response to that. 

Loves Jesus more than me or anyone else?
From Victory / Same Church?
Almost the same age as mine?
Loves to pray?
Pleasing to my eyes? 

Not "WEEEHhHH?" but "WOOOOAAAHH" is the response to that. 

Whatever happens, alam na this. No compromise. 

Thank You Daddy!!!!!

P.S. (note to MOG):

Haaayyy I'm so excited to meet you. By Daddy's grace, I will guard my heart. :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Daddy Talks 3

I miss Him so much lately. Sabi nila hindi si Dad and lumalayo, ikaw. Hindi sa hindi Sya nagsasalita, ikaw an g wala sa tamang frequency. I'm so happy to hear from my Lord again today.

        Seek My kingdom first and My righteousness and  all these things will be given to you as well.
        Do not judge. Never judge.
        Do not give yourself, your heart to someone who don't know it's value.
        Ask. Seek. Knock. Ask. Seek. Knock. Ask. Seek. Knock.
        It will be given to you, you will find it and the door will open for you. :)

                                                                                                                         I'm just here,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Starmobile or Zopo?

I'm planning to buy smartphone this month thus, I did all I can to research good phones with a good price (Php 5000) . I tell you, I became so familiar with the Technical Terms like Quad Core, Dual Core, 1750 mAh, 2000 mAh, Andriod Jelly Bean 4.2.2, Kitkat etc. etc. etc. WAaHH. 

I ended up with these two: Starmobile Up and Zopo 700 Cuppy.  

First let's have Starmobile Up:

" Starmobile Up flaunts a 5-inch IPS touchscreen and is powered by aMediaTek MT6582M quad-core chip clocked at 1.3GHz. This smartphone runs on the latest Android 4.4 (KitKat) OS and is equipped with a Mali 400-MP2 GPU, 8-megapixel autofocus BSI camera, and a 2-megapixel shooter on the front. The Starmobile Up support Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 3G for wireless connectivity and comes with a 2000mAh battery, promising to deliver up to 250 hours of standby time and up to 6 hours of talk time. Starmobile offers the Up for PhP 4,990." Source

Starmobile is perfect. I mean, It's quad core, the OS is Kitkat, 8 MP and 2MP for the camera, it has free Flip Cover and all but..okay I'll explain why I like Zopo ZP700 Cuppy.

Here's Zopo ZP700 Cuppy:

I like it because of this:

Because of the Live wallpaper. :) First time ko ma experience nung nag punta ako sa shop nila. Iba kasi talaga, aliw na aliw ako sa umaalon sa Screen tapos may nakangiting bata pa sayo at kulay pink ang mga gilid gilid. So girly. hahaha. I love it. I think I fall in love with it. Haaay. 

Yun nga lang,  it's only Android 4.2.2  and the camera is 5MP and 2 MP. Huhuhuhu. 

I'm really confused earlier but I think it's obvious naman  that I'll choose...Starmobile? What do you think? Pero kasi nung nahawakan ko yung ZOPO, may spark, may chemistry, may tama sa heart. HAHAHA! 

I'll check them out again kapag bibili na ako. I'll let you guys and gals know (naks may reader pala, hahaha) . :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

These 3 Days Before Weekend (Day 2)

(Here's Day 1.)

Day 2

Miracle at Dawn 

          It's Day 2.  What-a-starter. I woke up and it's 4: 12 AM (I usually wake up at 3:00 or 3:15AM). I hastily prepared. Waited for the Jeepney going Cubao. Texted my SL  (Section Leader). Prayed "Lord, Cubao please.." but all I could see are San Juan and Pasig. Eventually, it's provided! :)  "Thank You Daddy!"  I'm so nervous and scared and all. I can't afford to be late at work! Pray. Trust. Inhale. Exhale.

         I'm at Cubao going to Eastwood. It's 4:34 (I'm usually there at 4:10-15!) It's not yet full so I really have to wait. I can't explain that feeling. You want to fly but you can't. :( What will I do? Will I shout or somthing? Ay grabe talaga.  Pray. Trust. Inhale. Exhale. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. God can do it. He can stop the time! He can move in my circumstance. Believe. Believe. Believe. But at the same time, I'm accepting that His will be done. Whatever happens God does what is best for me.

