Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman
by Joyce Meyer

Secret #1 A confident woman knows that she is loved

The first and most important secret to being a confident woman is to know that you are loved by God unconditionally. Romans 5:8 says, …God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Even if your natural father did not really love you properly, you can still get the love and acceptance you missed in your childhood from God.

Secret #2—A Confident Woman Refuses To Live In Fear

I think you will agree that refusing to be led by our feelings can be a challenge, especially when it comes to fear. But we must remember that fear is not from God. It is the devil’s tool to keep us from enjoying our lives and moving forward with what God has for us. When we attempt to walk in faith, Satan immediately tries to hinder us through many things, including fear. Fear of failure, judgment or criticism will cause us to bury our talents. It will make us draw back and live in misery and torment. Unless we make a firm decision to “fear not,” we will never be free from its power.

Secret #3—A Confident Woman Is Positive

Being negative and being confident do not go together. Like oil and water, they just don’t mix. Being negative opens the door to a lot of problems and disappointments, which fuels the fire for more negativity. Fear is the “dark room” where all your negatives are developed. So why not look at the brighter side of life and believe something good is going to happen to you?

Secret #4—A Confident Woman Recovers From Setbacks

In this life you and I are inevitably going to experience setbacks. The important thing is that we not see them as failures. We are not a failure just because we try something that doesn’t work. It’s only when we stop trying that we fail. The truth is, many people get confused when they’re trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with their lives. This was definitely true in my life. I discovered my destiny by trial and error.

Secret #5—A Confident Woman Avoids Comparison

It is impossible to walk in confidence and compare ourselves with others at the same time. No matter how good we look or how talented, smart and successful we are, there is always someone who is better than us. I believe that confidence is found in doing the best we can with what we have. God wants us to find joy in being the best we can be, not in competing or comparing ourselves with others.

Secret #6—A Confident Woman Does Not Live In “If Only” And “What If”

One of the worst things you and I can do is to focus on what we don’t have or have lost and fail to take an inventory of what we do have. I call it living in a state of “if only.” Does this sound familiar: “If only I had more education…more money…more opportunity. If only I were taller, shorter, older, younger…” and the list goes on.

Secret #7—A Confident Woman Takes Action

I have heard it said that there are two types of people in the world: those who wait for something to happen and those who make something happen. It’s true that we need to be careful not to get ahead of God, but we also must be mindful not to be lagging behind. I believe we need to step out into things and find out what God has for us. As I said earlier, if we make a mistake it is not the end of the world.

As a believer, Christ lives inside you, and you’ve got what it takes! I believe that as you seek the Lord and apply these seven secrets to your life, you too will begin experiencing the boldness and confidence God desires you to walk in.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Count your Rainbows (1 Girl Nation) #beautifulsongdiscovery

Feels like you're all alone
Stuck in these highs and lows
Strapped in a merry-go-round and round in circles
The colors in the sky
Are His promise shining bright
So look for a miracle right around the corner

Just remember
Things are gonna change
Just remember
They'll be brighter days

You know the stars can't shine without the dark
A fire can't catch without a spark
Like sunshine mixed with a little bit of rain
Beauty begins right after the pain
So count your rainbows

The hands that paint the sky
And lift the sun to rise
Will keep on holding you close through every season
Mercy and morning light
Breaks through the darkest light
So keep believing
No matter what you're seeing

Just remember
He'll bring you brighter days

Like a rollercoaster
That you can't get off
Gotta throw your hands up
And just make the most
Of the twits and the turns that you can't control
Just wait
At the end there's a pot of gold

Every color
Every hue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Without the rain and the pain
They can't shine through
God made a promise
Oh, don't you know
Just trust in the Lord
And count your rainbows

Monday, January 20, 2014

Go Ahead!

Between good and good, what would you choose?

             Decision-making has been so hard for me these days. Due to the cat scratch/bite incident, I'm up choosing whether be absent for a day or two at work and have an injection on Malolos  or go to work, spend a lot and risk of not finding a hospital that will inject me. -__-

              My Mom and my Aunt we're also confused yesterday, both sides have their own pros and cons. Am I really choosing work over my health? What's the motivation anyway if I'll go to work? Is it just to have a good record, have a chance to be one of the best teachers and go to Korea? OR could it be that God is telling me to have the right motivation first before deciding?