         I don't want to check the time. I just ran after getting off the jeepney. I ran like there's no tomorrow (but still careful 'cause it's slippery). Hehe. Elevator oh yeah. Coach Joseph (my co-worker) is still on the lobby and then next to me is my Co-teacher! Whoo. Inhale. Exhale. What time is it? Will I make it at work before 4:55? "Daddy..please.."

        29th Floor. Logged in time:   4:53!!! 53!!!

        God's glory is so evident. It's shining bright. You just know that it's Him! ONLY HIM! #inAwe


"Nakikiuso ka na din ah"

       What a wake up call. This is what my Coach said when he gave me some reminders to finish the Progress Reports of my Students. He means that I'm becoming just like the others. I'm conforming on what is the norm instead of doing what is right. I repent. :(

       Sabi nga di ba:

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.
                                                                                                                                  - Romans 12:2

      Glad to say na I'm done with my PRs now. Yay!


Unpardonable Sin

I also read Matthew 12: 30-32 and got curious about the what they call Unpardonable Sin: 

30“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. 31And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. 32Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.

What is it about? What is speaking against the Holy Spirit?

According to Maxie Boren,  sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is actually attributing the miracle done by Jesus to the power of the devil..

                                                                                                         They explained it here:  Source

Medyo mabigat no? Hmm will still medidate on this. 



This is supposedly for Day 1 but I'll just add it here.

I forgot my umbrella last night in the office (29th floor). I'm already on the ground Floor at that time. I only realized that I don't have it because I saw that it's raining. 

It's as if God spoke to my heart na minsan may tendency na maging ganon din ako sa Kanya, gaya ng sa payong, sobrang naaalala lang kapag kailangan na. :( 

These 3 Days Before Weekend (Day 1)

I decided to join Arlene and Jo (two of my VFs) in praying and fasting before Jo's Victory Weekend. I did so because I didn't quite make it during our Church's  3-day midyear praying and fasting (since I need to have some medication). So there. Here are some revelations and note-worthy stuffs for the 3 days before the weekend. :)

Day 1

I read quotes from T.B. LaBerge and they were simply inspiring! I wonder if he's an author of a book or a blogger. Anyway here are some of what I read:

"Nothing awakens a soul like knowing that it is loved. To be loved, appreciated, fought for, and encouraged is something that our hearts thirst for; and ultimately all these things can only be found in Christ."

"Nothing cuts deeper than losing the attention of someone you admire, yet once we have shifted all our adoration to Christ; nothing heals more fully.
Don’t you feel it, beloved? Don’t you hear the song of Heaven singing His grace? Don’t you see the wounds that bought you? Look up and see that you have the full attention of Christ; and be renewed in that glorious revelation."

"God pours Himself out and says “Drink deeply”, yet we look up and complain that we are thirsty. In our prayers we often overlook the answer that God has given us. We must learn to drink fully from the fountain of Christ, to understand what it means to never thirst when we spend time with Jesus.
Let our prayers reflect a life that lives in the reality of the daily blessings of God, and not the daily wants of our own desires."

"If I have given my heart to Christ, then what right do I have to say what He should do with it? If I am to give Him this soul, should I not be blessed if He wills to break it and change it? I should spend no less than all my days praising Him for the pain; for when Christ breaks our hearts, He does it so that we might be holy as He is holy.
So praise Him; even through the pain."

"We cry “I’m hopeless!” Jesus cries “It is finished!” We scream “But I’ve fallen too many times!” Jesus whispers “And I hold the scars.” We weep “God, I’m scared.” And Jesus walks towards us, wraps us in His arms and says “So was I, but I am here so that you will never be alone.”

And that is the glory of Emmanuel; He is with us in the storms, He is with us in the sunshine. He is with us when we are low, He is with us when we are filled with joy.He is with us, always."

I almost cry in the last quote, reminding me of Emmanuel. So familiar but just the thought that He is with me is so refreshing. I'm not alone! He's with me. He's with me. He's with you! He's with you! NO MATTER WHAT. JESUS STAYS. YEAH. It's possible pala for you to forget that and got to be reminded time and time again that He is with you and that He's fighting for you.

eto pa isang malupet:

"Jesus was more brokenhearted, scarred and betrayed than anyone in history. Yet, He did not shut Himself off from us; Instead, He calls us unto Him. If you cannot trust anyone, right now, please trust Him. His scars are proof that you are loved more than you know. He will guide you through this pain, He will sit with you when you are weak, and He will carry you until you can walk again. Christ wants to see you run again, He wants to see you live in His glory. You just have to take His hand and walk; it will take all of you, but you will get all of Him.

He is worth it."


Proverbs 31 Woman 

Gets up early
without fear of the future
wise in time and money
Give good advises
instructs kindly
hardworking (NOT LAZY)
helps the poor and needy

all because


After reading the verses again about the woman that I want to be, it was just revealed  that it's impossible for me to be a Proverbs 31 woman apart from Jesus. He is the only reason why I could be one though it seems like it's being perfect. It is not by my own works, but His in my life. :) 


"I want you to show love not offer sacrifices. I want you to know Me more than I want burnt offerings."

                                                        -Hosea 6:6

He wants our love, not our sacrifice. It is His desire for us to know Him more and more and more. Continue to seek and know our ever so loving God. :)


In the end, as I read other verses from Hosea 6. It reminded me of the worship song "You'll Come" by Hillsong United.  My favorite lines were: 

As surely as the sun will rise
You'll come to us
As certain as the dawn appears

You'll come let your glory fall
As you respond to us
Spirit Rain, flood into our thirsty hearts again
You'll come

Chains be broken
Lives be healed
Eyes be opened
Christ is revealed

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Disciple Ycah

After reading a lot of blogs on Discipleship, I was honestly inspired  to write my own  answer to the question "What do you remember most from the person who discipled you?"

I'll be forever grateful for the  four women whom God used for me to know Him more and to help me in walking in His ways. I love it that I could actually honor them through this post. Here they are:

Too bad I don't have a pic with Ate Cess right now. I'll try to find. :) 
1. Ana 

     She's my closest friend in college and she's the one who invited me in the Youth Service. Eventually, after her Victory Weekend,  she's also the one who did One 2 One with me. I was 18 and she was 17 I think back then. I didn't run away from her when we have to do it (unlike others, haha). We would actually do it in between classes or if we don't have a Professor. It's her first time to minister, and  so I'm privileged to be her First Born :) 

    I love it that I can just say anything to her, she knows me so much. If I don't have enough allowance, if I'm worried because I might never have a boyfriend, if I'm hungry, if I'm worried, if I have family problems and all. She simply understands me and she is so patient with me (tama ba?).  She loves to write letters and I'm still touched when I read them. Especially the one that she gave me during my Victory Weekend. :) She said that I will be a fisher of men! :)

    What I love more in our relationship is that I can just be a  little girl when I talk about my struggles to her. I can be not a Spiritual giant around. It's okay not to be okay and I'm always confident to tell her what's bothering me. I love her too much. I hope my girls (those that I'm discipling) would be like that to me too! :)  

   Discipleship is indeed a relationship. We've 'been through a lot together. :) 

I love you Anabells! :) Thank you!

2. Ate Cess

    She's the leader of my leader (Ana). She's the one who persistently invited  her in Youth Service (and I am the one who persistently stopped Ana to go - Oooops!). I learned a lot from her, in fact here's a list:

1.  Saving up for a Bible, that it is meant to be read and lived, that it is more important than jeans (hehe).

2. It's great to talk about God with others.

3.  To listen more to other Christian songs (she will let us listen to a song and then she will asked us about it)

4. Okay lang kahit sa damuhan mag VG. :)

5. Fasting 

6. Speaking in Tongues

7. Okay lang kahit hindi galing sa College mo yung dini disciple mo

8. Never give up. (She didn't gave up on my Ana right?) 

All in all, I could just remember  her sweet and comforting voice. hahaha. :) 

I miss you Ate Cess! We love you! :) 

3. Ma'am Lanie

      She's our Feature Writing professor and our NSTP director. Not knowing that she will be a Spiritual Mom to most of us. She so precious and she's actually the reason why Ana (my leader) made it to her first Youth Service. Here are some of the things that I learned from her (it became my convictions and I'm always reminded) : 

"Baba sa lupa."