               I wake up confused at 3:20 AM I can almost cry because I don't know what to do. Go to work or go to Malolos? Work? Malolos? Work? I just want to scream!

              Yeah, slowly, my moves are turning to this answer: Work. Work. Work. You know what motivates me this time? It's love. It's the thought that teacher's  would suffer if I'll be absent. I'll miss my students too! What boost this partial decision of mine is somehow the word that I accidentally  (intentional by our God) read in my Bible App " Go ahead...".

               So I did.

               I went ahead.

               I never saw it coming on how God would just turn things around.

               I discovered a clinic in Quezon City (Topmed Diagnostics and Animal Bite Center) wherein they have low price and they're open from 8 AM - 5PM! 5PM! (Almost all the Animal Bite Center that I know closes at 2, 3 or 4 PM!) And just today, I'll discover that there's this clinic? Oh my!

              Since I just discovered it on the internet, I'm not sure how to get there. It was all God-leading. Everything was just perfectly orchestrated --- right jeepney. right time to go down. Oh! With God, it's so easy! So few people! 600 Pesos only! (My first costs 1,300!) Not so painful injection! I just want to scream again!

               Going home, I was in awe. Really in Awe! (I now call myself "Princess in Awe, please do check my Tumblr account: http://princessinawe.tumblr.com/ )My Daddy Go just moved. He's certainly moving!  I just thought "Lagi na lang ako tulala sa jeep Daddy!!!!" All because of His great power..all because of His great favor.. GREAT LOVE!

               God can indeed make a way even if it seems that there's no way. He can part a sea remember? :)

               So my prayer when you're between two good choices is that, you'll hear it from Him and by faith you'll obey.

              In Jesus' name. Amen.


TopMed Diagnostics and Animal Bite Center is located just in front of Quezon City Hall Health Department along Kalayaan Avenue!  <3 br="" nbsp="">              

             He went ahead of us all. :)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Beginning...my Forever

In case you certainly want to make me cry, remind me of the cross. You know what, I can't even breathe because of what He did for us ---for me. Breathless. Totally breathless. Breathtaking you say.

Reminded of His wounds that made me healed.. reminded of His question"Do you love ME?"..reminded of His suffering and death..reminded of His purpose for me..

He's calling me to trust in Him. He's calling me to trust in His love...

yung grabeng love.

yung love na mapapahagulgol ka...

yung love na too good to be true, but true.

Parang ang sarap sarap Nya lang yakapin. And I just feel that He's hugging me.

I trust in Jesus. I trust in my Father who gave Him for me...

Lord... how beautiful You are..

I have the best life because I have You...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cat Fight

Last Sunday, after eating with my co- week 2 Junior Kids volunteers, I just hastily felt an intense pain on my leg. I was shocked and surprised because I really don't know what happened. I eventually saw a cat and..I realized it scratched me. (I'm not even sure if it's a scratch or what..it's so fast..it happened in seconds!)

I've  been struggling about these thoughts:

..should I see a Doctor or what? I got a little headache, cold and cough..
..should I have a vaccine? It's so expensive and I'm afraid of injections..
..what if I don't? I don't want to have Rabies! That's really a serious disease!
..but I'm wearing pants when the cat scratch me..maybe the saliva didn't go further?
I even wash the wound in soap and water.  I even go to the health center yesterday and told me that if it's just a scratch, I should just clean it up with Agua Oxinada and Betadine.

But I searched google.. tons of tips...symptoms and all.
I should get a vaccine right away on Day 0 but it'll be Day 3 tomorrow. I'm still here and confused.

My Mom said if it's just a scratch I don't need a vaccine. ..

Okay..I think I would really go to the Doctor and let them decide..

Consultation tomorrow... Whew!

When my hope is gone
When the fear is strong
When the pain is real
When the it's hard to heal.

When my faith is shaken
And my heart is broken
And my joy is stolen
God I know that you lift me up
You never leave me searching ....


Thursday, January 9, 2014

God's Faithfulness 2013

Here's the list of my answered Faith Goals last  year:

>   Personal Breakthroughs

(the specific ones)

Discipleship 2013

Ignite 2013

Foundation for Victory

To pledge for Real Life Foundation

Wake up early (lol. 2:45 AM na ko gumigising ngayon!)