"Don't give your heart to pigs."

"Don't forget campus ministry."

"We're on a battle."

"Hindi tayo palaging malakas."

To be beautiful inside and out. Mag ayos. :)

For more, here's my blog regarding of what I've learned in one Tuesday with her (isang Tuesday pa lang to ah) :  This Tuesday with Mom Lanie . Aside from that, there's so much more to learn  because of her book, "Seasons of the heart". 

I'm excited to learn more from her especially in the area of  Discipleship! :)

Thank you for everything Ma'am! :)

4. Ate Jovie

 She's my Victory Group Leader. She's a pretty Chinita. :)  She's such an inspiration to me too! Her heart for student is just so evident! She's the one who really inspired me to love praying! As in! She would always tell us how important  and how powerful it is. If not for her, I wouldn't fall in love with interceding for other people. Aside from that,  I'm also learning to have wisdom as I disciple and just like Ma'am Lanie (her leader) , na Mag ayos din. (hehe).  Thank you Ate Jovie! :) 

Please take one more look in the picture above. Notice those women that I'm with aside from Ma'am Lanie, Ate Jovie and Ana. They are Gabby, Reu, Bianca, Myra, Ate gladys, Dyna and Arlene. They are such a favor and blessings from Above too! I can never thank them enough for running the race with me. :)

I was honestly inspired not just to write my answer to the question "What do you remember most from the person who discipled you?" , but also to really go out there, text my girls and say "I love you" to them, to be a better leader and to just never give up on the ladies that I know Jesus died for and dearly loves. 

Thanks for reading! 

Meanwhile, check out these other awesome blogs about Discipleship :

On Discipleship by Carla Bonifacio
Discipleship Works by Perci Paras
#DFF by Jekoy Valle
unfading by Sofia Paderes
My Discipleship Notes by Emmanuel Gomez
Spiritual Heroes, Part 1 by Joseph Bonifacio
I strip for Discipleship by Ganns Deen
More Caught than Taught by Paolo Punzalan
You Are Never Meant To Do It Alone by Fiona Alvero
The Defining Minute of my Manhood by Dennis Sy
All because of Love by Elle Cabiling

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Day I Don't want to Stop Crying (thoughts on Miracle in Cell No. 7)

Yes, I did it. Yes it's me.
Can't you just arrest me too?
Thank you for being born as a daughter of Dad.
Don't forget Today and Dad. 

                  Those were the lines I noted while and after watching my dream-to-watch "Miracle in Cell No. 7". "Dream-to-watch-movie" because I've 'been wanting to watch this film since I was in the University (more than a year ago). People say that it'll definitely make me cry (I love to cry while watching anything, so..I really looked forward). Just recently, it became pretty popular  in my Facebook News feed. People will post how it made them cry, how it made them better than "Nora Aunor" (ehem, Dyna) when it comes to shedding tears, how it surprised them or simply how adorable the little girl is. Enough said. I need to watch this!

                 And today (June 16, 2014), I did! How,when I don't have time, I won't watch online and I don't have a copy!

                 Because of Typhoon Glenda, our management decided to send us home early (11 AM). Yay! I finally have time! Next, my little sister in Christ, Jimna lend me her tablet so I could watch it. (Take note: She even gave me her Tissue!)

                 I'm so happy and excited!Come on! Let's do this!

                 Let me explain now why those lines in the beginning of this post touched and got me.

"Yes, I did it. Yes it's me."

This. This. This. This made me cry a bunch. I mean, honestly, those words?!!! This is the very reason Miracle in Cell No. 7 is a tearrrrrr- to me.

It reminded me of the Gospel. It reminded me of what God did for me, for us. Sacrificing an innocent's life just to make sure her little daughter would live? Waaahhh!!

21 God made him who had no sin to be sin[a] for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
                                                                                                                      2 Corinthians 5:21(NIV) 

                     Taking a punishment for something you never did? Willingly  doing it for love? Oh, don't forget, he's even saying "Kamsahamnida (thank you)" upon hearing the verdict. Though it's undeniably unfair, undeniably painful, wala eh. He loves. He loves! Actually, I fought the tears from falling again while writing this, haha!) He loves us. Period. 

           16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
                                                                                                        John 3:16

"Can't you just arrest me too?"

                    This is what I want to have: A child-like faith. A little daughter who just wants to be with her Father. A pure desire to follow Him, wherever that might be. This is what I cry out. :'( This is where my first teardrop fell I think.


"Thank you for being My Daughter."

                   I was so reminded that He is proud of me. That He loves me, that He delights in me, that I'm more important than the things I did, doing and will do for Him. Nakakaiyak isipin hindi ba? Pero TOTOO! He's rejoicing over us with singing. He's hugging us when we go to Him.

Just like in the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) right? No matter what he did, He loves him. He's just waiting for him to turn away from the wrong direction and run towards Him.

20 So he got up and went to his father.

“But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

21 “The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. 23 Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. 24 For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

                     He's happy that we're back. :)

"Don't forget Today and Dad."


                           Don't forget the day I whispered in your heart, "I love you", don't forget the day I showed you that on the Cross. Don't forget Dad who loves you so much, Dad who thinks that your love is better that His life, Dad who's desire is nothing but what's best for you...

                          Please don't forget Today that I reminded you of my unconditional love.


                       Dearest Daddy in Heaven,

                            I don't want to stop crying. I don't want to stop being grateful. I don't want to stop being overwhelmed by Your love. Again and again and again and again.

                            Kumamoyo Appa (Thank You Dad!)
                            Sarang Hae (I love You)!


Father-daughter relationship melts my heart

I want to enjoy His presence forever!

The Sailor moon bag that's the reason of it all. It's just revealed to me that it's like "Salvation" that Dad wants to give us all. 


Monday, July 14, 2014

Kwentong Lordship at Evangelism in One Friendship

If some have their elementary or high school friends as their best, well, I have my University friends (not that I'm neglecting my elem or high school  friends ah!haha). Why? Read on.

 Actually, we're just surprised na one day magkakasama na kami eh. We are from different groups sa block section namin  na unit-unting na mold. We are so different from each other and we never really thought of being close friends. Until one day, some of us failed to comply in a requirement sa NSTP subject namin, thus, they (meaning hindi ako kasama) have no choice but to do what our Professor would ask them to do.

One is to attend a Youth Service in Victory U-belt. (Oooops! haha!)

I don't know what happened in their first youth service but one thing is certain, something changed sa close friend ko (Ana). Persecutor pa ang peg ko at that time( lalo na nung nag Victory Weekend sya) so whatever change that is, I don't like it. Peace.

But then one Friday afternoon, they (Ana and Arlene) invited me to join them. Hmm...bakit nga ulit ako napa apapayag?  Libre pamasahe, makakarinig ako ng song ng  Hillsong, kaya, why not? Yun na!

That's one of the great parts of my salvation story . :)

The next week, they invited Dess, Gabby and others naman. :)

And the rest, as they say is HIStory. Nagkasama sama together (whut?) na sa pagtakbo sa Recto para lang maabutan ang Youth Service. Takbong snatcher pa kami noon. Hahaha. Umulan, umaraw, ma you-youth service kami (tama ba? hahaha). Yun na pala ang simula ng pag buo ni Daddy sa amin hindi lamang bilang magkaka grupo or magkakibigan  but...MAGKAKAPATID. :)

In our section nakikilala na kami bilang  as Victory Friends or minsan if  jejemon, Victory Friendz, in short,  VFs.

"United by Friendship. Strengthened by Fellowship." ang motto (?) namin. (nawaglit na sa isip ko 'to (tiannong ko pa si Dyna, hahaha). Parang gusto ko na syang palitan ngayon ng United by Faith. Strengthened by Fellowship. (What do you think girls?hehehe. Pag-usapan na next VG.)