Planner (got one from Light TV, thanks ate Jam)

I read the 3 books of Pastor Ru! (I have Roadtrip and Refuel..next year Back on Track..hahaha)

Have Savings

(The general ones)

to be more faithful in praying

more meaningful friendships

> Family

Relative's salvation (prayed the prayer of Salvation with my Inang)

To bring the at Victory (nakapagstart na mag one-to-one ang aking nanay, naisama ko na din ang aking Tita.let's continue to prayfor them :))

They know na na umaattend ako ng Victory. ^_^ (What a relief! hahaha)

restoration of relationships

A great work for my brother after graduation (he's now so generous.hahaha)

For my brother to pass his NC II exam

Healing for my Grand mother

> School or Career

I graduated this May 2013 with Honors (Cum Laude by grace!)

OJT at Light TV Network

A career with my passion (I looove teaching  encouraging and speaking in english  now..hahahahaha!)

Favor in our Thesis (whoa, thesis!!!!!)

> Ministry

Victory Weekend of Mela and Jenny

Harvest at every nation (answered to di ba?)

Victory Bulacan's growth

PUP Youth service

to one-to-one  a first year or Second year student (eto ang pinaka malupet, nakapg Victory weekend na sila..hahaha! Hi  Jimna(2nd year) , Heartlyn and Jhesie (first years)!!!

Prayer Partners..our God has been so faithful last year..here's to thank you for believing with me...!!

I'll Remember

I’ll remember this moment..when we share our faith..when we encourage each other after we fail…when we shout..and raise our hands to the Holy One. When we believe for nations and repent for our nation. The band led us to praise, our leaders led us to pray and we cry and we realized what-a-life.

When we thought “He is all that matters” .

When we just want to offer everything of us.

I’ll remember this feeling..when we stood with our hands raised up
in the midst of crowds who stands in faith and love…

All the prayers..all the mountains we’ll move..I will have the time of my life fighting this Good Fight with you..

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer

Seven Secrets of a Confident Woman
by Joyce Meyer

Secret #1 A confident woman knows that she is loved

The first and most important secret to being a confident woman is to know that you are loved by God unconditionally. Romans 5:8 says, …God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us. Even if your natural father did not really love you properly, you can still get the love and acceptance you missed in your childhood from God.

Secret #2—A Confident Woman Refuses To Live In Fear

I think you will agree that refusing to be led by our feelings can be a challenge, especially when it comes to fear. But we must remember that fear is not from God. It is the devil’s tool to keep us from enjoying our lives and moving forward with what God has for us. When we attempt to walk in faith, Satan immediately tries to hinder us through many things, including fear. Fear of failure, judgment or criticism will cause us to bury our talents. It will make us draw back and live in misery and torment. Unless we make a firm decision to “fear not,” we will never be free from its power.

Secret #3—A Confident Woman Is Positive

Being negative and being confident do not go together. Like oil and water, they just don’t mix. Being negative opens the door to a lot of problems and disappointments, which fuels the fire for more negativity. Fear is the “dark room” where all your negatives are developed. So why not look at the brighter side of life and believe something good is going to happen to you?

Secret #4—A Confident Woman Recovers From Setbacks

In this life you and I are inevitably going to experience setbacks. The important thing is that we not see them as failures. We are not a failure just because we try something that doesn’t work. It’s only when we stop trying that we fail. The truth is, many people get confused when they’re trying to figure out what they’re supposed to do with their lives. This was definitely true in my life. I discovered my destiny by trial and error.

Secret #5—A Confident Woman Avoids Comparison

It is impossible to walk in confidence and compare ourselves with others at the same time. No matter how good we look or how talented, smart and successful we are, there is always someone who is better than us. I believe that confidence is found in doing the best we can with what we have. God wants us to find joy in being the best we can be, not in competing or comparing ourselves with others.

Secret #6—A Confident Woman Does Not Live In “If Only” And “What If”

One of the worst things you and I can do is to focus on what we don’t have or have lost and fail to take an inventory of what we do have. I call it living in a state of “if only.” Does this sound familiar: “If only I had more education…more money…more opportunity. If only I were taller, shorter, older, younger…” and the list goes on.