Anyway it's a fruit of evangelism sa mga friends namin na nag overflow. :)

After ma One 2 One ni Ate Cess (from College of Accountancy, PUP)  sila Ana and Arl, kami-kami na ang na One 2 One  sa isa't-isa. One chapter ahead. Go na. #radicalsince1984 ? :)

Thanks Anabells sa pag One 2 One sa akin (teary eyes) and pag share ng Gospel. I don't know any better back then. I'll be forever grateful. 

During the early days of me being a Christian ( and so does my VFs), we all realized and started to  live out one thing in respond to the Lordship of Christ: Walang Kopyahan. 

I'm still in awe  on how God sustained us in our 3 years in the University. It's possible not to rely on other's answers or works pala but to Daddy alone. It's always a great feeling back then na lagi kaming nasa harap at walang takot na malayo sa isa't-isa sa exam kahit pa..Statistics pa yan. Personally, numbers don't like me and so do I. Pero dahil sa walang Kopyahan sa magkakaibigan, aba, na enjoy ko talaga ang mga formula. Kaya ko pala. Kaya pala namin. Only by our Daddy's grace.

Oh well, during our graduation day, 4 of us are Cum Laudes. :)

And right now may iba pang Lordship story at Evangelism story sa bawat isa sa amin.  :)

So there, if you have friends (I'm sure you do have) share the Gospel na, invite na sa youth service, One 2 One na. :)

Sabi nga ni Ms. Rica Peralejo - Bonifacio  sa blog (please click the link for her story, nakaka bless talaga) nya:

 "So to the evangelists, I have two things I want to tell you today.

One, do not be afraid to evangelize. Share the good news, whatever it takes. While timing is valuable and the manner by which we share it matters, share if God wants you to do so and do not be afraid of rejection or persecution. Please believe when I tell you it will all be well worth it within the grand plan of God for that person’s life.

Two, know that evangelism doesn’t only mean eternal life for that person, but also heaven on earth. Every time I think of how blessed my life is today, I cannot help but go back to those moments when someone boldly professed the love of God over my life even when I refused it."

From the blog  naman ni Kuya Ganns, I got this:


If you’re a believer who doesn’t know where to start sharing the gospel, you can start by mastering the message of the GOSPEL:

God created us to be with him.
Our sins separate us from God.
Sin cannot be removed by good deeds.
Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
Everyone who trusts in him alone has eternal life.
Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

This blog post is in response to the Week 2 question, “Share the story of when you accepted Christ. How was the gospel shared to you, and what was so compelling about it?” from #myVictoryStory, a testimony activity of Victory Philippines. For more information on #myVictoryStory, click here, and to read other responses, please click here.

Read other Evangelism blogs!

1. Joseph Bonifacio, How Will They Hear
2. Emmanuelle Gomez, When Bad Things Happen to Good People
3. Paolo Punzalan, Radical Love That Demands a Radical Response
4. Jenn Punzalan, Bad News, Good News
5. Dennis Sy, Jesus is More Than a Ticket to Heaven
6. Sofia Paderes, Open Door, Closed Heart
7. Ganns Deen, The Miracle at Kenny Rogers Roasters
8. Ernie Aragon, The Great Passion
9. Karess Rubrico, Walk This Way
10. Jek Valle, The British Singer
11. Carla Peralejo-Bonifacio, Dare to Share

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lordship Blogs

The Non-negotiables

"Which of you if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your  Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!" - Matthew 7: 9-11

This is what Dad told me today, after crying out my fears to Him. There are some happenings that made me fearful these days. Natatakot ako na hindi ma meet yung mga non-negotiables ko when it comes kay Man of God. I felt insecure again. There are lies in my head saying na it's impossible to have a man like him (with my non- negotiables) , na hindi kagaya nya ang ibibigay ni Lord, kaya dapat tanggapin ko na lang kung sino man ang darating, kahit pa ayaw ko sa tao na yun.

Obviously a lie right? Pero napaniwala ako. And it's 'been so hard. Feeling ko kasi kapag may inayawan ako na guy or someone, I'm being judgmental. I'm praying na hindi maging ganon. Na tama pa din ang heart ko in case mam babasted ako (naks). No bitterness just pure conviction lang na I'm believing for God's best for me.