Secret #7—A Confident Woman Takes Action

I have heard it said that there are two types of people in the world: those who wait for something to happen and those who make something happen. It’s true that we need to be careful not to get ahead of God, but we also must be mindful not to be lagging behind. I believe we need to step out into things and find out what God has for us. As I said earlier, if we make a mistake it is not the end of the world.

As a believer, Christ lives inside you, and you’ve got what it takes! I believe that as you seek the Lord and apply these seven secrets to your life, you too will begin experiencing the boldness and confidence God desires you to walk in.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Count your Rainbows (1 Girl Nation) #beautifulsongdiscovery

Feels like you're all alone
Stuck in these highs and lows
Strapped in a merry-go-round and round in circles
The colors in the sky
Are His promise shining bright
So look for a miracle right around the corner

Just remember
Things are gonna change
Just remember
They'll be brighter days

You know the stars can't shine without the dark
A fire can't catch without a spark
Like sunshine mixed with a little bit of rain
Beauty begins right after the pain
So count your rainbows

The hands that paint the sky
And lift the sun to rise
Will keep on holding you close through every season
Mercy and morning light
Breaks through the darkest light
So keep believing
No matter what you're seeing

Just remember
He'll bring you brighter days

Like a rollercoaster
That you can't get off
Gotta throw your hands up
And just make the most
Of the twits and the turns that you can't control
Just wait
At the end there's a pot of gold

Every color
Every hue
Red, yellow, green, blue
Without the rain and the pain
They can't shine through
God made a promise
Oh, don't you know
Just trust in the Lord
And count your rainbows

Monday, January 20, 2014

Go Ahead!

Between good and good, what would you choose?

             Decision-making has been so hard for me these days. Due to the cat scratch/bite incident, I'm up choosing whether be absent for a day or two at work and have an injection on Malolos  or go to work, spend a lot and risk of not finding a hospital that will inject me. -__-

              My Mom and my Aunt we're also confused yesterday, both sides have their own pros and cons. Am I really choosing work over my health? What's the motivation anyway if I'll go to work? Is it just to have a good record, have a chance to be one of the best teachers and go to Korea? OR could it be that God is telling me to have the right motivation first before deciding?

               I wake up confused at 3:20 AM I can almost cry because I don't know what to do. Go to work or go to Malolos? Work? Malolos? Work? I just want to scream!

              Yeah, slowly, my moves are turning to this answer: Work. Work. Work. You know what motivates me this time? It's love. It's the thought that teacher's  would suffer if I'll be absent. I'll miss my students too! What boost this partial decision of mine is somehow the word that I accidentally  (intentional by our God) read in my Bible App " Go ahead...".

               So I did.

               I went ahead.

               I never saw it coming on how God would just turn things around.

               I discovered a clinic in Quezon City (Topmed Diagnostics and Animal Bite Center) wherein they have low price and they're open from 8 AM - 5PM! 5PM! (Almost all the Animal Bite Center that I know closes at 2, 3 or 4 PM!) And just today, I'll discover that there's this clinic? Oh my!

              Since I just discovered it on the internet, I'm not sure how to get there. It was all God-leading. Everything was just perfectly orchestrated --- right jeepney. right time to go down. Oh! With God, it's so easy! So few people! 600 Pesos only! (My first costs 1,300!) Not so painful injection! I just want to scream again!

               Going home, I was in awe. Really in Awe! (I now call myself "Princess in Awe, please do check my Tumblr account: http://princessinawe.tumblr.com/ )My Daddy Go just moved. He's certainly moving!  I just thought "Lagi na lang ako tulala sa jeep Daddy!!!!" All because of His great power..all because of His great favor.. GREAT LOVE!

               God can indeed make a way even if it seems that there's no way. He can part a sea remember? :)

               So my prayer when you're between two good choices is that, you'll hear it from Him and by faith you'll obey.

              In Jesus' name. Amen.


TopMed Diagnostics and Animal Bite Center is located just in front of Quezon City Hall Health Department along Kalayaan Avenue!  <3 br="" nbsp="">              

             He went ahead of us all. :)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

My Beginning...my Forever

In case you certainly want to make me cry, remind me of the cross. You know what, I can't even breathe because of what He did for us ---for me. Breathless. Totally breathless. Breathtaking you say.

Reminded of His wounds that made me healed.. reminded of His question"Do you love ME?"..reminded of His suffering and death..reminded of His purpose for me..

He's calling me to trust in Him. He's calling me to trust in His love...

yung grabeng love.

yung love na mapapahagulgol ka...

yung love na too good to be true, but true.

Parang ang sarap sarap Nya lang yakapin. And I just feel that He's hugging me.

I trust in Jesus. I trust in my Father who gave Him for me...

Lord... how beautiful You are..

I have the best life because I have You...

Monday, January 13, 2014

Cat Fight

Last Sunday, after eating with my co- week 2 Junior Kids volunteers, I just hastily felt an intense pain on my leg. I was shocked and surprised because I really don't know what happened. I eventually saw a cat and..I realized it scratched me. (I'm not even sure if it's a scratch or what..it's so fast..it happened in seconds!)

I've  been struggling about these thoughts:

..should I see a Doctor or what? I got a little headache, cold and cough..
..should I have a vaccine? It's so expensive and I'm afraid of injections..
..what if I don't? I don't want to have Rabies! That's really a serious disease!
..but I'm wearing pants when the cat scratch me..maybe the saliva didn't go further?
I even wash the wound in soap and water.  I even go to the health center yesterday and told me that if it's just a scratch, I should just clean it up with Agua Oxinada and Betadine.

But I searched google.. tons of tips...symptoms and all.
I should get a vaccine right away on Day 0 but it'll be Day 3 tomorrow. I'm still here and confused.

My Mom said if it's just a scratch I don't need a vaccine. ..

Okay..I think I would really go to the Doctor and let them decide..

Consultation tomorrow... Whew!

When my hope is gone
When the fear is strong
When the pain is real
When the it's hard to heal.

When my faith is shaken
And my heart is broken
And my joy is stolen
God I know that you lift me up
You never leave me searching ....


Thursday, January 9, 2014

God's Faithfulness 2013

Here's the list of my answered Faith Goals last  year:

>   Personal Breakthroughs

(the specific ones)

Discipleship 2013

Ignite 2013

Foundation for Victory

To pledge for Real Life Foundation

Wake up early (lol. 2:45 AM na ko gumigising ngayon!)

Planner (got one from Light TV, thanks ate Jam)

I read the 3 books of Pastor Ru! (I have Roadtrip and Refuel..next year Back on Track..hahaha)

Have Savings

(The general ones)

to be more faithful in praying

more meaningful friendships

> Family

Relative's salvation (prayed the prayer of Salvation with my Inang)

To bring the at Victory (nakapagstart na mag one-to-one ang aking nanay, naisama ko na din ang aking Tita.let's continue to prayfor them :))

They know na na umaattend ako ng Victory. ^_^ (What a relief! hahaha)

restoration of relationships

A great work for my brother after graduation (he's now so generous.hahaha)

For my brother to pass his NC II exam

Healing for my Grand mother

> School or Career

I graduated this May 2013 with Honors (Cum Laude by grace!)

OJT at Light TV Network

A career with my passion (I looove teaching  encouraging and speaking in english  now..hahahahaha!)

Favor in our Thesis (whoa, thesis!!!!!)

> Ministry

Victory Weekend of Mela and Jenny

Harvest at every nation (answered to di ba?)

Victory Bulacan's growth

PUP Youth service

to one-to-one  a first year or Second year student (eto ang pinaka malupet, nakapg Victory weekend na sila..hahaha! Hi  Jimna(2nd year) , Heartlyn and Jhesie (first years)!!!

Prayer Partners..our God has been so faithful last year..here's to thank you for believing with me...!!

I'll Remember

I’ll remember this moment..when we share our faith..when we encourage each other after we fail…when we shout..and raise our hands to the Holy One. When we believe for nations and repent for our nation. The band led us to praise, our leaders led us to pray and we cry and we realized what-a-life.

When we thought “He is all that matters” .

When we just want to offer everything of us.

I’ll remember this feeling..when we stood with our hands raised up
in the midst of crowds who stands in faith and love…

All the prayers..all the mountains we’ll move..I will have the time of my life fighting this Good Fight with you..