I'm amazed on how He lift me up in times na nagiging OA na ako talaga. Kapag nawawala ako sa focus ko (which is Sya) and all. :)

So ladies and gentlemen, here are my so far Non-negotiables:

Loves Jesus more than me or anyone else
From Victory / Same Church
Almost the same age as mine
Loves to pray 
Pleasing to my eyes 

Loves to pray or an Intercessor.

Recent lang to sa list since, when I was travelling to my hometown, I read a verse na parang na impress lang na regarding my Man of God sya hehehe. It's 1 Kings 13:6

Then the king said to the man of God, “Intercede with the Lord your God and pray for me that my hand may be restored.” So the man of God interceded with the Lord, and the king’s hand was restored and became as it was before. Intercessor and has a gift of Healing? :) 

Not "WEEEHhHH?" but "WOOOOAAAHH" is the response to that. 

Loves Jesus more than me or anyone else?
From Victory / Same Church?
Almost the same age as mine?
Loves to pray?
Pleasing to my eyes? 

Not "WEEEHhHH?" but "WOOOOAAAHH" is the response to that. 

Whatever happens, alam na this. No compromise. 

Thank You Daddy!!!!!

P.S. (note to MOG):

Haaayyy I'm so excited to meet you. By Daddy's grace, I will guard my heart. :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Daddy Talks 3

I miss Him so much lately. Sabi nila hindi si Dad and lumalayo, ikaw. Hindi sa hindi Sya nagsasalita, ikaw an g wala sa tamang frequency. I'm so happy to hear from my Lord again today.

        Seek My kingdom first and My righteousness and  all these things will be given to you as well.
        Do not judge. Never judge.
        Do not give yourself, your heart to someone who don't know it's value.
        Ask. Seek. Knock. Ask. Seek. Knock. Ask. Seek. Knock.
        It will be given to you, you will find it and the door will open for you. :)

                                                                                                                         I'm just here,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Starmobile or Zopo?

I'm planning to buy smartphone this month thus, I did all I can to research good phones with a good price (Php 5000) . I tell you, I became so familiar with the Technical Terms like Quad Core, Dual Core, 1750 mAh, 2000 mAh, Andriod Jelly Bean 4.2.2, Kitkat etc. etc. etc. WAaHH. 

I ended up with these two: Starmobile Up and Zopo 700 Cuppy.  

First let's have Starmobile Up:

" Starmobile Up flaunts a 5-inch IPS touchscreen and is powered by aMediaTek MT6582M quad-core chip clocked at 1.3GHz. This smartphone runs on the latest Android 4.4 (KitKat) OS and is equipped with a Mali 400-MP2 GPU, 8-megapixel autofocus BSI camera, and a 2-megapixel shooter on the front. The Starmobile Up support Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and 3G for wireless connectivity and comes with a 2000mAh battery, promising to deliver up to 250 hours of standby time and up to 6 hours of talk time. Starmobile offers the Up for PhP 4,990." Source

Starmobile is perfect. I mean, It's quad core, the OS is Kitkat, 8 MP and 2MP for the camera, it has free Flip Cover and all but..okay I'll explain why I like Zopo ZP700 Cuppy.

Here's Zopo ZP700 Cuppy:

I like it because of this:

Because of the Live wallpaper. :) First time ko ma experience nung nag punta ako sa shop nila. Iba kasi talaga, aliw na aliw ako sa umaalon sa Screen tapos may nakangiting bata pa sayo at kulay pink ang mga gilid gilid. So girly. hahaha. I love it. I think I fall in love with it. Haaay. 

Yun nga lang,  it's only Android 4.2.2  and the camera is 5MP and 2 MP. Huhuhuhu. 

I'm really confused earlier but I think it's obvious naman  that I'll choose...Starmobile? What do you think? Pero kasi nung nahawakan ko yung ZOPO, may spark, may chemistry, may tama sa heart. HAHAHA! 

I'll check them out again kapag bibili na ako. I'll let you guys and gals know (naks may reader pala, hahaha) . :)